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"I are droid" plagiarize the artwork of The Resistance


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Hi guys!


Some fellow Swedish musers discovered that an (unknown) band called "I are droid" uses artwork which is, to a very large extent, the same as the exogenesis artwork and the resistance artwork. Here is their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iaredroid




They claim it's a coincidence, but seriously, there are just too many details which are the same, so I doubt it is. The people in the band have been listening to Muse before, although they claim to have stopped doing it when muse started to make "mock-opera" music (that how they put it at least). And I don't think one could refer to black holes or any album before that as really "operatic", but the resistance might be (I think). So they have most probably seen the artwork (the band still claims the guy who designed it, Kilian Eng, has NEVER seen the artwork of The Resistance). The band is not famous or anything, however plagiarism is wrong no matter who does it. What is your opinion?

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Speaking of plagiarism :awesome:


:LOL: Thats a great one Fabri.


And yes i think it's pretty clear the similarities in that artwork. I don't understand why anyone would copy something put out by one of the biggest bands and biggest labels in the world. Everybody is going to know :chuckle:

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Speaking of plagiarism :awesome:

Absolutely plagiarizing Bliss, but I quite liked it, sort of a more current version of Bliss melody. But then I kept waiting for Matt to start singing :LOL:


As for the artwork, yes, heavily 'inspired' by The Resistance & Exo artwork.


Speaking of plagiarism, whatever happened to that sad fellow from Texas who sued Muse a few months ago, claiming the whole Exogenesis idea was his? The kicker in his argument-- he also claimed to have shown Muse the TR artwork! Sure, buddy- guess he'll have to sue 'I are droid' too then! :rolleyes::LOL:

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Well yes, it's quite clear. Still a nice artwork though.


Speaking of plagiarism :awesome:


no wonder why people find it amazing: it's muse! :D I like the remix though :p wish he would give some credit to muse :(


I've tried to contact the guy who "designed" the artwork for I are droid. I'll try to spam muse and Tom on twitter as well, it might get through :)

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Absolutely plagiarizing Bliss, but I quite liked it, sort of a more current version of Bliss melody. But then I kept waiting for Matt to start singing :LOL:


As for the artwork, yes, heavily 'inspired' by The Resistance & Exo artwork.


Speaking of plagiarism, whatever happened to that sad fellow from Texas who sued Muse a few months ago, claiming the whole Exogenesis idea was his? The kicker in his argument-- he also claimed to have shown Muse the TR artwork! Sure, buddy- guess he'll have to sue 'I are droid' too then! :rolleyes::LOL:


Didn't like it at all, it sounds like a mashup of a Bliss piano cover and a Bliss 8-bit version with dubstep beats :LOL:


no wonder why people find it amazing: it's muse! :D I like the remix though :p wish he would give some credit to muse :(


I've tried to contact the guy who "designed" the artwork for I are droid. I'll try to spam muse and Tom on twitter as well, it might get through :)


I don't think they would care that much, this band is quite small isn't it?

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Cool artowrk, but the thing is, denying the OBVIOUS plagiarism makes them look like cocks. If they just admitted it most people wouldn't care.


They probably denied it 'cause they stopped listening to muse when 'muse started to make "mock-opera" music', whatever that means. In other words they're shy to admit they're influenced by Muse, methinks.

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That's exactly what makes me angry, not only do they deny the plagiarism, but they also say that muse are shit basically (now that makes me always angry :p ) of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but seeing that they are copying muse's artwork, they are simply being hypocritical.

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That's exactly what makes me angry, not only do they deny the plagiarism, but they also say that muse are shit basically (now that makes me always angry :p ) of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but seeing that they are copying muse's artwork, they are simply being hypocritical.



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