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exo pt.1







nishe + usoe


helsinki jam + UD

(riff) + tiro

interlude + hysteria





if they get CE, the US officially will have been screwed.





I think the US have already been screwed over after them just getting Sunburn, B&H, Bliss and MK all in one setlist.

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you guys are a disgrace seriously... is it you paying for these tickets or your parents and second of all if your a true muser you would never the less go to see them... UGh people these days. DISGRACE!
"People these days"


Dude, you are 20. You hardly have the ability to pretend you've been around for long enough to imply that you've witnessed a significant generation change.


As for everything else, perhaps you should try to see things from other peoples points of view, as opposed to your own and just your own.

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Just got up and looked at the twitter list....Did they REALLY play SUNBURN???????:eek:
and B&H and Bliss.


fucking second night syndrome better not continue - make all the remaining gigs like this please


muse are good trolls indeed

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you guys are a disgrace seriously... is it you paying for these tickets or your parents and second of all if your a true muser you would never the less go to see them... UGh people these days. DISGRACE!


Uhm. No. Am I not allowed to have an opinion? I'm just saying how fucked up it is that Muse are doing this. And I'm sick of it. And what the hell is the meaning of a "true muser"? I think people have different interpretations of that. And my parents NEVER payed for any of the 4 tickets I just purchased for my US shows.

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