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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Yess! How I got my ticket for September :LOL: there were loads left when I got mine! :p

    Yeahh! Then you can buy your ticket and start being excited about the weekend! :awesome:

    Unless people pull out, then that is absolute crap! Who was it that pulled out this year?

    Oh haha! ^ ^ Mine think I'm sad :LOL: but aaahh well!

    Awesome! That'd be so cool just meeting him! Being so close to amazing bands is just like :ohmy:

    Haha, I sometimes watch that on Tv xD Who was on? Ahhh yeah, how much did you end up paying for it then? :p

    Woo! Libertines! :D Awesomee!! :) Woww! That should be fantastic! My friends are going to see Biffy! I'm low on funds atm though :( supposed to be saving up! Just keep using money on concerts! :p

    I hope I would bump in to Muse! That would be awesome! You'd just hope you had your camera with you too! :p

  2. It would indeed :( should be for those on here! :p I'd just love it so much!

    Yeah! I hope so! Just you can't be sure who's on :/

    Yeaahh, I'd love to go in a big group! It'd be awesome! But none of my friends are in to Muse as much as I am :rolleyes: just camp out, i'd be funny if you just meet them walking round. Never been to a festival before, so I'm really excited about probably going this year! :awesome:


    Haha! I hope you can come too! A good line up! I would have loved to seen people like Gogol Bordello at Leeds this year & I'm seeing Pendulum in December, we'll see how it goes! :p

    Don't let us down guyss! :LOL:

  3. Nice icon picture! :) Cute!

  4. Someone else goes to take them... NO! D: Haha!

    That is good! :D Woo!

    I have 3 today :/ Art & Double Media!


    Not much yet, still early in the morning for me now, but I had a really busy day yesterday! WAs in school 8am-6pm doing the school radio and my recording of the keyboard in school after hours! Was pretty fun though :cool:

    Where abouts are you from? :) xx

  5. Oh God yeah, heard about that one! Just wait till I get in Uni, wont have parents there down my neck either and I could do whatever :p

    Unfortunately... I have to wait till August :( when are you?

  6. Like which? :)

    Haha, oh dear! There really are aren't there :LOL:

    Nice! Hi Nicky! :awesome:

  7. Nice! Bet you're well excited about that one! You hoping to get near the front?

  8. You lucky thing!! :p Haha!


    i hope they go back to doing a couple of close gigs again! That would rock so much! :) <3

    Hmm... we shall see! Oh yess! Muse and Courteeners! ;) haha! I wish! Wherever Muse are, I will be! :D

    I would tooo! Wait at trhe front of stage watching all other bands just to be close to Muse :') aahhh!

    Weell... I do Music Tech, Media and art. 3 subjects and art is finished by March :p I'm hoping I have a good chance! :ninja: yeah.. fingers crossed! D:



  9. Well Muse I saw last year in November 5th at Liverpool Echo Arena, and this year at LCCC :) woo! This year I've also seen Gogol Bordello, Carlos Santana and Michael Bublé haha. Mum pays so, yano :awesome: Also seeing Pendulum in December, so that should be cool :)

    What about you?? :O


    Wow! That's amazing :( I wish I could have been! Were you on the fan team?? How did they not have people jumping all over them? D:

    Haaha, wooo! Go Muse fans!! :awesome:


  10. Woo! High five for being 17! ;) Me too!

  11. :)


    Do you have a favourite Muse music video? ^ ^

  12. Okay hunn! :) You too! Niight! x

  13. Wooo! Thankyouu! ^^

    I was less of a goal scorer, more ran up and down getting the ball and passing to others down the pitch! :)

    Hahahah, nice one! :p and cool! & yeaah, I used to feel uncomfortable with older years :p I love a bit of a kick about, much more fun! :)

    Woo for not much make-up, and no orangeyness :D

    Naaah, you would be fiine! :cool: cos we cool! Hehe!


    It is in this interview! This is the first part out of five! I love the end of this part! :p Also Zane Lowe ftw!! :cool: Woo!


