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I haven't had the best luck with eurotubes. I've heard of other people having issues as well.


I only really buy from Doug now, and NOS stuff from KCA.


How would you describe the distorted sounds on the Rhodes?


I gave up looking for an amp that does everything. It's like you can't have a good clean, OD, and lead channel.... you have to pick one or the other


I know that's not true, but I think the only amp I had that came close to that was the H&K triamp MK II




Yeah, I remember being on MSN with you trying to troubleshoot it... ended up switching them out one by one haha


I can't remember if you ever sorted the reverb issue though


I had a big issue with KCA, I'll never buy anything from him again and I'll warn everyone away from him. He's a major asshole in my book.


The Rhodes is a modern sounding amp. I'm looking for clips but all of the ones that I've found are way too "brutalz" for my liking. Lots of extended range players have started using them because they are aggressive yet still clear. I might try and hit Kyle up for a loaner so my friend Chris and I can record some clips that show the range and character of the amp.



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that is indeed a USB audiobox, a few things are nescessary indeed to make it work properly.


First of all is to make sure the USB port you use has no interference with any other ports on the laptop. I have an ASUS N53jq and it has 2 usb-ports on one side and a 3.0 on the other along with a 'hybrid' eSATA / USB port.


I found out that the 'hybrid' port had the best connection, it always worked properly without interference.


The installation of the driver was a bit tricky, as sometimes after installation it wouldn't function properly or something..


Finally: make sure that if your laptop's powersupply is plugged in that it isn't charging the battery when you use the audiobox, I had problems once and the only conclusion I could make was that it caused major interference.

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Mine works with my SE2200A but god knows what voltage that needs


I wanna buy a new interface because i think mine is fucked but not bad enough to get it repaired/swapped through warranty/service.


If i get one with a few outs and ins (something like 6 ins + 6 outs) will i be able to use them kinda like inserts? (without actually having inserts on my interface)

I think if i use one of the outs, connect that to an FX pedal or whatever and then route the FXs output to one of the inputs on the interface then it will work as an insert.


Is there anything extra to inserts i don't know?

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it's not 100% clear, but yeh you could do inserts.


I have soundcards with 8 analogue ins and outs, so I need 2 outs for stereo monitoring, and 1 in for my bass. That means I only have 6 outs and 7 ins spare. You need an out and an in for each mono insert, so I would only be able to hook up 6 seperate pedal chains.


I did do it once but it just felt pointless after a while. Now I record clean, feed that back out to one or two effects chains, get happy with the settings, then record those chains on another two inputs.


I guess using inserts would be good if you had a rack full of effects with digital presets.

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it's not 100% clear, but yeh you could do inserts.


I have soundcards with 8 analogue ins and outs, so I need 2 outs for stereo monitoring, and 1 in for my bass. That means I only have 6 outs and 7 ins spare. You need an out and an in for each mono insert, so I would only be able to hook up 6 seperate pedal chains.


I did do it once but it just felt pointless after a while. Now I record clean, feed that back out to one or two effects chains, get happy with the settings, then record those chains on another two inputs.


I guess using inserts would be good if you had a rack full of effects with digital presets.


I am thinking about using inserts for sending sounds out of my DAW into some of my pedals then get them back into my DAW without using a microphone and stuff.


Btw what you said about recording clean and using that clean recording sounds super awesome. It is kinda like re-amping right?


Would it be possible to record something like a guitar solo into my interface directly without using any effects and stuff (so i will get a clean take) and the send taht clean take into my amp and record that? Are AD/DA converters good enough for doing that? Will my clean recording sound the same as actually plugging my guitar into the amp? (assuming i can match the soundcard's/interface's output level with my guitar's output) Will i need a DI box or something?

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yeh you can use pedals on inserts in your DAW - that's what I was describing but obviously not being very clear


Any sort of re-recording of a recording with a little more gain would be "re amping" I think? It's just a term, fuck knows why people use it.


I don't think recording your guitar take clean and then playing that out of your computer into your amp will sound great. Your computer probably has a very low impedance compared to the output of your guitar.


It depends really - if your going straight from passive guitar to amp then computer to amp will probably sound ass. If you're going from your guitar through a load of peddles with a shitty KP2 at the end, you probably won't notice any difference between that and going from computer to amp.


EDIT: I have done this by the way - recorded guitar clean and then sent it out to an amp which was mic'd, but it did kind of sound shit compared to the guitar going straight into the amp so i've not done it since. I think we have to assume it's the impedance causing the problem

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yeh you can use pedals on inserts in your DAW - that's what I was describing but obviously not being very clear


Any sort of re-recording of a recording with a little more gain would be "re amping" I think? It's just a term, fuck knows why people use it.


