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you lot are no fun



Actually, I can't remember if he DID ask me to keep quiet about them, but I always have anyway


One of my other favorite bands which I hardly listen to anymore (a lot like Muse I guess :rolleyes: )






Long story, but I now own the weird blue guitar (it's a prototype of a dipinto guitar) in the first video and the old guild M75 in the second video


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James, I think I just found either you or the previous owner of the Dipinto on le internets :eek:


If it's you, you're fit.


If it isn't you (which I think it isn't, I think it's a guy named Chad), then the guitar is nice and your identity remains a mystery.


I've found that also ...:ninja: "Chad" also owns the guild that James now owns also...hmmmmmmmmm

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my bad


James, I think I just found either you or the previous owner of the Dipinto on le internets :eek:


If it's you, you're fit.


If it isn't you (which I think it isn't, I think it's a guy named Chad), then the guitar is nice and your identity remains a mystery.


Nope, that's not me (I got the guitars from him), but I'll tell him you think he's fit ;)


The pictures you probably saw are from when he had them. I bought them in 2009 and 2010.


Here there are on my tone carpet to prove it









thats tim wheeler :facepalm:



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