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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Jump in to the computer itself :ninja: sounds like a plan! ;) Even I can't get facebook in college! It sucks! :p major rubbish! If your plan does succeed, we'll try do it for the computers here too ;) haha!

    I am a music geek haha, I live in the music department at school! I love it, constantly playing round with all the instruments! :D

    Yeah, after than, it becomes a major pain in the arse! :/ I remember stopping under a tree last year! And a big blob went down the back of my coat when I was looking down texting some one... eee >< was horrible and wet and cold xD


    Oh no problems dear! :) oh awesome :D

    Byeee! ^ ^ x

  2. Heyy you! :D


    You get an extra week though! So lucky youu! ;) Oh yes! Go muse.mu!! :cool: Being cool for not getting blocked! Become a ninja :ninja: that should help! Haha!

    Yeah :( I have studies, so I'm just like replying to others on t'other side of the world from us! Such a nerd I am haha! :D

    Snowwing? Woww! xD I dislike snow, it usually ends up in my face, and it's cold and hard and horrible D:

    But nice to take pictures of! :LOL: Yey!

  3. :ohmy: Oh My Gosh! I wish I was that close again! I have been like a metre away from them all, but only in concert! :( What football match was this? :awesome:

    Ahahah, so ninja! :ninja::cool:


    The bigger the list the better! ;) Hehe!

    Mine too! Got my hoody of my ex--boyfriend :D was so happy, he was awful at presents, I just said I was dying for it xD haha!

    Haha, I bet they love you for that ;) I would, so I could play guitar!! :D I carry plectrums round with me, but I end up loosing some :( my pile lowers miserably!

    My mum was over the moon! :LOL:

    So you should!!! Because they are awesoome!!! :awesome: Wooo!


    What is it that you would like? :O

  4. Aww, yeah! :D


    It is just such a good song! :) I haven't heard that one, I shall have to have a listen to it! :) Oh, that's awesome! :awesome: Should be brilliant! Where abouts you from?

    I hope to go to Leeds fest this year, so I may see them if they come on. I hope they do! :/

  5. Haha ^ ^ & he is pretty awesome! I do like his voice! :)


    Hmm.... at the moment I'm quite liking What Took you so Long, & Please Don't is quite nice! :) What about you?

  6. Yeah, my mate was obsessed with them and got me in to a few songs :)

  7. Haha! :p

    Most just kinda look at me crazy when I talk about my hope of meeting them (: aaaaahhh... meeting Muse *daydream* I will some day soon! :D

    Aww, poke them! xD

    I kept them recorded so I could watch them at any time! (: woooo! It's ace!


    We are too cool for school!! :cool:


    Jeeeezzz, that is a big list... will be replying in another half hours time ;) haha!


    Aww, the first one's a cute top! :) & I want the poster for LCCC! D: On mai christmas liist! ;) haha! You even got the penn! That is so cool!!! :awesome: Oo, cute necklace! ^ ^ I like that!

    My mum's a maths teacher, and her students bought her that poster as she is also a Muse fan! :p

    So many people were wearing those T-shirts at the concert I went to! :p hehe! They were everywhere! hehe! And another cute T-shirt! ^ ^ Nice selection you have there! :D


    Some of the stuff I have isn't on the website anymore :( has mostly been removed! D:


    Only other things I have that are there is last yeears programme and the bus stop poster, I presume that is there anyways!

    I have the poster with last years tour dates, a white resistance top. One of my favourite things is my exogenesis top though, I love it! :awesome: Woo!

  8. I should have you as a friend anyway! :p hehe! My name's the same as on here! :)

    At least we have time to save up for them! Unless the rumours are true aand they do Leeds festival this year, then I will be in debt!! D: haha! Can't wait to see them in festival, couldn't see them at Glastonbury last year, I had an exam on the day! :( But if they are doing the festival, I will run there! :LOL:

    I saw them last year in November at Liverpool Echo Arena & this year at Manchester LCCC gig! I just missed out on the black holes tour :( which was crap! What about youu? ^ ^

    Oh good! :) Me neither :p I just drew, but was for art, so was still fun, I draw bubbles! xD so much fun, was even more fun making the bubbly mess, my dining room was literally filled with bubbles for me to take pictures of, was awesome :awesome: woo!

    Sounds funn! :D

  9. Awww, you are so cuuute! :LOL: Hehe!

    I like the way you said almost :cool: haha! None of my friends are obsessed with me, they have t-shirts, go see them live, agree they are an awesome band, that'a bout it! (:

    I just have masses of poster t-shirts CD/DVD etc. And I still have old programmes of them on the TV :') Live at Abbey Road and Jools Holland for example! :D Love ittt! <33


    Ohh yess! :cool:;)

  10. I love your icon! :) So cool! ^ ^

  11. Woo! *highfive* :LOL: Mine too! And I love it! ;) Who wouldn't want their walls covered by them! :D


    Ahahah! Lmao! I wanna see it! It sounds so cool!!! :D Woooo! I love your friends reactions! xD We are crazy muse lovers! :cool: and we are just cool! Haha ;)

  12. No worries! ^ ^ Helloo! :D

    I hoope so! :)

    You shall have to let me know, when you do!! You aren't on DA by any chance are you? :(

    Yeahh me too, always college work! Sucks, I wanna find me some more concerts to go to! & just chill out! ;D

    Umm my day was alright really, Music Technology, Art, & Music Theory! :cool: haha! And just been at my friends this after noon! What about youu dear? :)

  13. I'm loving your Muse lol pics! :LOL: Nice! :p

  14. Hey! Thanks for joining the group "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)" - :D


    I see you have just joined today! So hey! :LOL:

  15. Aww that sucks! Where abouts are you from? I just say loudly when I walk past them wow, that guy was cool :cool: Check out that hoody! Hahah! Too shy to say it to someone's face! I am soo shy in person xD it's funny! I'm getting better though!

    Oh awesome :) I wish I had more time to do more drawings! But I have art coursework to do :/ which unfortunately doesn't involve Muse :(

  16. Wooo! Haha! :LOL:

    It was the Resistance one with all the track titles on, it's next to my tour poster :) from muse.mu :cool: hehe!

    You should just tell them how cool it was!! ;)

    Awww, that's is so cuuute! :D Aww :LOL:

  17. My mum's a maths teacher :LOL: haha! So I',m just expected to be good! D:

    Yes yes! :D

    Umm, I play piano mainly, some guitar and I am currently learning bass! :D Because bass is just awesome!! ;) I love it!

    How about youu? :)

  18. Hehe, you should! :D

    Yeah would be good! ^ ^ what have you done in high school? :)

    I play piano mainly, but a little guitar, and I am learning bass at the moment! Bits and bobs! I'd like to play saxophone though! :(

    Definitely, they are such an awesome team! They work each other in order to get the best results! :D And it definitely works! I love them so much! :LOL:

  19. Arghh, I want to go to Leeds festival anyway, :ohmy: that would be so so awesome! If they do, I have to go!!!! I will die if they do! :O I'd go to their stage all day just to be in a descent position!! :D

    I will have to look in to thiss! :LOL:

  20. Oh right, okay. Well, I wish you good luck in your exams this year!

  21. How do you afford all of this then? A house and uni and college? Things must have to be cheaper there, or more expensive then! What happens if you don't pass your exams?

  22. Oo, that must suck :( We have pay a lot for Uni, but that also involves living on campus! What age do you go to Uni?

  23. I love your hulaballoo icon! :D Niicee!

  24. Oh,ah. Wow, things are so different for you! Do you have college and university though?

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