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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Hahaha :LOL: Don't worry about it!!

    Ooo nice! :) Blue hair is one of my faves, but I love how at the minute it's going like blondey pale brown, it's adorable! :)

    I love Top Gear :cool: It is awesome! :awesome:

    Ohh nice! :D You like it down there?

  2. Ahh, I have the week off for halloween at the moment! :D Woo! Work to do still though D:

    Oh niice! :) I'm from Near Manchester in England! Haha!

    I hope to go to America some time soon though!

  3. I shall comme and jam with you m'dear :cool: we will be so cool! You always feel so cool when you are jamming! :LOL: It's great!


    I love Muses' rage style jams too! Yess! :awesome:

  4. Seeing pictures of them, they look real happy. But it has apparently been quoted that she is bored of the relationship because he doesn't speak enough to others and her friends?

    Yeeah! Truue! Haha.


    Ohhh that was awful!! :LOL::p hahaa! I don't see him as a stturdy relationship guy yet, but with Chris & Matt in relationships may change that.. I don't know :ohmy: I doubt he could Dom is hilarious! :p He's so his own person! :p

    Me too! :(

    I should hope so!! ;) Aww, I'd look after him well. I don't know why, but I'd just have the urge for a piggyback haha, funn! :awesome:


    Woooo!! :cool:

  5. Wise decision!! :LOL: Haha!!

    We kick ass :cool: we shall kick Muse's ass ;) You on my back against two of them! :p Who would we challenge? ;)

    We would just be complete clowns! :cool: You could just step outside then. Much easier! ;)


    Give me your heart and your soul!!!! Doing Chris' headbanging! Ohh... we cool!! :awesome: We rockk!


    Ohhh, well good luck hun!! ^ ^

  6. I'm fine thank you, I seem to be really tired though recently! :p Such long days!!


    Where are you from? You at school? :)

  7. :LOL: Aww, I bet she looks awesome though! :awesome:


    Sounds like aa good day!

    Me and my best friend just walked over to a friend's doing some art worth the paints and whatever, we just ended up having a 2vs2 war against each other xD was such a laugh! And we had a supermassive black hole jam :cool: I just start playing Muse, and my guitarist friend is genius, can pick things up by ear! I can, but I don't know where it is on frets well enough :rolleyes: they don't have piano :LOL: Jams are just awesome aren't they?! :awesome: Yey!

  8. Who best be? :ohmy:

    If I ever designed a Muse cover, I would give it green skies and blue skies, but shhh, incase a competition ever comes up :p never done one! I would love to design a cover! Yeah, they can be a stress! /:

    My ambition!! If only they were younger! I would have so much to ask them about the production of their own album! So excited! I wish I could be with them when they were taking part in the album! <3 It would be inspiring just to be beside them all!


    Oh, that would be awesome! :D I can write film music for your film :cool: haha! ;)


    Ahh riight! :) Okay then!

  9. Muse are constantly moving forwards, while others move back! Muse are experimental, and are constantly pushing, also they are just lovely guyss! :yesey:!!

  10. I do too! :awesome: I love how he just has the sense of humour! His random noises, I love his laugh as well!! It is so infectious!! & so cute! :LOL:

  11. Woo! :LOL:


    Yes it is! I do very much so!! :(!!!!! It would be amazing!! <33 I would love to see it so much!! I wish it wasn't impossible! :(!!

    I would ask things like what does he think of when writing his lyriics, and things like what experience have tthey enjoyed most over their albums with producing their albums :) I would just like to talk of random normal things as well though! :( I wish I could meet them. I'd like to play the piano with him!

  12. Slightly! Haha, had just been to a party :p

    Ohh okay! ^ ^ I had a quick look at some videos! Ahh I miss really crazy Matt! :') I love him!

    Ahh, I wish I had a Manson, I'd have got the MB-1 :)

    I do believe that the Glitterati gets played a lot though! I like his citizen erased guitar! :D

    I would like to get me a lovely Kawai piano :D!! xx

  13. Woo! :D


    They do, it's like going through you, that's just too much for me! :p


    What have you been doing today? :)

  14. Jeez, I think that's a lot then! xD Haha, but also pretty cool!! :awesome:


    They are horrible! :p It's like, taking your skin off! They are pointless! D:


    Thanks a lot! :D x

  15. Aww :( that sucks! Sounds like how my mum was! At least you get to see Muse and Manson though!! :awesome: That's pretty awesome!