I don't think recording your guitar take clean and then playing that out of your computer into your amp will sound great. Your computer probably has a very low impedance compared to the output of your guitar.


It depends really - if your going straight from passive guitar to amp then computer to amp will probably sound ass. If you're going from your guitar through a load of peddles with a shitty KP2 at the end, you probably won't notice any difference between that and going from computer to amp.


EDIT: I have done this by the way - recorded guitar clean and then sent it out to an amp which was mic'd, but it did kind of sound shit compared to the guitar going straight into the amp so i've not done it since. I think we have to assume it's the impedance causing the problem


That is pretty sad, i thought i can fiddle with FX knobs while my guitar part is played by the computer into my amp.


But impedance is not an unsolvable issue. It is possible to insert a circuit between the amp and the computer which "converts" the soundcard impedance into a guitar like impedance. I think that is the role of a DI box but i am not sure. (i think for "soundcard to guitar" impedance "conversion" you will need an inverse DI box, they are existing but i don't know what are they called)


But i have a fear that the the lot of AD/DA coversions are the problem. When you record the clean part there is an AD conversion. Then when you send it out to the amp/FX there is a DA conversion. Then when you capture it again there is an additional AD conversion.

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I don't think AD/DA is going to fuck it up. You can get variable impedence buffers.


I think it's fine on bass going to pedals because i'm always using an active bass anyway, and so the peddles like the computer's "active" outputs.


Maybe I didn't try hard enough when going from computer to amp to get a good sound, but yeh, if you had some sort of impedence control in between the two you could sort it out.


Of course impedence is constantly varying so you have to make sure you don't compress or EQ the dry signal

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That is pretty sad, i thought i can fiddle with FX knobs while my guitar part is played by the computer into my amp.


But impedance is not an unsolvable issue. It is possible to insert a circuit between the amp and the computer which "converts" the soundcard impedance into a guitar like impedance. I think that is the role of a DI box but i am not sure. (i think for "soundcard to guitar" impedance "conversion" you will need an inverse DI box, they are existing but i don't know what are they called)


But i have a fear that the the lot of AD/DA coversions are the problem. When you record the clean part there is an AD conversion. Then when you send it out to the amp/FX there is a DA conversion. Then when you capture it again there is an additional AD conversion.


What you're talking about is called Re-amping. There are several boxes on the market that do exactly what you're talking about. The best are crazy expensive but I think that some good ones are reasonable. The Little Labs LSD is the best of the best but it's stupid money. Radial has one that is good too.



Edited by Impulse 101
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Nice, are you replacing the bridge with something similar? I know you told me the gotoh floyds were good.


What do you think of the ibanez bridges? I'm having a guitar built which is going to have a lo pro.


Oh and also, I know you have the matching cabinet for your bassman - what's it loaded with?


I've got a 4 ohm cab to use with mine, but it's got a V30 and G12H which probably aren't the best match.

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The lo-pro is a great bridge but I personally prefer the Gotoh FR to anything else in the genre. I will put a Gotoh on the ESP, but it will require some routing so for now I'm just leaving it blocked.


The first thing I'm doing is re-wiring the EMG's and then I will sand the neck finish just a hair. I've already blocked the trem and I'm going to have it set up when I have the trem replaced, until them it's just a practice guitar.


I've always wanted one of these guitar. They were among my favorite guitars in the 80's. I really dug Vernon Reid's ESP from the Cult Of Personality video. I may repaint this guitar to look more like Paige Hamilton's than Kirk Hammet's, but that won't happen until AFTER I get my new Suhr.



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Nice, are you replacing the bridge with something similar? I know you told me the gotoh floyds were good.


What do you think of the ibanez bridges? I'm having a guitar built which is going to have a lo pro.


The lo pros are supposed to be alright, I like the ones (EDGE?) on JEMs. the recent ibanez ones are way better than they used to be. ive an RG from 2001 and the bridge was laughably horrendous, i had it dissasembled for a long time and only put it back together to dive bomb til the strings broke (really) but the bridge was balls.

rather than do the smart thing like buy a proper replaecment i bought one off ebay for £16(!) I swear its actually made of rubber. one twist on the screws at the nut and they are now round lol. ahwell

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I've always loved these and I found this one crazy cheap in a Music-Go-Round in Milwaukee.


The Floyd needs to be replaced but other than that it's a great shred machine.






Love this, i have had a few ESP's the kh-2 vintage was fantastic, based on this but with 2 humbuckers, sounded massive!

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