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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. What years do you have at your school? How has your system changed since you were young?

  2. Because in lower years it was compulsary, but now that I'm in college, you prioritise certain subjects, they are more specialised to a certain area. It is also the reason why I don't do sciences and IT anymore!

  3. I know :( but we should do!

    Hahah, yeah, they do it themselves! xD Jk, aww :) it is appreciated loads by the fans, it's just their humour all over, them producing their own music is another step up from them! I don't know how they will keep on getting higher and keep going on with something new! I can't imagine what they will do next :p

  4. Isn't he great :p haha!


    It is such a great subject, it's what I'm best at and what I love doing :) so I can't wait to be doing it all day at Uni! :LOL:

    Aww :) sounds interesting. I used to like the sciences! But maths fitted in to Music better :/ well according to Mum. So I did Mechanic Maths. Woo! Music! :cool:

  5. Well... I wouldn't say that :p this school is actually really quite rubbish! I need a mac for my studies :( but they are too expensive! They are so much fun, you slide you fingers all round it and it makes loads of different noises! It's great :LOL:

    I added in to my composition the piano part in the middle of Ruled by Secrecy if you know which bit I mean! :)

    I have 5 or 6 hours per week, 5 the first week, 6 the second. Our school has a week A and a week B ^ ^ the classes are basically just such a laugh, we all love the subject, work together and what ever to work out parts of tracks. Different people excel in different instruments and so can hear out more detail from a track for their instrument :) it's really pretty cool!

    You too!! ^ ^

  6. I used to love gymnastics when I did it, but sadly we don't do PE anymore, I really kinda miss it! :(


    Okayy then! Night night! ^ ^ x

  7. Oo, what to? ;)

    Hahah, almost :p Aww, nice name Bee! Cute!

    I be from England! What about youu? :)

  8. Like the shock Dom has just seen! ;D Ahh, that still makes me giggle when I see it! :p


    6:30am, jeeez! That's early! xD Me it's like 7:30 usually, college starts at 8:30am :)


    You have to record a traack by a band, use all of the relevant effects to make it sound good and exactly like the track (which this year I am doing: Muse - Feeling Good!) - It had to have strings in it!

    You also have a composition where they will give you a poem, or part of a political speech, and you write your own guitar riffs... drumbeats.. piano chord, the lot!

    Thirdly is your Arrangement where you are given a song, and you create the same as a track which you are given, and this time it has to be exaclt the same, and you have to play around with many many different techniques for your sounds.

    And you also have an exam about Music theory in the past years! :)


    It's a really good subject! I love it to pieces! :D

    What lessons do you do? :)

  9. Oh nice! ^ ^

    Oh, looking forward to hearing about it! :p


    I've not had my holiday yet, we hav ours over halloween! :LOL: Should be good fun this year!

    Ahhh, I do a lot less subjects :cool: hehe, I do Music Technology, Media Studies & Art in College! :) So I get studies where I can go on the computer! & muse.mu is not blocked!! :D Woo!


    Okayy!! :) Don't worry about it! :D okay, will speak to you later darlin! Byee! x

  10. Nicee! I would have done in younger years: English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, German, Art, Music Technology, PE, Religious Studiies, Geography, English History, Music, ICT, Spanish.


    But now I just do Media, Music Technology and Art! :)

  11. Oh, don't worry about it! ^ ^ You do cadets? :O Loads of my friends used to do Cadets! :)

    Crazy people are just crazy, it's funny, sometimes my friends make me feel sane :')


    No problemoo dude! :cool:


    What are you doing at school atm? :)

  12. Woo! Hehe! I like having my own group, it's kinda cool :cool::D


    What do you like him best in? :) I'm Liv btw! ^ ^

  13. I seem to be living Muse lately, I'm either on Deviant art sharing little like doodles and pictures of Muse, or on here, or on youtube, looking at videos! :p

    I have out grown one of my t-shirts! :( So I stuck it to my wall instead! Looks pretty cool though! ^ ^ Me neither, and I haven't the excuse of being young! :p I'm just like... yeeepp! I'm a nerd :cool: I am loving them... so what! I get clapped by a few people when I walkin to college with my Muse hoody on xD hehe!

  14. Oh, hmm! What kind of lessons do you do in Greece?

  15. Awww, hahah! :p If you can't get you one, I will make you one :cool:

    You just really need to get into the flow of work to be honest! Or there are just way too many distractions! I just always have Muse playing, I can't be done with no music! It's torture! :p

  16. Hahah! Aww! :p That would be so funny! It reminds me of his radio interview as well! And his squeaky laugh when he speaks about his theories!! xD

    Ahahah, wow you are madd! I love it! :cool: That is an awesome dream! I really wanna go ice-skating :( not really been! What would you do if one time Maatt jus stayed as a chicken and didn't turn back?! :p hehe! A dog should be a big labrador! :)


    They are two awesome ones! :D

    Yeah, if they can sell out Wembley, two nights!! Than they are instantly genius and and and.... and I love theem! (: hehe!


    :cool: Woo!

    Good good! ^ ^


    Just in the recording studio, recording the keyboard part to Feeling Good today! :cool: It is so so awesome!!! :D I love it! Also been writing up some media essays! :/

    What about yourself? :)

  17. Ooo, you do graphics! Awesome! What did you do? :)


    Well.. friday it'ss my best mates birthday, so we are going bowling while being dressed up! So I'm going as lady rambo! Haha :cool: also I have an 18th party on Saturday too! :) So should be funn! :D

    What about youu? ^ ^

  18. Oh, that would be nice! I wish to become a producer, or a radio host, I do radio at my school! :D


    Wow, that's weird! My day just lasts from 8:30am-3:30pm! Or longer if you have work to do.

  19. Ahhh, it is my laast year too of college! I hope to study Music Technology at University!

    What do you want to study at Uni?


    I just have had lessons and then I was in school until 6pm! I have had so much work! D:

  20. Aww, nice! ^ ^


    What have you been up to today? :)

  21. The same, I'm 17 too! :cool: I'm an August born haha :)

  22. No Problem! :)


    Aww ^ ^ good!

    Yeah, my weekend was fine really, spent most of my time either doing work or in town with a couple mates! :)

    How was yours?

  23. It sucks, doesn't it! :(

    Ahahah! It's great imagination! ^ ^ They are so much fun! You wake up ith a smile on your face when you remember it! :) Have you dreamt anything in particular? :D

    Well people on muse.mu usually get higher priority! When I first got my LCCC ticket, there were some left, they hadn't even sold out, then Twilight, they all sold out, and the extras sold out too! D:


    My Pleasure! Well you convert people to knowing every day when they speak to you! :)

    I'm fine thank you! ^ ^ How are you m'dear?

  24. Hehe! I bet it was great! :D Sounds awesome!

    I needs me a new one so bad D:


    Poor you working in an office! :p explore! See what you can do, I was lazy, the school suggested a primary school and I was like.... I'll take it! ;) School does the hard work.... so you don't have to!

    Get writing then woman! :p I'm doing media work, I forgot I had it :( oops!

  25. Heyy! Thanks for the friend request! How have you been this long with no comments? :O

    Anyway it's nice to meet you! :)

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