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Here is my new Fender Blacktop Telecaster. Even before I left the shop I had the 'amp' knobs replaced with regular tele style knobs, me likey!

It F-ing screams heavy rock tones with my JVM, exactly what I was looking for!








Also, I'm quite happy with the camera on my HTC Sensation :p

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Is the Blacktop good in your opinion? I tried one in the store (they only had one), and it felt almost like a Squier or something. Maybe it was just setup bad because I never really checked carefully.

I love their designs so I'm considering one.

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I'd say it was setup badly then, as mine plays effortlessly, the neck is a bit thinner than a regular C-shape and the pickups are beefy as fuck.

There is a demo on youtube of some german guy for a shop with a JVM, so you can sorta see how it sounds here with me :p

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I tried one in the store (they only had one), and it felt almost like a Squier or something.


You say that like its a bad thing?


Even though I'm a total gear snob, I have to admit that a proper setup does wonders for the Squiers and MIM Fenders


This, Squiers are some of the nicest guitars on the market, no joke. Even the shitty low end crap is not bad at all. I played an Affinity Telecaster at a practice a few weeks ago when I broke a string on Daphne, and it sounded really quite nice.


Having said that, I do tend to lean towards trashier sounds :awesome:


Blacktop looks nice Xut, good call on the nobs ;)

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You say that like its a bad thing?


It was like 2 in the morning so I couldn't think of a better word for it. I have a Squier that I still use so I'm not bashing it or anything.

I really wish I could try another one but it's like a 45 minute drive to the next music store.

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Phill, any advice on how to photograph these? I've found that manual focus shows the finish better, but screws everything else up :facepalm:









looks like low light in the room, if you want to shot in that kind of light a tripod would get you great results, low f stop and the lowest iso you can get away with.

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Yeah I agree with Sherpa. Use a tripod or just stand the camera on something and use the timer so it doesn't wobble when you press the shutter button.

I'd prop the case up against the wall so the light is going across the body rather than straight on, it could catch the glitter better that way.

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Phill, any advice on how to photograph these? I've found that manual focus shows the finish better, but screws everything else up :facepalm:











If you're using a dslr, turn off the flash, make sure the room is pretty well lit, set the f to between 4 and 7, ISO to 100, and the shutter speed to probably something between 60-150. Something around those settings is what I usually use, particularly if you want to get those kind of shots where something is in focus, eg, pickups or strings, and the rest is blurred. If you want the whole thing in focus, just increase the f number and the shutter speed.



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a wider apeture (higher f number) and slower shutter speed is better than putting iso at 6400. If you're not using a tripod, you should be able to bring shutter to as low as about 1/25, but less than that and you'll start to get motion blur just from holding it, unless you've really steady hands. When I'm not stressed, I can just about get away with 1/20. Try something between 1/25 and 1/100 with an iso of maybe 200 or 400 and you should be ok.

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a wider apeture (higher f number) and slower shutter speed is better than putting iso at 6400. If you're not using a tripod, you should be able to bring shutter to as low as about 1/25, but less than that and you'll start to get motion blur just from holding it, unless you've really steady hands. When I'm not stressed, I can just about get away with 1/20. Try something between 1/25 and 1/100 with an iso of maybe 200 or 400 and you should be ok.


Thanks - this is what I have now... the red one still doesn't look right for some reason. I set the camera to what you said (ISO 100, F at 5, but I don't know what the shutter speed was exactly)







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they came out much better. For the blue manson though, it looks like you could up the shutter speed by 1 step of whatever your camera will do. for the pink red manson, the contrast of the red vs blue case looks awesome.


there's a lot of little details in those guitars I never noticed before, like, it looks like the blue one's scratchplate is brushed aluminium, albeit lightly brushed. (I'm also curious as to what the button where the pickup selector should be does...) and on the rust relic, the screws look far more pronounced on the scratchplate, but on closer look, it seems like that's down to the mirror effect.


I might be working in NY by the end of the year. If i do, I wanna have a go :ninja:



also, the neck on the rust relic looks different. I don't see the truss rod nut where the gap for it is...

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they came out much better. For the blue manson though, it looks like you could up the shutter speed by 1 step of whatever your camera will do. for the pink red manson, the contrast of the red vs blue case looks awesome.


there's a lot of little details in those guitars I never noticed before, like, it looks like the blue one's scratchplate is brushed aluminium, albeit lightly brushed. (I'm also curious as to what the button where the pickup selector should be does...) and on the rust relic, the screws look far more pronounced on the scratchplate, but on closer look, it seems like that's down to the mirror effect.


I might be working in NY by the end of the year. If i do, I wanna have a go :ninja:



also, the neck on the rust relic looks different. I don't see the truss rod nut where the gap for it is...


It's a push button kill switch :awesome:


I don't think the rust relic ever had a spoke wheel truss rod adjuster, which is strange, because the mirror does (and that was built at the same time)






You'll notice the rust relic has had dot inlays added if you look at that first picture, but that was done years back.


And sure. We should go to the EHX factory - I know you didn't get to last time

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yeah, that sucked ass... It would have been awesome.


Also, if you can get me a job in NY (inside or outside of the city) i'd be eternally grateful, and you would be repaid in fuzz. hahahaha :p


I need fuzz peddles :(


What are you looking to do exactly?

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Well.... assuming all my exam (yes, just one) goes well, as of about the 10th of June, my official title will be "Graduate Architect." I think they call them "Junior Architect" in some countries, like US and Canada, but it can be easily summed up by saying "I'm a graduate architect with a B.Arch. and B.Sc., both in architecture."


I'd ideally like to work in a firm, but jobs are really really slim across the whole world at the moment. Right now though, my main concern is just to get my various projects finished. I'm doing an 800 seater concert hall for my final thesis project. I've been doing that since January, and I've only about 7 weeks left. Right now, it looks like a giant pebble. I honestly don't know what the plan is for getting a job. A lot of my buddies from last year are over in facking landan babay, but i'd rather get out of the UK/Ireland area. If i could get set up in NY, I'd never ever ever leave. My heart is in NY, always has been since my first visit in 1994.



alternatively, I'd like to drop the bass.

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for what it's worth, I have 3 fuzz pedals that need to be finished. A cannon that just needs pots and jacks, one that's based on a fuzz face, but with very high gain (higher than Analogman's Dark Peppermint fuzz) which is a bit like a Fuzz Factory that doesn't oscilate, and one based on a poweramp IC that basically drives the signal so hard that it goes into clipping even on low gains. It's like a heavy boost into an already heavily overdriven amp. Nothing too special, and i might scrap that one, cos it's very tempermental.

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