  14. Tell me about it! I was in school 8am - 6pm. Shattered! D:

    Oh no worries! :D Haha! I wish I could make more work on the computer, but my laptop just cant run them! At all! :/


    Hell yeah I do! :D Arrgghh, if they are, I'll be there in a shot! :cool:


    Awesome!! :awesome: aww ^^ you saw bliss! One of my favourites! I haven't seen it live yet D:

    Hmm..... I love Bliss, Hysteria, Hyper Music <3, Assassin, Undisclosed Desires, MK Ultra, Sunburn, Filip & Showbiz and also City of Delusion! :p


    Haha, have you ever been on a bouncy castle covered with washing up liquid and bubbles?! It is so awesome! xD


    My day was long :p haha! But pretty fun really! :) Nice day, although I'm so tired! :p How about youuu? :)

  15. Heyy Georgia!

    Ahhh, I can imagine that getting slightly old! xD

    Where abouts in midlands? :)

    I'm from Warrington, England! ^ ^

  16. It is! I love so many, and all for different reasons! I like Stockholme Syndromme and also Hysteria! :) It's just so cool! They are just such an awesome band! :') <3

  17. They really are something special aren't thhey :') I like the Men in Black intro skit on youtube :p Matt is talking of his alien theories and you just keep seeing Dom unable to keep control of his laughter in the background! :p He is awesome!! :awesome: <33 Wooo!

    If you can do it, and not just keeping falling on your arse as I predict I would! :cool: Haha!

    Aww, I love dogs too! ^ ^ I have none sadly, my mum wont let me in case they die O.o my friend however, has 5 dogs, and they are all gorgeous! They are so friendly and just so soooo cute! :awesome:


    Haha, Chris the dad! Awww, Dom is so cute! Hehe! I want to hug him! :') they all are, I want to hug them all!! D: They truely aree! Aww, yey! ^ ^


    I love it! It is just amazing! :D Has a mixing desk, mass loads of cables, to connect things like speakers, headphone amps, and boxes you need for programmes to work etc.. :) Ours is quite small, huge speakers, masses of lockers and cables and mics! :D Woo! We are currently working on mac instead of windows, so i'm getting used to mac and we work on a programme called pro tools :p if that means anything! Thanks very muuch! :D

    Ooo, oh well that's good then! :D I was best at Biology when I did sciences! :p


    I am absolutely shattered! Haha! Long day D: and I look forward to going to bed at some time soon! Haha! :p how about you? ^ ^

  18. Wooo! :awesome: I am very glad you did!


    How are you? :)

  19. I hope sooo! :D Theey offered for us all to meet with them after! But we had to dash :( was gutted, the pub was literally next door! D:

    Hahah! Sounds like funn! :D

  20. Woooo! :p They'd probably laugh at our jibberish! I'd hate to freeze up :( it'd be such a waste of an opportunity!

  21. Ahh yess! :D


    :ohmy: I wish I had some! Haha! That would be so cool! :cool: You'll have to show me what they look like when you get them! :p


    Good stuffs! :D Been up to much today?

  22. Just Muse concerts d'you mean? :p

    They organised to have a football match, aww ^^ with who?

    Aww so cute! :D

    Ohh wow that's awesome! :awesome:

    Haha, i'm sure she is very happy you said that! xD


    Ahhh! Okay! I wore it to LCCC! :awesome: I actually saw only one other girl in it! :ohmy:

  23. Thank yaa Meg! It was pretty ace, I literally had the exact sound, was awesome! :awesome: hehe!

    Yeah, mine too! :) I loved it, I got asked to join the team, but I couldn't keep it up due to too much work eventually :/

    I don't really see the need to wear make-up :p I don't really wear it, maybe foundation on the rare occasion.. I don't need mascara either :p

    I made most of my girl friends in high school! :) The madder the better! ;) May friends are mental! They make me feel sane :')

    Awesome! :awesome:

    I don't know, I got it a couple Christmas' ago! :( sorryy!

    :ohmy: I wish I could get it! :LOL: I only have a small one, but tbh it does me fine when just at home, has overdrive so yano!

    Awww that sucks! Come use mine! :p haha!


    It was in that interview when Zane Lowe asked Dom if the house was on fine what would you save of Matt's and he said his wine collection :cool: hahah! You seen that one? ^ ^

    I should hope it would work! :awesome: Yey!

  24. Haha! :LOL:

    Ohh niice! I bet it was! ;) Closer to home! It's be like Muse coming to my home town.. I wish xD haha.

    D'you know anyone rumoured? Although it is very early :p apparently Muse might do Leeds this yeah, I've heard a few people saying that.

    A tour would be awesome! :D

    Thanks! Haha, me too! :p I hope you get tickets for wherever you like too! :cool:


    Hallo! ;):p

  25. Sounds good! Sounds really interesting! :) I hope to become a producer/presenter! ^ ^ I really hope everything works out!

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