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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Yeah, i get what you mean!!! I mean Vampire Academy is totally different because there is like different species and it's not the whole, human falls in love with a vampire thing, it has more imagination than that!!! :D

  2. He was brilliant, a lot of people say his performance in Inception was amazing but i think he was actually better in Shutter Island :)

  3. Last Sacrifice, the last one is my favourite, closely followed by Shadow Kiss, but I've developed i really strong hate for Tasha Ozera after Frostbite :indiff:

  4. Soon after hearing exo-politics i listened to map of the problematique and i was just like, i love this band, and then i went onto micro cuts and i was like, whoa, is this the same band!?! Your so lucky to have seen them live!! My parents have promised me that they'll get tickets but they are so expensive :( Don't worry about the long messages, i often write whole chapters too!!!! :D

  5. That was a masterpiece! I love the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks as well :happy: no, i've only seen the film, what's the book like???

  6. I'm really sorry, selling Cloud was hard enough, I could never imagine losing a pony :( I name most things i own :happy: Well i first got a few songs on my Ipod and my obsession grew from there!!! I think the first muse song i heard was Exo Politics so i do have a soft spot for it now :happy: how about you???? :)

  7. OMG!!!! I ADORE Dimka, he's just such a god!!! :D I also have a soft spot for Christian :happy: so have you only read up to Shadow Kiss so far???? :)

  8. Awww, that's such a shame :( I had a pony but he wasn't right and we had to sell him but it's nothing compared to actually losing one :( I hope something turns up soon, although i bet when you do get back in the saddle the day after your muscles will really complain!!! :LOL: We got the piano free from some website called Freecycle. We went to pick it up and it took us ages to get it in the van, I've named her Cassie for some reason :chuckle:

  9. Well Russian because i read this series of book called Vampire Academy and there is an amazing guy named Dimitri Belikov in it who is Russian and then with Italian I have no idea!!! It's just a pretty awesome language :D

  10. No worries, I often compare him to marmite, you either love him or you hate him!!! I love film music too!!! Hans Zimmer is a genius, the Inception soundtrack is a masterpiece!!! :D I love Danny Elfman as well :happy:

  11. I don't really have a favourite film, i have quite a few, but I love The Lovely Bones, Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Inception, Shutter Island, newer films generally and I'm a massive Johnny Depp fan so most of his films :D Do you have a favourite actor??? :)

  12. God, that's a bit of a coincedence!!!!:LOL: My Muse posters and pics are just spread out over every spare inch of wall, in fact it's difficult to tell what colour my wall is for all the pictures!!!! :D I think I'm probably gonna watch Alice in Wonderland or something, I'm in the sort of mood where i wanna curl up with some chocolate under a duvet and watch a nice film :happy:

  13. Yeah, I'm currently learning Spanish, it's not going well :( I started learning French a few years before but i do think I'm picking up Spanish quicker!!! :LOL: I'm not very good at languages, but i really want to learn Italian or Russian for some reason!!!! :D

  14. I don't really watch much TV, just films mostly!! :LOL: Although I do really love the Simpsons and Top Gear :happy: What's your favourite films??? :)

  15. Awww, why haven't you ridden for 6 months?? :( Do you have your own horse or do you ride at a riding school??? :) I was going to learn to play guitar but then the lure of the piano became to much and i decided to go for that instead :happy:

  16. I don't actually have a fave film, i love tonnes of them!!!! :D But most of my top ten are Johnny Depp films :happy: I told my friend that he has the same B'day as you, he was rather annoyed :LOL: How has your day been so far???

  17. Same, I also have a huge crush on Ben Barnes, the only reason i wanna see the film is because of him!!! :chuckle: Do you have a fave film??? :)

  18. :LOL: I ADORE Johnny Depp so i had to go and see it!!!! :D Have you seen the new Narnia????? :)
  19. I dunno, films!? Have you seen Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland??? :D

  20. It's an amazing film, i only actually saw it a couple of days ago!!!! :unsure:

    Yeah, i've been riding for about five, maybe six years now :) You??

    And I just got a piano a couple of weeks ago so I'm hoping to make some progress with that :happy:

  21. Awww bless you!!! :D If i do anything with Connor I end up doing it wrong because i get so flustered and everything!!! EVen if I'm easily capable of doing it i just mess it all up because it's him!!!! :LOL:

  22. I burnt toast :$ Generally my friend Georgia tells me what to do, i try and do it and cry over peeling onions with Connor and let him open all the tins and put my stuff in the oven!!!! :chuckle: he is such a useful person to have around!!!! :LOL:

  23. Nothing much, I'm good thanks :happy: how are you???? Oh and thanks for adding me :) I'm loving the username btw :D

  24. Naaawww :( I would officially die without my Ipod, it keeps me sane :indiff: We're changin what we do in design now so we're doing cooking, sadly, I burn everything in sight :'(

  25. Hi, thanks for the friend request :) How are you today??? :happy:

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