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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. The thing I really remember from hearing SS back in 2010 were these girls screaming at the top of their lungs behind me. One of them started having a coughing fit and honestly it was pretty hilarious.
  2. How was that snarky? If I'm not mistaken it's now owned by C3 presents. The last Australian to own any significant portion of the show sold it for a dollar, but it's okay, he has no money now. It could come back, but I doubt it.
  3. Thing is, I'm pretty sure that he asked the same thing last time they came around. To be honest there's probably only one big Australian festival that they could play, and that would be mid way through next year, so I doubt that's what they'll do. At this point it's either a headlining tour or no tour at all. And if the issue is the stage… Please don't bring it.
  4. Yeah, another good one. Map isn't bad, either.
  5. Truth. There are a few gems here and there (RBS springs to mind) but for the most part it's really not his strength.
  6. Well in fairness there are critics who use a numbered rating system and justify it. It works when it is used as tier system; 1 is bad, 2 is mediocre, 3 is good, 4 is great, etc. The idea that you can quantify something with decimals seems so weird to me though. Matt hasn't written smart lyrics in a very long time.
  7. This really emphasised how much they've changed to me.
  8. It'll be interesting to see how specific people get.
  9. If any of this is actually true, you and all the other entitled punters who think they enjoyment comes first over everyone else's are the worst part of every gig. Want to get to the front? Have some self control and cue like everyone else.
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