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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Good! I try my best, but I always seem to end up on here rather than working I can't quite make up my mind about the weather, one minute it's too cold, then the next it is too warm!
  2. Ahh yeah, I'm on half term too! :D I'm fine, yeah! A bit tired though, I seem to be getting to sleep later and later every day!

    Been up to much? (:

  3. Especially if he is still lobbing his guitar round!! :p Indeed he should!! I think he secretly wants too! ;) Just doesn't want to scare everyone! :p With all the new fans!


    I need to see Bliss, Sunburn, Unintended, Thoughts of a Dying Athiest!! :p Seen quite a few others. They should play more from the Showbiz album!


    Haha, I would like to join tooo! :D I'd love one, my guitar is shocking! :( It's awful! xxx

  4. Pleeasure! :) & Thanks very much!! :happy:

    Yeeah it is! :D I just love Chris bobbing his head along, so cute! :chuckle:


    How are youu? I'm Liv by the way! :)

  5. We should ask them, and challenge them :yesey: hahah! Make up a number of games to play :p

    Ahahahha!!! That would be hilarious! And also pretty damn awesome, you're right!! :awesome: Woo!


    Amen! :cool:;)


    I really have the urge to go to a theme park! :( I have to go to Alton Towers by the 31st! :ohmy:

  6. Yeeah haha! :p Muse & Foo Fighters for mee :cool: Although that has happened already in the early years of Muse :/ so I was like 4 or 5 :p haha!

    Y'know I was at Eden Project like a week or two before Muse perfomed there :facepalm: Oh so gutted!! :( Missing Muse by like a week! Sucks, I had no idea they were to play there!


    I love theem :awesome: hehe! Got them from Matalan :cool: haha! Yeeeears ago now though :O

    But see if you can find some like them! We can wear them when we go see Muse, or you can just lob them at Matt xD isn't he supposed to have the sock thing going on? :LOL: Haha!

  7. Thanks so much! :) Helped a lot!!


    How are you today?

  8. I am liking the picture in your avatar! ;)

  9. It really would :') *sigh* ahh.


    I have my grey/black fingerless gloves which I wear at Muse concert! :awesome: Stripey, have worn them at the concerts! I love them ^ ^

    Aww, maybe next time! :D

  10. Woop! :p haha!

    Hopefully? :ohmy: Definately, if not, sabotagee! You can throw beans at them or in their face hahah! :p That would be so funny! I laughed a little at the thought myself :')

    Better than dressed up like cactai! :p Them as clowns would be awful! :LOL: Imagine them dressed up like fairground food, like candyfloss D: I have no idea!


    Wooo! Air bass! You would have to pull a bass face as well! Bom bom bom bommm! :)


    Yeah, exactly! :LOL: Why I have such different scores in exams! From A's to D's :p haha!

  11. Haha!

    Yeah they really doo!!! And it maaakes mee! :D

    You must be genius then!!

    I used to always want a german shepherd, but I really don't mind, when you see a dog, you can just fall in love with it! ^ ^

    Aww! Cuute name!


    He iiiis! He is huuuge! :LOL:

    We really should! I think they would... but they would also look rather confused!! :p woo, haha! It would really be so so awesome! :awesome:

    Not quite old enough to be my parents, unless they were 15 O.o haha. Oh Dear! :LOL:

    Wooo! Awww, I hope he would! Hehehe! I heard he gave some a kiss on the cheek. That'd be a cute picture to keep haha! Aww, I would need a camera if I ever met them!! :D Capture it! How adorable would it be for him to blush! :p


    Muse use ProTools on mac yess! :awesome: Hehe! It is the best thing! I love itt!! ^ ^

    Haha, if I liked it! I would take it!

    You are very welcomeee! :D

    I was that tired! :p Although I never usually can sleep! I just leave music on a timer and hope to eventually drift off! Hahah, truue! More Muuuse! :cool: I have Black Holes and Revelations in at the moment! :D


    Thank ya very much! :) It was pretty fun!! ^ ^

    Yeeey, no school for me either! Woo!!


    Yess! You were awesome helpp! :awesome: & it is no problem at all! ^ ^ Don't worry about it darlin'!

  12. It's what I love about them, and also how they really open up when performing their music, it's like they come alive! Become themselves! :)


    By the way, do you know how to put pictures in a comment in like a thread, I kinda don't know how :rolleyes:

  13. He is the biggest! :p He's huuge!

    I say Matt and Dom, they must be easier than Chris! I would suggest Maatt on Dom's back! :LOL: I think it will be our best bet! :cool:

    Yeeeaaaahhh! :ninja: Ninja Clown. I think I would honestly be really rather scared! :LOL: I would go with the meeting Muse :awesome: Yeeey!


    Now.. that is cool! Instead of playing air guitar, playing the air bass :cool: Haha! :D


    Oh good!! :) Haha, I do in all my exams! I never seem to learn :rolleyes::p

  14. I have no idea, I would have been happy enough with him.. haha! :p He is, yes! I think it's cute :) it shows how playing in large crowds really opens him up! Makes him more at home! :)

    Me too! Cos if he is happy with her, it will kill him if she leaves him! :ohmy:


    No not really hehe! :p Matt is like his wife.

    Oh he is indeed :LOL: I agree!

    Yeeeah, just make it seem completely normal :cool: We should have piggy back races ;) would be awesome! :awesome: It is a normal thing to do, a lot of fun... why nott? ;) Haha!!

  15. They should come on before Muse :cool:


    It'll be like surfing through the sky.. we will not get wrong looks at all will we :LOL: haha!

    We would need the blue glasses! ;)

  16. Yeah me too! :( I've never been to London yet!! :( I'd have loved it!


    Let's gooo! :cool: We can fly on a spaceship! O.0 :LOL: Haha!

  17. Awww, I'm sorry, that sucks! :(


    Rage are awesome! ;) and when they play rage everyone just loves it! & Matt's moves, like when he sticks his knee up and does like a backwards walk. I wanna see them again!! :( Like... now! Please! :p:LOL:

  18. Was quite shocking to be honest! :p

    I love him throwing guitars round, screaming ;) but nahh he is still ofc awesome :awesome:

    I do! :/ Bliss too! :p I have not seen bliss live yet! D:

    I hope to be able to afford loads eventually! ^ ^ Would be brilliant! Oh that's great!! :D Good luck with that!!!

    Yeeah! :) <3 It truely is!! xx

  19. It's okay! :) I can feel it getting colder by the day! :( I just want to stay inside all the time! By the fire where it's warm!

    What have you been getting up to? ^ ^

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