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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. I find myself not being able to sleep without Muse on! My fun is a Muse fan, but she is nextdoor and complains as they are on in the house loud, non-stop! Like now for example! xD Also, when you cover your walls with posters of them, and your random drawings etc.. and when someone tries to touch or move your posters.. you find yourself growling a little at the thought of them becoming slightly ripped! D: Aswell, when you find yourself pretending to conduct the Strings in Blackout! xD orr copying Chris's headbanging in Hysteria!
  2. Dom's there being Mr. Cool, loving the glasses on the guys btw! & then... there is Matt in the background totally taking the piss! Not even hitting the drums half the time! I love how they also got a left handed bass especially just for Dom to pretend like he was playing the part! & also at the end with the leg up on the drum with everyone laughing! How the hell did no one notice it wasn't right?! Lmao! xD
  3. And now I shall have a constant reminder everytime I check my profile hahah! xD Makes me laugh so much!

    Where was the clip from? xD

  4. Watching those curls headbanging... or even without! It is so awesome! He has his own style! Like how he's always walking round one foot in front of the other! Best bassist by farr, I agree! <3
  5. Aww, I love your icon, it's cute! ^ ^

  6. Lmao! Your icon to the right is hilarious!

  7. Bliss - Because it was the first ever song I heard from Muse when I was really young.. Feeling Good - Because it is the most amazing cover of a song! And I am currently recording it for my Music Technology Courseworkk! As I love it! <3 But I also love the songs: Hysteria, Filip, Citizen Erased, Undisclosed Desires, City of Delusion and Space Dementia (I'm a piano girl).
  8. I love your spinny icon! Niice! :D

  9. I love playing space dementia!! ^ ^ Unfortunately I only have a plastic keyboard though :/ When I play it at college though, it is awesome! The music is just so gorgeous! I'm referred to by all the younger years as piano girl! xD
  10. I love your icon with the Blue Hair! It is oh so sexy! ^ ^

  11. Hahah, ceiling Dom love :p didn't there used to be ceiling Cat's?

  12. Hey! I know you from Deviant Art, I'm Liv! :)

  13. Haha, yeah I made one the other day, I thought why not, there is no harm :) quite cool actually! ^ ^

  14. Helloha Meghan! :D I like your pictureee!

  15. I want to meet them so badly, they are my idols, they play so much and so well. I'd like to meet them and ask them also about their music, I have been asking people for years how to meet up with them if only I could know where they were staying!! I wish we got first choice to meet them xD it would be so awesome! I think I would wait out for them incase, but considering I'm usually with my mum, she isn't that much of a fan that she would wait! Plan guyys?
  16. Their songs do make you feel all these different emotions, they must have so much going on in their heads! So many song ideas which they just haven't written yet. What I particularly love about this song is the softness of Matt's voice, and also the guitar along with the slides, it sounds so cute and along with the voice does make you want to cry! I love this song! ^^ <3
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