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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. baaassss. BH&R is my favourite Muse era. It's possible this is just because that's when I got into them, but it had the right mix of hard rock, experimentation and pop sensibilities imo, and a really solid live show.
  2. Probably a mix of his range naturally changing as he ages and lacking some of the stamina to keep his voice strong throughout the intensity of a gig, making some of those higher notes a bit tougher to reach.
  3. I'd like to see this, actually. That CHRVCHES cover was pretty great. Matt should start listening to Crosses. And Olafur Arnalds for the inevitable piano ballad. Pretty much. If we've learned anything from Drones it should be that simplicity isn't what makes the band good. Not to beat the Origin horse to death, but that's not exactly a straight forward album despite it's mostly conventional instrumentation.
  4. Oh, well clearly I wasn't paying attention, then! I'm curious what constitutes as fit is Leto could be considered unfit now. And what the fuck would that make me? Whilst this is true, I would've thought this would come apparent as you're writing the music in the first place. I mean by that point you'd have some idea of what your body can handle. But I suppose that's without the added strain of performing a set, so never mind. Speaking of sets, how have they been so far? Better or worse than T2L?
  5. Oh I know, but it seemed like an odd comparison to make given the circumstances. And regardless, there's a very fine line between taking a hit and spitting blood. I've been pretty out of the loop with all things Muse, but no doubt that's at the root of the issue.
  6. If he's spitting blood because the material is difficult, doesn't that tell you that his technique is no way near up to par? On topic, if Matt's voice is failing that's a real shame. Surely he could do something about it? Get into proper shape and warm up more or something. Not to be too paparazziish, but I don't think he's been particularly fit since the BH&R period - not that he was exactly rippling with muscles back then, but he seemed pretty spry and energetic.
  7. It probably was, so sorry about that Yeah, that's a fair point. Perhaps a better example would be a song like 'Don't Worry Be Happy'. Whilst it's far from the most practical advice or the most realistic, surely you wouldn't begrudge it's massage of ultimately just trying to be happy.
  8. I was being passive? I was telling you to chill because I thought that bringing the notion of privilege and wealth into it was a bit narrow minded given the obvious stupidly simple nature of the song. It's like criticizing Sesame Street for the message that kindness goes both ways, when obviously it doesn't.[i/] The less polite part was more the result of spending the last three weeks working with the most stereotypically Australian dude ever, than any desire to offend. Sort of forgot that not everyone gets the spirit behind the language.
  9. I think that, do I? Well thanks for letting me know, i really wasn't aware of it. I just don't see the need in criticizing a song for being shamelessly optimistic, on the grounds that it might not be completely 100% accurate. Regardless of whether everything will be alright or not it doesn't hurt to have a song with some happy vibes, privilege or no. But whatever, I must just be blinded be the hyper aggression you display in every fart or something.
  10. The more I listen to Drones the more I feel that what Muse actually need is that completely overblown quality. They dabble with various genres here and there, but the pseudo classical, metal tinged nonsense is what they keep returning to, so if they'd just go "fuck it" and make a complete album in the style of, say, The Globalist,and commit to the total ridiculousness of it all, it would probably be an absolute winner.
  11. Never thought of it this way, but I can totally see it. I'm not sure if it's telling a narrative in the same way that Drones is, but it does kind of tell the story of a failed relationship in a fairly metaphoric way.
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