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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Good good, how was your day?? :)

  2. :( Bless you, i bet you were well dissapointed :( I know, I don't get what is going on with it at all, it's so confusing :'( I try not to use that smilie, it scares me :LOL: But sometimes i have to because otherwise i just end with a post which seems like his has endless :happy: smilies in it!!! :LOL:
  3. Haha, i doubt it :erm: how was your options evening??? :happy:Oh am I the only one who thinks this smilie: :) looks a bit perverted???

  4. Yeah, that would be great!!! :D I love Chris's voice, especially on the backing vocals he did for Soldiers Poem on Haarp :happy: It would also be nice to see Matt do backing vocals, i think it would be an awesome twist :happy:

  5. Errm, was that message below meant to go to me??? :chuckle:

  6. Hi, are you feeling better?? :)

  7. Awww, bless him!!! :happy: I'm guessing he was braving the cold weather instead of being sensible and staying in the warm :rolleyes: Yeah, he's always outside :indiff: We didn't talk that much really today :( I'm pretty much certain that he doesn't fancy me but hey ho, I'll get over it :happy: It's only a crush after all :rolleyes:

  8. That's a pretty bad way to end the weekend :( Have you had any more news about his condition???

  9. I'd love it if my mum filmed me but then in the arena there is mirrors so i can see myself sometimes, it makes me cringe though to see my position sometimes :facepalm: Blue Roans are gorgeous!!! :happy: I met a really gorgeous clydesdale mare who was a blue roan, she was called Blueberry, she was such a darling :happy: Inception is brilliant, the plot is just fantastic :D I'm really liking Tim Burton's stuff atm, I love the style he has because he carries it through in all his films :happy: Have you seen any of Tim Burton's stuff??? :)

  10. Oh yeah, I saw that :( He looked really nervous kinda thing, like he was only going to smoke it because Slash was there and he wanted to look cool :erm: I hope we'll get some heavier stuff again, maybe something like Assassin and MK Ultra, I'd love it if they carried on with the MK Ultra/Map of the Problematique sounds :happy: But then i liked where they were going with the whole exogenesis thing, i loved the classical influences so i hope they carry on that theme :happy: Oh and I would love them to carry on the sound they have for Resistance :happy: How about you??? :)

  11. I don't get why boys do that :erm: Are they trying to prove their manliness or something!?! :rolleyes: How was your day today??? :happy: Anything happen with Liam?? :eyebrows:

  12. :'( I know :'( On a lighter note, do you spend lunchtimes and stuff with Liam??? :)

  13. Mine was good thanks, except i was ill :( It was this place that kept me feeling christmassy :rolleyes: So how have you been recently??? :)

  14. Having a lie in at the weekend is a good thing to do!!! :happy: Don't feel guilty about it!!! :) How was your weekend anyway??? :)

  15. Nawwww!!!! He definately likes you!!! Do have eachothers numbers and stuff???? :happy:

  16. Omg where!?! I knew Dom smoked but not Matt :(

  17. Haha :LOL: My friends complain that i wear too many layers, i layer t-shirt upon t-shirt, it's funny :chuckle: They also think i have a converse obsession :happy:

    Ewww, that's gross :noey: Dirty woman :noey:

    How did you both fit on the same chair can i ask!??! :LOL::eyebrows:

  18. My family all hate muse :'( Most of them, except for my dad and two of my uncles, have no appreciation for any rock music at all :noey: My mum doesn't like music at all, i just don't get people like that :erm: I couldn't live without music!!! :LOL:

  19. It's great to just be able to relax for a while and not have any pressure from anyone else :happy:

  20. My uncle likes Queen :erm: I'm not complaining but i would like it if at least one of my family members likes muse :erm: sadly, they don't :'(

  21. Yep!!! It would be okay if it wasn't so windy but the wind makes it just freezing, I'm gonna stay at home in the warm :happy: I think I might watch Haarp :D

  22. I have no idea :LOL: I would be riding but the person who owns the pony has gone on holiday so yeah :erm: What about you??? :happy:

  23. I know, i love how full of spirit they are :happy: No, i don't, i used to but not anymore :erm: i've never actually been filmed riding, I'll have to get my mum to film me riding Misty, he's this really forward going, high spirited little strawberry roan, he's awesome :awesome: Leonardo DiCaprio was in Titanic, Shutter Island and then of course Inception, I can't actually think of any more off the top of my head!!! :chuckle: I like being a film geek :happy:

  24. She's kind of a mix, she's definately got some heavy horse in her somewhere, she's skewbald and like a smaller version of gypsy mare, her names Honey :happy: I absolutely LOVE mustangs and quarter horses :happy: I love Haflingers and Cobs too, they are gorgeous!!! I also like welsh ponies, they are just so cheeky, and new forest ponies, we went to the new forest and I made friends with some that were standing in the middle of the road :D Yeah, I actually watched it for like the fourth time last night :happy: It's a good film, Leonardo DiCaprio was brilliant but personally i don't think it's his best role (god I'm such a film geek :rolleyes:)

  25. There just isn't is there :( I'm riding a really gorgeous mare atm but i still prefer geldings any day!!! :D Fight Club is amazing, i was never expecting the ending but then there was small clues throughout :) I don't know what my favourite film is, probably The Lovely Bones :happy: so beautiful yet so sad :'( I cry the whole way through and it's like two hours something!!! :LOL: Haha, i don't think i can see it on any of the channels on our TV, we have an awful selection :erm:

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