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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. I think I'd faint, then hug them, then faint :$ It would be reallllly fun!! :) I'm jealous too... They are sooooo lucky!

    That scene is epic! And when Dom nearly breaks the camera :LOL: Yes. Poor Chris :(

    No... I haven't :'( I really wanna though! Have you?? :D

  2. I would love to spend a day with them :awesome: Then again, who wouldn't?

    You're welcome! It is awesome! I love Matt dancing behind Dom :p it's amazing!!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwh thanks hun ;) You do! I think it's physically impossible not to love them :)

    Yours makes me lol :chuckle:

  4. We fell asleep at the same rime pretty much... 1.30 :LOL: FAIL!!!

    It was indeed :yesey:

    It is!! Liverpool :ninja::$ We are doing appaling this year :mad: Usually 3/4/5th this year I haven't been watch it because they are doing awful and make me angy :LOL: My second is probably Wolves or Birmingham :facepalm: They are both shocking!

    I did, it was really good! :p I got worn out though..

    Gooood! And oh noes! poor you.. Good luck with it :D

    Have you been up to much?? :)

  5. Yeah, maybe some other time :happy:


    As conspiracies unwind,

    Will you slam shut,

    Or free your mind?

    Or stay hypnotised?


    Yes :)

    I bet you do :ninja: Ninja's always find fun :p

    How are you??

  6. It's totally fine hun! I haven't been coming on here as often anyway! :)

    I bet it is, all school is weird and confusing an totally stupid! :mad:

    I'm doing fine thanks :happy: and how about yourself? :D

  7. Hellooo :happy:

    OMG! THAT SOUNDS AWESOME! That would be like the perfect Muse dream :rolleyes: But you experienced it in real life :eek: It really does sound amazing :p But I'm glad you got out alive :shifty::chuckle:

    Gooooood! I'm fine thanks!

    Meh, not much.. school mainly and then I stopped at a friends house last night :) We ate peanut butter on oreos :p

    What about you?? :D

  8. I was "nom" :LOL:

    Yes.. I'm gonna write.. not quite sure what I'll write yet ;).. on my wall :p

    Realy? Oh noes :supersad:

    :D :D

    My mum's the same.. she just wants me to have a good time :happy:


    ... :chuckle: *is addictive*


    Awwwwwwwh! It's weird not remembering stuff.. :$

    I missed my stop before and I had to walk an extra mile :( At least you got off in the right place!! :LOL:

    Doris. Is. Fail... nuff said! :noey:

    How are you?? :)

  9. :D


    Yep.. I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna be one!


    Yeah, my school is retrded!


    Awwh, I hope you get some! I really do :happy: Good luck finding some! :p


    What did you bake?? :) And poor you! I feel sorry for you :(

    How are you??

  10. Oh noes!! :eek: Poor you! :(

    :yesey: :yesey:

    Goood And it was :happy:

    :D :D

    Yayyyyy!! :awesome: Tell me what it's like! :p

    Gooood! And I'm sure your sleep will get better :happy:

    It was fine thanks :)

    Have you been up to much? :p

  11. Yeah and watery :$ She is :yesey: I'm stopping at her house tomorrow, I wonder if she'll fall asleep before me? :rolleyes:

    :D Yeah, it was pretty annoying to :LOL:

    Well, on weekends mostly... or in summer :p It's fun! Do you support a team?? :D

    :awesome: Pretty much the same :chuckle: I'm going swimming tomorrow :p~

    How are you?? :happy:

  12. That would have been awesome :(


    It's fine :) I am waiting patiently :chuckle:


    You know, when you lie down randomly? I told you about it before...

    Cool :happy: Did you have fun??

  13. It's where you get a grade and its all official :) Like in a test.. It's reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy different :indiff:


    I hope you do well! :p I wanna be a forensic scientist.. so I need to be good at science :happy: No net eveeeeeeery sunday, just occassionally :)


    Ohh, they do that too! And if a teacher walks past, and if you trip over... you get the picture! :rolleyes:


    Oh noes! That's too bad! :( I just "nomed" your mudcake through the computer :p Goooooood!! Oh, yes, be a Dombie! :awesome: Green skinies :dance:


    It was fine thanks :) My art teacher liked my work! :D It made me happy! :)

    How was yours?? :happy:

  14. Awwwwh, What would you have got?? :happy:


    Oh :( I'll have to wait then....


