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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. :D Nomm!

    Take a picture hahah xD then ask for something signed, or just ask questions? :LOL: What would you doo?

  2. Aww, well that's nice :)


    Hate?? Why?! :ohmy: Crazy people! Who do they like? I hope you pay no attention! :p Muse are awesome!

  3. I love them all, I was such a Chris girl at first! I find his sarcasm hilarious! Love it! Also I'm into bass and I think it is aweeeesome! :awesome: But I love the effects of the guitar, like rage music and their interludes where the songs last so much, so cool! :cool:

    But I Dom think Dom is really pretty cute in the leather jackets and glasses! So much power in drumming.

    I can't have a favourite, it is too hard to choose! D: <3


    I am so jealous! :O Where at? You shall have to tell me all about it! :D

  4. Ahhh yeah, that is a bummeer! :/

    I've not tried it! :p I shall see what it's like! More of a guitar hero girl myself! :awesome: Yeah, much better isn't it! :D Which is your favourite gh?

    Oh niice! ^ ^ Wow, that is awesome! xD I loved him in Take a Bow! <33 So soooo niice! And so so close to me! Was amazing! :D I was right near the bottom of the platform, so was there for the plug in baby riff! :D Wooo! Where were youu?


    Lightsabers ftw!! :cool: Haha! I love taking glowsticks to concerts, although I didn't have any for Muse, although Chris threw one to me! I have a funny video from the concert of Dom dodging glowsticks that people were throwing at him! :D Was funny! xx

  5. I wonder.. how many Olivia's there are on here! :LOL: I'm Liv too! The Oli in my name stands for Olivia ;)

  6. Ahaha, two Olivia's, now I'm the third! xD Hi!! :LOL:

  7. That was absolutely ridiculous :facepalm: Things like that just mean you obviously aren't much of a real Muse fan, fans like all of their music really, or at least appreciate it!

    I mean to write that.. on their own website :rolleyes: I mean come on!


    I've had work to do when in school, so I just plug in my headphones and listen to muse.mu (my iPod has gone missing!!! D:)

  8. Ahh right! :) You would be in year 13 then? I'm in year 13, because my college is at my school, but on a different ground! :p

    I am so excited about Uni!!! :awesome: Woo! Should be awesome! I hope I meet other Muse fans! xD


    It's getting freezing for us! :( Gonna start snowing! You lucky person!! :p

  9. Not a Problem! I love it so much! :) I'm learning it on guitar at the moment! It's just gorgeous! ^ ^ <3

  10. Yess, and you may have met them, and you may even remember you! :p Would be pretty cool :D

    Yeees! :cool:;)


    I love how Absolution was taken through actual hanging bodies, not added in, I think it's really cool! Their covers can mean so many different things! :p


    Only in school from January? :O Do you start the year in January? Oh, that would be awesome! I tried to get iin to a photography class, but it wouldn't fit around my other subjects! :( For my media, I get to make an opening clip/ trailer for a film.. including designing posters on the computer. Should be good fun! :D


    At School I do.. Music Technology, which is my main subject which I am in love with :awesome: I also do Art&Design, and also Media! ^ ^

  11. :LOL:!!


    Aww don't worry! :D Hehe!

    And good! ^ ^ I'm fine thanks! Had a long morning out in town! :p Now I am glad to have a sit down with some lunch! Woo!

  12. Ooo, the Cure! I love Evanescence! I like Foo Fighters, Nickelback, Nirvaana, Friendly Fires etc! :)

    How are youu?

  13. Ohhh haha :LOL: acee! It was pretty amazing wasn't it?! In a slightly scary way O.o haha!


    How are youu? :)

  14. :ohmy: Megg! This is genius lmao! How on Earth did you find this! It's hilarious! :LOL:!

    Nice faces btw!! xD

  15. Woo! :D

    If they say that, then they are just hippies :rolleyes: just grow up already! You don't like it, don't listen to it! :p No ones forcing you to listen to them!

    Me tooo! :(

    I love it! I love the strings so much!! And then the trumpet comess in to and it's like... wow! I love this song so much!It fits in with the album, but yet is so different, like so much more! It's like the BH&R version of Eurasia in a way.


    Okay then! How come you know that it is so untrue! :O Not that I don't believe you ofc! :

  16. :LOL:

    Me tooooooo!! They are all so cuute! But I must say, I am a fan off drummers too, he has such amazing timing, I love him in the making of the Resistance doing 16th's. It's like... :ohmy: <3


    Wooo! ;)


  17. Aww haha! :)

    I adore Foo Fighters, I think I have almost every album :LOL:

    Wooo! :awesome: Yeah, same here! I was so annoyed I haven't got to see them in concert though, because I missed the last one, then they split off to the different band :/

    My maths teacher used to take the mic because he managed to get tickets and see them, and I didn't :(

    Have you seen them live? :ohmy:

  18. If they are any good, then it's awesome! :D Cos you can go chat to them and whatever!

    We most certainly are! :cool: You have to love Muse fans! :awesome:


    Could involve album cover artists haha! :p I wish I could just do a project on Muse! xD I did a project on rhythms and cycles last year, and did the rhythm of Music with my iPod! I ended up sticking my headphones to my piece, was so cool! ^ ^


    What do you do at school?

  19. You only know 2 Muse fans that live near you? :ohmy: Wow! Just as well you have friends on here to talk about them too then! It is so much fun for me now I have actually joined this! :D

    I mean my friends like Muse, but they aren't nearly as obsessed as me :LOL:

  20. Aww, yours sounds fun too! :D I still haven't tried that DJ Hero on Xbox.. I must do that one day! :LOL:

    Ooo, sounds good! I used to do English Lit, i loved it, but now I just do Music Technology, Media & Art :)

    Yeah I did! :D Was acee! Did you go?? xx

  21. Woo! :awesome:

    Mmm, it isn't as rocky and out there, they are trying to relate to more people. Exogenesis is just genius! I love all of Muse's stuff though, you can't be a real fan if you don't like whole albums by them.

    Another thing that is genius is City of Delusion! That is awesome! :D


    People from this deviant art website are saying it D:

  22. Heyy Aidan! :)


    Ahhh, mine has just started as of this evening :cool: Finally some time to relax! Can't wait!! A whole week where I don't have to get up so early! :LOL:

  23. Ooohh! Nice! :D

    Warrington is inbetween Liverpool and Manchester, so good convinience for concerts! :awesome: woo! :LOL:


    Apart from Muse? ;) I love so much music, all completely different genres!

    I'm quite in to Foo Fighters, Gogol Bordello, Friendly Fires, Temper Trap, Tenatious D, but also classical piano ^ ^ There are probably loads more I can't think off the top of my head! ;)

    How about youu? :D

  24. Yes, it's like an extra two years of high school, but more specialised with subjects. You narrow down the amount of subjects you do.

    How does high school work for you then?

    Wubu2 today? ^ ^

  25. You are now actually awesome! :cool: haha!

    He really iiiiiiss! <33


    Aaah, aww, cute! :p My father daughter bonding is going to the gym :LOL:


    Woo! Thankyouu! I had no idea that was him. I am a Twitter noob xD haha!

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