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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. I mean, I guess it's cringy from a "that's so angsty" perspective but for his standards it's not that bad.
  2. In a sense, yes. The sparkly production kind of loses the appeal that bands like The Cramps have, but a something clearly thrown together for the fun if it I think it's a good cover.
  3. It's so stupid and campy and ridic. Nice to see them not taking themselves seriously.
  4. A combination of poor management and shitty lineups. It basically became unprofitable, got sold to an American company, and eventually cancelled. It had been on its last legs for years before, mind. It's rumoured to come back in 2017, but I don't know. Problem is, there aren't really any big festivals left in Australia that Muse could play. Doesn't matter though, because Muse have been coming here with their own headlining tours for years. This is just them being lazy.
  5. I'm sorry, but that's really stupid. As far as I can tell, Matt's "offence" was going to Burning Man where nudity is kind of common place, and taking a photo with a celebrity. Not exactly stepping o the backs of fans, is he? If this is what it takes for you to realise that Muse have sold out, you really mustn't be listening to their music.
  6. People get upset over the most stupid shit. Who cares if they went to burning man and partied with Paris Hilton? How does that affect you? Yeah, because old Matt would never do something like this...
  7. What actually happened with Muse live?
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