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give me some advices on using this photo machine - I want to take some new pictures, but I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest. I even read the manual this time.


I guess you can have this for now. this was my AWESOME rewire job before I sent it off, but I'm probably going to have the switch and output jack replaced. the grounds on the volume pot need to be redone as well






also, 33nf is the value of the tone cap, which seems a bit unusual. the last one had the same cap as well.

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i'll start with the toans, cos it'll be a shorter issue. 33nF is high, but not excessive. imo, 10n-47n is a nice range. I cant remember what i usually use, but i think it was a 12n or a 22n.


As for your photomajigger, what kind of a camera is it?


The way I tend to photograph my gear is a bit of an unconventional method, but i like it because it means I can completely avoid using flash. I have an 18-55mm lens at the moment, purely because it's the standard one that comes with my Nikon D3100. With that, I use it on Manual Mode, iso at around 200-400. Then I'll usually vary the f number and the shutter speed to get the shot I want. So, if I'm taking a closeup, say of wiring or a bridge, or the inside of a pedal, I'll have the f number as low as it'll go (i think my lens will only go to around f4.5) and then set the shutter to a fairly slow speed, between maybe 1/25 and 1/60. For further out shots, like of the whole guitar, I'll bring the f back a bit, maybe to f10-f22, and bring the shutter up. For those ones, you might have to bring the iso down a bit too.


Alternatively, just turn it to flash-mode, turn off flash, and let the camera do the work.

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I would say F10-22 is a bit over the top; most lenses perform the best around F8.0.


For close-ups: use the lowest number (which funnily enough means the highest aperture) and keep the ISO at 400 max; try not to zoom in too much if you can, bearing in mind that your closest focussing distance is usually about 30cm. Be sure to keep your subject a bit centered. The neck joint was my focus in this one as you can see.

This one's at 2.8, 1/8th at 18mm


Ibanez '83 Roadstar II by MatthijsQ, on Flickr

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What is actually wrong with that guitar you half built?


Neck is shit


Body is probably salvageable to be honest. Just the routing on the back is a bit messy, sides aren't really finished (rounded off etc) and the ferrules on the back are a bit wonky. Nothing majorly wrong I don't think, but then I'm not an expert luthier


Basically I just gave up doing anything with it after GCSEs

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Dominic that's actually a very nice setup with the AC30 and muff. If you threw in a boost of some sort, you'd have me sold. ;) /jackwhitefanboi




Can you link any good examples of someone using a boost?


I just bought that Ultimate Octave off James so will be adding that to it all shortly. One day I'd like to get a Blackstar OD pedal too. Basically I'm copying Will's rig

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