    Gooooood!! :D I'm fine thanks! I played Lie Down today!!! :awesome: I will make an album ;)

    Have you been up to much?? :p

  15. Mmmmm... I just had HOT CHOCOLATE!!! :awesome:

    Ohhhh :( Ahh well! it was a good idea though! I have a bunch of glow sticks... *has a plan* :chuckle:

    I hope it is! :D

    We can think it together! ;)

    Ahhhh :LOL: I only ever go Christmas shopping with mum :p Or if I reallyyyyyyyy have to :chuckle:


    ... *mee too! but its soooooooo addictive :shifty:*


    Okay, I hope yu get it done! :) And yayyyyyyy!!! :dance: Thank god!

    Yeah, it makes sense! :yesey:

    I alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys go to wales :indiff:

    ahhh, I'd hate that!!

    Awwwwwwwwh, poor you! Why did you cry??

    :LOL: That sounds funny! I hate getting the bus to school!



    It's fine!!!

  16. Gooood! I hope so too! :happy:

    Yeahhh.. he is :yesey:

    He was.. but to me, his carrer has gone down hill! Although he has a load of fangirl people :chuckle:

    I'm glad you had fun!!!! :D

    Sounds fun! :happy:

    Gooood! And yes thanks!! :)

    It does.. I'm sooooo excited for it!!!!!!!!!! :awesome:

    How was your day?? :p

  17. Gooood! Uhh, I'm always tired.. ALWAYS! I nearly fall asleep on the bus :$ but I don't! :D

    I'm okay thanks... kinda tired, but okay! :)

    Have you been up to much?? :happy:

  18. I took mine for a nice long walk today :happy:

    How's Bijou doing??


    Yeah :( We get 6 weeks.... NOT FAIR!!

    How long is yours?? :happy:


    No problem! :) Your reply has made me reeeeally excited for the next one!! :awesome:


    Gooood!! *is jealous* :LOL: That's what my brother would be like.. I always sing to plug in baby (and so does my dad :chuckle:)

    How are you today?? :D

  19. Oooh sounds very nice! :awesome: Did you get anything from game?? :)


    I can't wait!! :dance: Have you offically got a bassist and drummer?? :D


    My sig is actually finished! And you have green.. just liike you asked :happy:

    How are you?? :p

  20. Gooooood!

    Have you been up to much?? :p

  21. :D Dogs are just :awesome: to be fair! :yesey:


    Really?? :eek: But you have more summer time than us... :rolleyes:


    It's really goooood!!! :D I LOVE it! :)


    Coolio! I bet you did.. if it was me, I'd steal it off my brother until I mastered Uprising :LOL:

    Have fun! :p

  22. Awwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhh! :happy: My dog ran up to my room once, because it was her first ever bonfire night.. and she didn't like the bangs :( It was cute!


    It's just when you get a week or two off :) We have one in October, 2 in December, 1 in February, 2 in April :p and probably another, but I can't remember when :LOL:

    Will do! :happy:


    REALLY?! *is jealous* Have you been on it?? MUSE! :dance:

  23. I have always prefered HM.. but I love both still! :D

    Yes! I am now :shifty: AERO HOT CHOCOLATE!! :awesome:

    Oh well.. at least it's done and dusted, and you had some fun :p Was it there?? :D *pwease, pwease, pwease (let me get what I want :chuckle:) say it was there*

    :awesome:M.U.S.E :awesome:

    :facepalm: But maybe thats a good thing... happens to me alllll the time :chuckle:

    so it's not just you're everyday trip then??


    ... << ;)


    Thank God! And really :supersad: SHOWBIZ!!!!!!!!!!!

    What did you buy?? :happy:

    I've been about 82346 times... It gets pretty boring.

    Goood... I'm gonna move my iTunes to my computer.. it's on my dads atm :/ It was good thanks, Wales and football :LOL:


    It's fine!!!!

    How are you??

  24. Did you sleep well last night?? :)

    :happy: We had to write about a famous person that we admire in English.. I did Matt :rolleyes:

    He doesn't.. and he's not really good looking :wtf: He looks better with a beard! Or in Harry Potter :awesome:

    My friend wants me to go see Resident Evil.. but I haven't seen the others and it isn't my type of film :LOL:

    It does! :yesey:

    Awwwwwwhhh! Did you have a good time?? :happy:

    I went to Wales fr the weekend :p

    How are you?? :D

  25. :happy: I love her to bits :p


    It does :yesey: Yeahh, I guess.. Oh well, I only have 9 days till half term :D

    Gooooood!! :)

    YAYYYY!! *Must go read* :awesome:


    Have you been up to much?? :p

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