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"€69 for listening to Muse on tape" - Technician talking about the Werchter gig


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I guess I don't see why this is a big deal, then.

The guy clearly used the word "playback" to get attention, but I don't see where he claimed they actually mimed things, unless it got lost in translation.


I never really thought Morgan played absolutely everything the band can't, and I never minded either way.

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There is a big difference between playback and what he describes. This is essentially live multi-tracking. Its obvious that Muse rely greatly on multi-tracking in the studio so it is even more necessary in a live situation where any weakness in the sound will be noticed by the crowd. It is not the crowds demanding perfection, its Muse wanting to replicate the largeness of the studio track.


I think there was a bit of sensationalizing on both sides. The guy shouldn't have said playback as it simply isn't playback as we commonly know it and the journalist for running with unconfirmed allegations.


Really? You'd say in an environment where the acoustics may or may not be so great, you have a tonne of people singing along and may be jumping/singing along yourself that you'd be standing there thinking....hmmmm, this guitar isn't quite as beefy as I'd like. I sure would like it to be multitracked to create an all round better listening experience



Also I swear I read an interview in the past year where they said they wanted to do as little multiple takes on guitar as possible.


You don't need 'live multitracking' to create a large sound

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Also I swear I read an interview in the past year where they said they wanted to do as little multiple takes on guitar as possible.


It was one guitar track for each song. And so far I have yet to find evidence of a double tracked guitar so I guess they were being serious.

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Really? You'd say in an environment where the acoustics may or may not be so great, you have a tonne of people singing along and may be jumping/singing along yourself that you'd be standing there thinking....hmmmm, this guitar isn't quite as beefy as I'd like. I sure would like it to be multitracked to create an all round better listening experience



Also I swear I read an interview in the past year where they said they wanted to do as little multiple takes on guitar as possible.


You don't need 'live multitracking' to create a large sound


I have repeatedly seen people complaining that TIRO isn't "beefy" as it used to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah they fuck up way too much to be miming. I mean I still think they exaggerate quite how much Morgan does but it's still obviously a live performance. Talking out his arse



I was thinking the same thing. Also after watching pretty much every live video on youtube for the past decade there's so many subtle variations and improvs matt does with songs live both in guitar and vocal that comes across matched exactly to how he's performing. Its completely bs that they use play back. Obviously they use tracks for synths and orchestras and all the electronics and stuff duh. But thats it. And theres definitely no use of multi tracked guitars like the article is saying. Like I said too many random variations improvisations that are different each performance that itd be impossible to have it tracked.

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Sounded/looked as if the guitar was live too, unless he always does that bit at the end? (I haven't actually watched any Muse for years).

As I said, it sounded like it was live because it was pre-recorded from a live rehearsal a few days earlier :p

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