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Muse v. Brandon Flowers Best Video of the Year - Fuse TV


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Can I close this thread? I spent an hour getting it tied up to 50/50 and its back down to 46% Muse again. I should never have posted this here! I really just think Brandon Flowers is a big douche and his music is mediocre. My opinion. Resistance is a better song and I like the fact that they really show how a concert of theirs is. I didn't like the BF song so what would make me want to watch the video?:stunned:


It's not about whether you think the song is better, it's about whether you think the video is better. And in this case the Brandon Flowers video is better than the Muse video. Put the video on mute then you don't have to offend your ears for just those few minutes it would take.


And what makes you think it's because you posted that thread here that the Flowers video is leading? Perhaps there's millions of music fans who prefer the Crossfire video? Doing a concert video is a lazy way to do a commercial release video, and most of the world knows this.

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It's not about whether you think the song is better, it's about whether you think the video is better. And in this case the Brandon Flowers video is better than the Muse video. Put the video on mute then you don't have to offend your ears for just those few minutes it would take.


And what makes you think it's because you posted that thread here that the Flowers video is leading? Perhaps there's millions of music fans who prefer the Crossfire video? Doing a concert video is a lazy way to do a commercial release video, and most of the world knows this.

My thoughts exactly, thanks, now I don't have to make a sleepy incomprehensible comment. :chuckle: Of course I love Muse but I also love Brandon Flowers and the video for Crossfire is amazing. If it was purely for the song I wouldn't know who to vote for but Charlize Theron kicking some ninja ass > long live show commercial. :yesey:


Edit: And spending an hour rigging votes for a video of the year award is just silly.

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Resistance is a better song IMO but you can't deny the appeal of Brandon Flowers, he's easy on the eye and his song's OK. Hence the votes in his favour I reckon. I'd still vote Muse though :p

You think Brandon Flowers is winning because he's good looking? :stunned:

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Of course! There's no chance that he's winning because people actually enjoy his video a lot more than Muse's....

Oh yeah, I bet that's the reason I like his music too, silly little shallow me. :noey: I think the meerkat should go and have a plastic surgery or something then, no wonder they're not big and Flowers is. :rolleyes:

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You think Brandon Flowers is winning because he's good looking? :stunned:

You seriously think his good looks don't help?:stunned:

Of course! There's no chance that he's winning because people actually enjoy his video a lot more than Muse's....

Could be, it's a good video but I still say the fact that he is eye-candy helps. Just my opinion.

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I can't vote in this one... neither video really makes sense for the songs IMO.


If this was for the vampire teddies, or even the spastic girl doing the icky dance and a random gratuitous bum shot of Dom, Muse would have my vote, but the Resistance video is so disappointing. It had so much promise, the song tells a story and the video should have been based around that... but instead they do a random live performance vid? For a song that isn't really a live highlight? (not that I have a problem with it, but I don't think it's a "song you must see live before you die" type song) Uprising would have made more sense as a live footage video because it's more of a crowd participation thing with the jumping and the oi's and whatnot.


Crossfire is similar in that the vid doesn't fit entirely with the song, but the song doesn't tell as much of a story plus Crossfire has Brandon in it (quite nice to look at from my perspective) and Charlize (not too hard on the eyes either ;)) and ninjas... so I think that one has the edge.


I don't see why anyone would be surprised that a video with two reallyreallyridiculouslygoodlooking people (</zoolander>) and ninjas would beat out a random performance vid when you consider that votes will be cast by people who are not fans of either Muse or Brandon.

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