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He has a jazz pu in the bridge though ;)


The Sandberg is a relic'ed model, I think about 4 years old now. The Ibanez has proper roadwear since '83 but I've had it for about 4 years now. I love the wear and tear on it, also because it means I don't have to be overly careful with it.

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More Hi-Rez goodness.










Oh lordy I'm jelly. How well does it play?



They all sound the same to me anyway.




Well I can't tell the diff between a Les Paul and a Strat so the bassist/guitarist ignorance coefficient balances out

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I got it set up recently and it plays great. A bit heavy compared to my others perhaps (but my other basses are set up really low, so it's still no problem).



Also reminds me alot of the ATk line Ibanez currently makes



Put some .50s on it for more b33f.


DR 50-110s. Best evar.

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You boost using an EQ pedal right? Would you also use the bass pre-amp?


It depends on the bass. With my schecter, yeh, if I solo the bridge pickup I have to boost the bass loads on the pre-amp to compensate, but then on my new bass, it's fine with the pre-amp flat.


Most of my tone is based on trying to keep a nice constant fat rumble in the low end, so if you can accomplish that with the bridge pickup, then when you start bringing out the high mids it's really powerful.


I remember the first time I solo'd the bridge pickup on my schecter and it was so weak, it didn't try it again for years!

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