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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Gave it a go: I tried to stick to songs that are on a proper release, or that there is a chance of them playing at some point. Some of its a bit of a stretch, but I'd be all for a setlist like that with a bit of reshuffling.
  2. Still a few hours to go for me :p

  3. If they were doing that they would've thrown out half their setlist by now. What energy? What rocking out? They just stand there and play these fairly uninspired riffs. I'd rather hear them rock out during an actual song. This tour has been really depressing to watch so far. I'm hoping that it's improved by the time they get to Australia, but even if it has that doesn't excuse all the people who've gotten shafted. Admittedly this isn't entirely on them; as pointed out, the crowds aren't great, but Muse could at least give them something more to work with.
  4. I'm not sure if its disregard for fans so much as general short sightedness. Regardless, I like the 360 stage as much as it's possible to actually like a 360 stage, and the recent set lists really haven't been that bad, but it does feel like a definite decline in quality from T2L arena tour. To me, that tour had a pretty much perfect stage set up for a band like muse; you had the lasers and the moving screens and crazy visuals, but the stage was also pretty much free from clutter and for the most part they were playing right to the crowd. This feels like a step in the wrong direction. Its something that would probably fit a stadium tour much better.
  5. It's a fairly arbitrary metric that doesn't actually equate to a good show. I mean it's not as if they played that many songs in the revered early-mid 200's era that people tend to waffle on about. Obviously if I'm paying $120 for a gig I want to get my moneys worth, but the lengths of these recent shows wouldn't necessarily get in the way of that so long as the showmanship and song selection is good. Quality over quantity and all that. Besides, that 3 hour Pearl Jam concert sounds awful.
  6. I'm all for them going in more of an electronic direction so long as they keep their rock base.
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