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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Oooh la laa, what's your project like???? :happy: My day was okay i guess, although every lesson seemed to take ages and Connor was ill :( You??? :)

  2. Do you mean what language do i learn at school?? The only language i'm fluent in is english and that's my native language :unsure:

  3. Ahhh totally!!! :LOL: I would love to see what's going on in Connor's head, i try to work it out but I just never get anywhere :( So how was your day??? :)

  4. That sounds like a very good idea!!! :D Mmmm, he sounds nice, we have ZERO fit teachers in our school, only fit boys, but I'm not complaining!!!!:D At least we stand a chance with them :eyebrows: A Blues song in 3 lessons!!!?!!! That's a bit difficult!!!!

  5. Same really, it's nice to meet new people :happy: I've never actually seen Friends, is it any good???

  6. Hmmm :eyebrows: no i doubt it :( Even if he did i don't think he would admit it unless i said so first because he's really shy when it comes to his feelings and stuff, it's really cute sometimes, but then other times kinda annoying :chuckle:

  7. I get what you mean :( With Connor if i found out that he liked me i dunno if we would just stay like really good friends because sometimes it's just easier to be amazingly good friends with someone but not quite going out so then if you start liking them less you don't have to dump them or anything, anyways, i doubt he likes me :unsure: but i totally get what you mean :happy:

  8. That's a cool name :happy: I'm fine too thanks :) So what have you been up to???? :)

  9. Yeah, I'm like that :( I'm okay on english tests, especially when we do creative stuff but on maths tests and other stuff i'm awful!!!! :( I hate maths, i'm also rubbish at it, none of the numbers make sense :'(

  10. What albums were they??? And from the sounds of it i think he would say yes :happy: do you want to go out with him or do you just wanna stay friends???

  11. I hope so but i dunno :unsure: Connor is just soo cute, he has gorgeous blue eyes that flare up really bright in the sun and the most amazing hair!!!! :D And he agrees with me that girls who slap on foundation look plastic where as most boys think its okay :rolleyes: So what happened today then??? :)

  12. Oooh, not nice :( Well good luck, I'm sure your way better at maths than me!!!! :LOL:

  13. OMG HE TOTALLY LIKES YOU!!!!!!! :D What doe's he look like??? Awwwwww!!!! It's soo cute!!! :D Well basically he came over to my table where i was sanding some wood with my friend and he started talking and then we were talking later in the lesson and he always started the conversation and he laughed and smiled a lot and kept on glancing at me!!!! I'm very happy :awesome:

  14. Hi, thanks for adding me :happy: I'm Rachel, how are you??? :)

  15. Yeah!!!! I just love Johnny Depp :awesome: Have you seen the new trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean 4??? It looks epic :D My day was good thanks, how about you??? :)

  16. Jesus!!! I'm still not gonna believe it until Matt himself confirms it, i eventually did believe the baby thing but not this!!!! It will all end in tears I think anyway, KH hasn't exactly had the best past :indiff: OMG!!!! I think he definately doe's like you!!!!! How doe's he act around you??? :D I don't think he will, he's very shy like that but i had the most awesome lesson with him today!!!! :awesome: Oh and as for the birthday thing it's a he!!!! But yeah he's the same age as me, he was so happy when he found out he was a few days older than me :indiff::happy:

  17. No worries, i do that all the time!!! :D Yeah, if i was a teacher I'd seriously be freaked by all the kids!!! :chuckle: I've just noticed your bday is on exactly the same days as one of my mates!!! :LOL:

  18. Alice in Wonderland is just the most amazing thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:awesome: as you can see i like it alot!!!! :LOL: I have a massive Mad Hatter poster, a Mad Hatter bag, mirror, pencil case, T-shirt and then of course the film itself!!!! :D I is happy, i swear I've forgotten something in that list though :unsure: Ouch!!! Are you going to go to the doctors for it???

  19. Ouchies!!!! :( How did you manage to hurt your leg sitting in the car!?! Well I hope you have a good time despite your leg :happy:

  20. Thats so rude!!!! :eek: Dom is just amazing in it!!! And Matt's laugh!!! :LOL: When im watching it im in tears laughing at Dom and then Matt really starts laughing and im just dying!!!! :LOL:

  21. Good plan :happy: i just got back from the sleepover and i showed my friend sit the fuck down and everything!!! IT was awesome :awesome:

  22. I think it can be written either way!!! Gothic clothing is amazing!!! I was looking at these kinda gothic, medieval looking dresses and they are gorgeous!!!!! :D I saw some gold converse on the internet, they were just amazing!!! :awesome: I want some converse that come up to just below your knees, they are just pure awesome :awesome:

  23. Omg!!!! :LOL: That sounds exactly like something me and my friends would do!!!!! :LOL: We were stalking some IT technician at school today for some odd reason!!! He kept on turning round and giving us funny looks as we pretended to not see him!!!! :LOL: Good times :) So what have you got planned for the weekend????

  24. In year eight we missed out on a year of geography because of a shit teacher, a year of science because of a shit teacher and most of the year of Spanish and French because our teacher was ill and we had tonnes of rubbish supply teachers!!!! Eurgh, i'd hate to be a teacher :(

  25. I go for like gothic type stuff and really bright Dommie jeans :D I love converse too!!!! They are amazing!!!! :D I desperately need some more :(

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