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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. I shall go and see later then! :D I love to see new photos! People show me and send me links to new photos that they have found and are excited about, and it's so cool! I'm always finding out new things through other Musers! :D Woo!

    Aww, it really is! :D The fact that he laughs while he is trying to sounds MANLY aswell, it just does not help his case! But we love him! It is so so cute!! :D

    It's just part of their character ^^ hehe, I would love to live with them! Never a dull moment at all! :D


    I'm useless at excuses! :p I fail miserably! I umm.... dropped my homework... outside... yes that's it.. outside O.o haha!

  2. How did you hear about Muse then, and really get in to them? :)

  3. My favourite lesson is Music Technology, so like Recording instruments like a track, and producing the sounds, adding effects from on the computer and also composing your own Music. You have an exam aswell about the history of Music & Technology! :)

    I suppose it's part of the reason I love Muse so much, they use so much technology and produce their own music! ^^ They constantly are using new things, I love Matt's Kaoss pad! :D We have one at school!! But not on a guitar :(


    Oh good! :D

  4. Aww, this website is just awesome! There are so many really nice Muse fans out there! :D If I go to another concert I almost always see another Muse fan! :) It's awesome!

  5. Yes, yes!!! :D I should really add more pictures from Manchester, but I have to lowere the resolution so they can fit on -.- takes forever!

    The glasses were so awesome! ^^ Oh dear, that chicken thing was awful! :p

    I loved the shiny suit tbh :) silver glittery one, that was cute! I like his M&S jumpers xD My mum laughs at him for them! But I think they are cool B) aha!

    I like him shouting Woo, in I belong to you! :p Trying to be so manly, like in Uprising shouting HEY! Makes me laugh :')

    Om my Gosh! Yes, I know! The headless bass still seems weird to me though, I have no idea how the strings work on it xD I love the slap bass on that song! :)

    Aww yes! ^^ & also their little dance across the room at the top! So cute! I just love like all of it, because if they aren't messing around on their instruments and making me laugh, I love the instruments and the technology! They use the same recording programme as I do at school! :D

    Oo! I also love the start of resistance, with the coin, that's really interesting! :)

    I'm blonde! So I have excuses!! :p hehe!

  6. It's weird to think! :)

    My mum chucks water over my face to wake me up! I'm not too much of a morning person! xD Unless there is really something to gain from it! Then I can maybe get up! :p

    What time do you get woken up?


    Woooo! Haha! :D I've just had a music technology practical test! D:

  7. What time is it for youu? It's lunch for me! :)

    I was up until 3am the other day, just on the internet after doing work! :/ It can't be good! I only have 3 subjects, so my work I don't mind doing as much! ^ ^

    Wish I was sleeping D: so tired!

  8. I was talking about the DVD, but both then! :p

    Oh don't worry dear! Haha, I can have extremely blonde moments! :D

  9. Oooo! Thanks a lot! I shall take a look at that later! :D Woo!


    I'm fine thanks! Just caching up on some work in college! :p How about youu?

  10. Hey! Thanks for joining "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)" - :D


    I'm loving your image and also your icon! Drummer Matt ftw! ;)

  11. No! :O I haven't! Where abouts is it? Hehe!

    You can't help but love those guys! They are just so very awesome! :)

  12. Where do you all get your pictures like that? xD I see so many photos on here that I've never really seen before. People must look for hours :p

  13. Agreed!! Hahah :p Hmm... sometimes, but not all that much. It's either Matt and Dom, or Chis. Just shows that when they film it themselves, it's all good! :D No picky press people with favouritism.

  14. Yeah doing just fine thanks, in college! Just catching up on some work for Music! How are you doing? :)

  15. Aww, jealous! I can't seem to get my hands on one! :( *cries* haha! :p


    Ooo! I would love to play chello! It is just so awesome!! :D

    I wish I had a keytar though! D: that would be amazing! Damn expensive things! :(

  16. Get a big group of us and all go together! Haha :p you always meet nice people at Muse aswell. I went to another concert the other day, and there was a Muser sat next to me! We are everywhere! :D Haha.


    What pictures? :O Ooo cool! ^ ^

  17. Isn't he just!! :D Which other bits are you liking? :)

  18. Must be awful not be able to see them! I suppose all you can really do is try your best to get them over there! :( Any of your friends as much in to Muse as you are?

  19. Hell Yeah he took it literally, but don't we just love him for iiitt!! :D He was just so crazy! & I love it! Also the blue hair I must admitt helps!! :D

    They just rock full stop, don't they! ;)

  20. You're very welcome! ^ ^ Thanks a lot! I love Chris in it, just bobbing his head along! Hehe! He is so cute! It's one of my favourite bits from the making of the Resistance! :D

  21. Oooo! Sounds interesting! :D

    Ahahah, oh dear! :p oh Matt! He is such a laugh! ^ ^

    "Muuuuumm.. i know what I want for Christmas now! :D"


    I have to go now too! But I hope that we do! :)

    Same to youuu Bridie!! :D x

  22. Thanks for joining, "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)" - :D

  23. Thanks for joining, "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)"


    I love your picture! :) The boys are looking cutee! ^ ^

  24. Oh, don't worry! :D

    They are doing a tour DVD? :O


    Nice to meet you Bridie! :)

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