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Most Under-rated track?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Most Under-rated track?

    • Escape
    • Exo-Politics
    • Screenager
    • Thoughts of a Dying Atheist
    • Bliss, actually heh
    • Other (please specify)

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Apocalypse Please!!!


I've always thought that this was pretty well liked by fans.


But there are alot of really underrated ones IMO - Map of Your Head comes to mind. :D ToaDA as well, I liked that as soon as I heard it which is why I'm surprised that people seem to be so critical of it. :(


Aaaand..... even though I might be flamed for this.... :LOL: Feeling Good, Guiding Light and Invincible. Those seem to receive alot of hate but I love them! Invincible especially. :D

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ENDLESSLY! Seriously! And also Easily. It's easily my favorite B-Side (see what I did there?). Con-Science (epic) and Falling Away With You. I really can't believe I used to skip FAWY. Such an incredible song.

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ENDLESSLY! Seriously! And also Easily. It's easily my favorite B-Side (see what I did there?). Con-Science (epic) and Falling Away With You. I really can't believe I used to skip FAWY. Such an incredible song.


I'm surprised FAWY was never officially played at a concert. It looks to be a practical song to play.


Endlessly is pretty good too.

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So many songs don't seem to get nearly enough mention.. Ones that come to mind atm are:



Hate This and I'll Love You



I'm sure plenty more I'll think of later, but these are just the main ones that bug me when they are never mentioned (especially darkshines and Hate This since they are on albums)

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What exactly would make it bad live?

Who knows? They just said it "didn't work". Maybe the atmosphere couldn't be translated on the quieter bit to the live performances, which would make the whole song quite dull and pointless.

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  • 2 months later...

If we are looking for that Kinks song was good but went almost ignored or mainstream music world it is likely that a dozen. Celluloid Heroes has a lot of my FM Be part of the world but that does not go anywhere I wanted to see were my friends days at the Shangri-La Ducks on the wall and Sweet Lady Genevieve for the my last choice.

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What? The Resistance was praised pretty much everywhere.


well, i said hate, but didnt really mean it like that, if you get me?

if you read their review on it, they didn't give a single song 5 stars and said it is "musically all to familiar", so they don't hate on it- they just don't praise it as much as it should be praised, its an awesome album

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