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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. We had options evening a couple of weeks ago but Connor went to the one an hour before mine :( I hope your dad likes him, he sounds lovely so yeah!!! :LOL: Good luck anyway!! :happy:

  2. I make lot's of weird noise too!!! :indiff: one of my friends swears i have torettes or something :chuckle: Nah, I might get it soon though because there is someone i really need to talk to but i can't at school :unsure:

  3. Ouch, falling off no matter how bad hurts!!! I think I've fallen off about eight times now, but for the amount of years I've been riding it's pretty good going and especially considering that i have a thing for riding all the mental ones :ninja: Falling off always knocks my confidence, you jsut gotta get back in the saddle and put it behind you :happy:

    I've heard of it but never seen it, is it any good??? :)

    I'm fine thanks, and you??? :happy:

  4. Hmmm, was he any good??? :eyebrows: Why have you been acting weird?? :p I'm good thanks, you?? :)

  5. I only just managed to make pizza, Connor ate all the pepperoni so i ate all the bacon off of his :LOL: How was your lesson with Liam??? :happy:

  6. I'm odd like that!! I was just going towards a fairly nice jump at a decent trot and the pony took a dislike to it and spooked to the side and i fell straight into the jump, i put my hand out onto the pole and it didn't fall down, i ended up chipping the bone in my wrist and dislocating my growth plates so i needed an operation, but it's all good now :D I've actually just been riding and i just rode the pony that I broke my wrist on, we're a great team anyway it's just the way i fell, I fall the same way again and be okay so yeah :happy: I mostly prefer dressage now anyway but yeah :happy: how are you today???

  7. I just kind of do dressage and jumping really, although i lost a lot of confidence with jumping a while back so my jump position isn't that great :erm: but I'm actually finding I do a better jump position without stirrups so yeah :D What about you????

  8. I overuse that word!!! :LOL: Well I have design with Connor tomorrow, we're making pizza :indiff: Last time Miss moved this guy called Josh, who has the same Bday as you, next to me and we've been put next to eachother in almost every lesson since year seven so we're a nightmare together, she really regretted it after :chuckle::ninja: You???

  9. It's one of my favourite made up words :happy: Awww, he totally doe's like you :D I have three pairs of 'normal' converse, basically meaning they are stil the same as when i first got them and then 2 pairs that i attacked with sharpies :LOL: I had another Jack Sparrow one but it was too big so I turned to converse :happy: I think i might go for something Alice in Wonderland themed soon :D 'The look :eyebrows:'

  10. NAAAAWWWW!!!!! :D That's adorabubble :D:LOL: I <3 that song, it's gorgeous :happy: What did Liam do when your mate said that??? Did he just burst out singing or say something before??? :) I'm good thanks :happy: In design yesterday Connor gave me 'the look' because he said something so i did 'the look' and then he did it back :happy: Converse are amazing!!! :D Tbh though i couldn't think up a good avatar :erm: i can never have the same avatar for too long :chuckle: (sorry for the smilie abuse :$)

  11. I'm loving your new avatar btw :D

  12. What is your job?? I'm okay too thanks, I'm pigging out on chocolate now :happy:

  13. I would totally go mental, and scream and everything and give him a massive hug, then ask him for a play-fight :p and then get his autograph, a picture, and maybe ask for a sneaky kiss :ninja::chuckle:!!!!

  14. I was listening to Bliss and i just thought, this song is just a masterpiece, how did i live so happily without knowing it even existed!? Where did you find the instrumental version of BHaR? :happy:

  15. :LOL: Random question but what would you do if Dimitri Belikov turned out to be a real person and you ran into him one day??? :chuckle:
  16. I have lots of muse pics (and lots of mainly Matt :$) And tonnes of random pics and then pics of actors and film posters because I'm such a film nerd :cool: I'm good thanks :happy: How about you???

  17. I get what you mean :) Now I'm thinking how did I survive that long without this music? Every now and then i still discover a new muse song and it's just like listening to music for the first time, it's brilliant that I've found a band that can make me feel like that :happy:

  18. You fell after colliding with a four year old!!!?!! :LOL: Oh dear :facepalm::chuckle: I kinda collided with one stranger in the corridor at school, bounced off him and then went running, full pelt and screaming at the guy i fancy, i didn't even know it was him until my mate told me after :$ So how was your day today :happy: (I think I'm committing smiley abuse :erm:)

  19. No worries, i think that's the best way really because the fact that you rediscover them and really love them means that they are a brilliant band that is worth it, if that makes sense :erm: I only really listened to classical music before muse, film soundtracks and things like that, i was never really into music and muse just made me fall in love with music in general :happy:

  20. Well it all started when i listened to exo-politics, and i thought, wow this is a great band, that guy has a really unique voice, i kinda started getting more and more songs and then i started searching videos of them live and i saw how great they were and just fell in love!!! I also saw some behind the scenes stuff and funny moments and they seem like such great, friendly guys and i just thought, yes, this is a brilliant band!! I can't really remember when it all started :erm: It took me a while to actually join, i've still not been brave enough to express my opinion anywhere else but main muse and the arty threads and film thread :unsure:

  21. Oopsies!!!! :D That sounds exactly like something i would do :chuckle: Last week in one of our lesson our teacher was standing near the doorway and i was looking over my shoulder for the guy i like whilst walking into the room and our teacher is rather, chubby :chuckle:, and i walked straight into hima nd kinda bounced off :$ It was funny though :LOL: Oh and about Tasha Ozera she is so much more of an asshole in Last Sacrifice, just wait until you get to the end!!!

  22. Haha :LOL: I love him too!!! Tbh i find some of the banter people who come over main muse pretty scary :unsure:

  23. Mine are Shutter Island and Romeo and Juliet :) So I'm guessing you are a Matt fan??? :happy:

  24. So am I, Inception was such a brilliant film :happy: I got the feeling that DiCaprio didn't really put as much into his character as he normally doe's, it seemed a little too similar to what he had done before, like he didn't really build his character and make it different :erm:

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