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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. A lot of the hgih energy ones i ride are especially sensitive, they pick up the slightest thing, it's quite amazing!!! :D Although generally i'm not a fan of mares, I much prefer geldings :D I've not seen any of them, is your favourite film Fight Club??? :)

  2. Sounds good, theres not really much to look at around me, apart from roads and woods :erm:

  3. Wow!!! How are you managing that!?! :awesome: My school is awful :LOL: my parents would move me if there was any other decent schools in the area or they would send me to a private school but they don't have the money :erm:

  4. Yeah, the high energy ones are great fun, I get on with them well because I love the adrenaline rush :D Usually i work well with them because we both have a need for speed and apparently I ride really quietly :erm: My favourite shows are Top Gear and the Simpsons, I'm more of a film person myself :happy: You??? :)

  5. Sounds good, it's great knowing that I've got the whole weekend in front of me (even though it's only two days :chuckle:) Where do you think you'll go???

  6. Ouchies, how did you manage that??? Did it bleed much??

  7. Pretty much the same, rain, rain, endlessly raining :( If it's not raining then it's freezing cold with tonnes of wind!!! Occasioanally we get a few nice days in summer but we all complain then because it's too hot!!! :LOL: What's your school like??

  8. Lucky!!! :D I've never actually been to London lol :LOL: What's it like in Holland??

  9. In the Midlands, it sucks here because we are so far away from the sea :( I love the sea :happy: what about you??

  10. Awww :( how sick are you?? :( My day was okay i guess, but we had the most boring lessons ever, my school is shit :(

  11. They are awesome pics :awesome: I'd love to go to a muse gig but one my parents just can't cough up enough cash atm and two tickets sell out so damn fast!!! How has your day been?? :)

  12. It's okay, awww, well at least you have some spare time now :happy: I'm fine thanks, how about you??

  13. I get picked on sometimes but only for the clothes i wear, and anyways i always have a sarky comment to shoot back at them :happy: But the way she acts is just totally OTT, she needs to sort herself out!!! So anyway, how was your day today??? :)

  14. I listened to Exo-Politics and then it just grew from there really!!! :LOL: Your so lucky to have seen them live, I'd love to but the tickets are just too expensive :( What was the gig like?? :)

  15. I'm kinda the goth person but i never go round wearing chains or boots or anything, i prefer converse :happy: And my mum won't let me die my hair :indiff: But going to biker clubs and everything is pretty stupid!!! How doe's she get treated at school???

  16. I'm in rainy Britain :erm: but it's okay i guess :indiff: Can I ask how did you find out about Muse??? :)

  17. I'm fine, got an awful day at school ahead of me but never mind :indiff: have you got any plans for today??

  18. Hi, thanks for adding me, I'm Rachel, how are you??? :)

  19. I don't know about mine, i do love endlessly, Sing for Absolution and then In your World but it keeps on changin all the time!!! :LOL:

  20. What other stuff doe's she do or do I not wanna know??? Our options evening was specifically for us so all the teachers who teach us were there, it wasn't fun :facepalm: and i got really irritable :mad:

  21. OMFG!!!! That's one of my fave songs ever!!! :D I couldn't find any videos of it live, thanks you sooo much!!! :D Gosh I love that song so much :happy: what are your favourite songs??? :)

  22. Jesus Christ!!!! Wtf, her Mum is letting her do that!!??!! :wtf: if i had a 17 year old boyfriend my parents would stop me from seeing him!!! God they would never give me contraceptive pills or anything because they wouldn't want to me to have sex with him!!! God, i cannot believe that, seriously, some people :noey: Anyway, good luck with your options evening :happy:

  23. Nope lol, I'm only on here!!! :LOL: My day was good thanks, how about you??? :happy:

  24. Omg!!! :LOL: How do think he would react if your dad asked him that??? Yeah, he was at school but he's started hanging out somewhere new so i can't even stalk him now :( See i would casually follow him but he hangs around outside in the cold whilst i'm weak and stay in the hall in the warm :happy::chuckle:

  25. Well there is though :chuckle::eyebrows: It's just not official :LOL: Although hopefully your dad will be more distracted by the option stuff and everything other than what you and Liam are doing :happy:

    My day was pretty boring :erm: I had no lessons with Connor, I didn't even see him :(

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