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New Mark Beaumont Article - 10 Geeky Facts About Muse's 'Absolution' - 10 Years On


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<3 Wouldn't be able to do that without photoshopping it no? If you did it that way..


Also I want a mac so much.


I suppose depending on the angle of the sun and all the stilts' shadow may be hidden underneath the actual proper shadow, but for some reason I seem to recall them not being hidden...?

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I'm really enjoying the biography he wrote: 'Out Of This World: The Story of Muse.'

In case anyone's worried that Matt might have sold his soul to the devil,people have said this about other brilliant musicians before. It's a load of rubbish. Human beings are capable of spectacular things; Matt is just an exceptionally talented musician who works hard at perfecting his craft.:yesey:

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What do you mean?


I presume he's referring to the Faustian reference in the original song title for TSP


unless you mean other musicians, in which case Robert Johnson springs to mind


I was referring to something Mark Beaumont said in the article. Yes, Robert Johnson claimed to have sold his soul to the devil in return for the ability to be a wonderful guitarist. People thought the violinist Paganini had sold his soul to the devil but I'm sure neither of them had. Faust sold his soul to the devil to be young again so he could win the love of a young woman but he's a fictional character.

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I was referring to something Mark Beaumont said in the article. Yes, Robert Johnson claimed to have sold his soul to the devil in return for the ability to be a wonderful guitarist. People thought the violinist Paganini had sold his soul to the devil but I'm sure neither of them had. Faust sold his soul to the devil to be young again so he could win the love of a young woman but he's a fictional character.


So is the devil.

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Either that or you sold it when you were 7 for sweets.


That would explain why when I tried to sell it for a Nintendo, all I got was a lousy Sega. :phu:


OT, I can see the "old" theme of insanity on a lot of the Abso tracks more than I can see them as some "sociopolitical masterpiece," tbh.


I still haven't read that book... Did the band authorize it? I always felt a sense of "some guy wrote a book based on personal information his friends told him" when I tried reading parts of it. :unsure:

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That would explain why nothing ever happens when I try and sell my soul for money...


All this time I just thought I had a shitty soul or something.


There are two possibilities. Either you don't believe that God exists in which case you don't believe the devil exists or you believe both God and the Devil exist. If you believe the latter then God is more powerful than the Devil because He is Almighty God so you would be wasting your time with the Devil. Why do business with the second best? Besides, the Devil only exists because God allows him to so he is a LOSER! Why would you want to associate with losers?:rolleyes:

I believe all talent is God given. Matt Bellamy was BORN talented; he doesn't need any extra supernatural help.

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