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To me, this album combines some of their best songs unfortunately thrown in with a few of their worst.


Animals, Supremacy and Panic Station are truly brilliant. Return to the Muse we all know and love.


Follow me sounds great live so I'll say I'm a fan of that but not a fan of the album (nero) version. I also like Liquid State and think it will be great live.


Madness is growing on me and I actually really like Isolated System.


Survival, Save Me are just ok at best.


Explorers, Big Freeze, Unsustainable = What the hell were you thinking!


I can only think that they could have made a pretty solid 8 or 9 song album by cutting out the weak tunes.


On a good note. The band are sounding phenomenal live and I'm sure some of these songs we're not fans of on the album will come to new life when they are played live as most do with Muse.

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Overall a mix of different genres, styles and sounds. Which, if you like a running theme throughout an album, you won't like this on them grounds. I for one say embrace the diversity of it all;


Supremacy - Epic opening which smacks of Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.


Madness - Just a really really good song which gets better with every listen.


Panic Station - Funked up to the max and bass sound which conjures up the John Deacon in Chris.


Prelude - is a sweet sounding orchestral progression into...


Survival - The 'Olympics' song we all know. The modern day love and hate song.


Follow Me - Slower, moodier sound, with the upbeat chorus. More 'Classic' Muse song structure but with added Dubstep undertones on this one. More of that to follow later.


Animals - Another moody number, same as Follow Me with the 'old' Muse theme.


Explorers - Slow, 'exploring' throughout. Matt at his classic space exploration song writing best.


Big Freeze - On first listen is a bit all over the place for me. Might be a grower after a few more listens.


Save Me - Chris' first effort. Slow and heart-felt lyrics. Completely different direction with Chris at the mic.


Liquid State - Chris now in full Dave Grohl mode. Rockier and dirtier sound. Like it! Really like it!


We now move into the 2nd Law (of thermodynamics) mode of the album...aka the instrumental phase.


Unsustainable - Dubstep with sound samples. Think Beatles' Revolution 9 on acid.


Isolated System - This is a homage to Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells with more sound samples.


So overall, a mix of everything here. A good concept album with a couple of singles here. Again, embrace the diversity! A lot of people will be put off by it but try and see through it and appreciate each song as a singular piece.


The big test is transferring this to stage for the live shows coming up. I am at the O2 on the 27th October and am looking forward to the experience as always.


Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2012/sep/24/muse-2nd-law-album-stream

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Does anyone else find it creepy that Matt put Bing's heartbeat on Isolated System too?


Like a journalist said, Isolated System ends with the sounds of the world dying, but it also ends with the sounds of the heartbeat dying.


I find it really haunting and depressive. But great. I love this kind of details in songs

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Just finished my first listen and I like it. A lot.


It's Muse Captain, but not as we know it. And that's no bad thing, not because I dislike what has come before but because I like bands to evolve. Sometimes that will work, sometimes it will be crash and burn.


Survival is the weak point for me even though I enjoy it. I just don't think it fits on the album... or possibly any album!:LOL: It's tongue-in-cheek cheese for the Olympics and I think that's how Matt intended it to sound.


Forget Adele (please!), Supremacy should be the new Bond theme, it even has Bond undertones in the layers beneath.

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Does anyone else find it creepy that Matt put Bing's heartbeat on Isolated System too?


Like a journalist said, Isolated System ends with the sounds of the world dying, but it also ends with the sounds of the heartbeat dying.


How do you know it's Bing's heartbeat?

I've only heard him say it's in Follow Me.

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So do we have to wait 'til 2015 to get a new record?:stunned::stunned:


Talk about modern people having short attention spans...the current album tracks have been out for one day.


Matt's vocals are so off for me on several tracks (at least on shitty stream quality)...I feel like he is even kind of mocking the listeners...doing a weird parody version of himself and seeing people eat it up. I'm sure I'll get used to them, I just wanted to record my strong reaction to them. It's frustrating as he clearly got the chops to sing amazingly and some times that shines through for some amazing moments.


Explorers is kind of a disgusting song, upon repeated listens, not just a filler. The end of the track saves it a bit though...not much.


I like Big Freeze, I got no beef with it. The "king of the universe" part immediately makes me think a Lion King musical moment, for some reason.


Also, I don't get why people demand every song to end with riffing and massive build ups (I've seen these comments for Liquid State, Animals and Isolated System). I mean, that would definitely be Muse being repetive. Not every Muse song has to be built like that.


I do like this album so much more than TR. It has it's cringe-worthy moments and wtf? production choices, but it still feels a lot more exciting than TR in every way.


/some random thoughts after one more album listen

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