    They so are!! :D Ooo, that sounds like really a lot, how old is she?

    I don't see why you would want your hips done though? :p It would just catch on clothes and all. Corset piercings go through me >< eee!


    Aww thank you! ^ ^ hehe! I hope I can do okay from it! Just if I had more time :( then I would be better! :/

  16. Yessss!!! I waanna dye my hair blue, have for years, but even at this age my mum wont let me! You have no idea how strict she is :facepalm: My friends aren't her greatest fans.

    But that would be awesome. I think eyebrow piercings are awesome too! I always wanted the bit that points inside your ear doing.. D'you know which bit i mean? :p haha.


    Yess! :D You keep at it, keep the interest, you will be a God in no time, so much better to start when you are young! Why I will never be as good as I have the potential to be in piano :/ Have to work at it D:

  17. Oooo, I willl!!! I'll be 18, I can just go, get a train somewhere :cool: haha!


    Y'never know :awesome: I think you could! ;) You sound like you have a real interest for it! Which is awesome! :D

  18. Wooo! :D

    I sent the message at like past 2 am as well haha, who knows! :p

    Haahha :p ohhh fail! That's hilarious! Is it on youtuube? D'you have a link??

    Surely it would be the exact same make! :p He's thrown them in to the audience and broken them before! :p

    It wouldn't surprise me if he got them for free. Manson must have got so many sales just through Matt! :LOL: xx

  19. Okay deear! ^ ^ Have a nice day at school! I'm doing art too! :LOL: byee! x

  20. There are so many brilliant songs from this CD that I think are awesome! Some of my favourites are Ashamed, Yes Please, Nature_1...
  21. Haha, I looked down and see Soldier's Poem, and it has just come on now on my CD Player! I have Black Holes & Revelations in!! :D


    Very nice songs!!

    I wish they could play City of Delusion live :( but with all the strings and trumpets for just the one song! :( will never happen! It's sad! It is an amazing song!

    Also Megalomania needs an organ! :( I wish I could meet Muse, and ask them about their songs! There are so many questions that I would like to ask!

  22. She has messed people round in the past, I just believe that some people crush too hard on Matt, and become obsessed and then of course don't like her.

    That is a very good point! Dom will be with them both anyways! Aww poor Dom on his own :O I will look after him haha! :p


    Yeah! :p exactly! They just saw how you react to something! It's cool :cool: You feel cool when you use them haha! :p

  23. :LOL: They have you on speed dial. Make sure you get too the front :ohmy: that would be awesome!


    No, alive people, not dead :p that would be slightly disturbing otherwise :p

    Ooooh, okay then! It is great fun, you llearn how to use different programmes, you have an exam as well though, analysing film clips/trailers.. whatever :)

    I hope to be a music producer, or work alongside someone in production. My dream job is to present at concerts, go around concerts, I do the radio at my school already so I hope it will help! ^^ Maybe if I get in to production on the radio and maybe get a chance to do it from there, I don't know yet! :) What about you? What do you want to do?


    Why can't you? School's are so different in other countries, it's shocking! :ohmy:

  24. Oh yess! Good idea! Ahahah, we should have a race!! Bagsy Matt ;) haha! Actuallyy... he is probably dangerous :LOL: hahaha! I'll have Dom! :p Who would you want??


    Ahah, shouted FOUURRR! I can just see that :LOL: So funny! Oh deaaar! :p Poor you! xD

    Oh yes, we play golf too! :cool: How cool are we!!


    Ima be wearing my black exogenesis top, oh so ninja! ;)

    Hahaha! :p I would be there sticking my head out the window.. clapping sarcastically saying.. well done Meg!! :facepalm: I'll just take the stairs shall I? ;)


    Yeeeaahh! I'd have to start with Hysteria I think. Oh that bass is so so awesome!! :awesome:




    Awww, it's okay!! :( It's my week off now! :awesome: Yeeeey! Done no work as of yet :( Must start tomorrow before I get killed!! D: :LOL:

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