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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Yeah, it would be... :LOL: Don't you hate when they walk around with their hands down their trousers? It makes me so angry :mad: Especially in supermarkets, when they pick something up and then put it back... :noey:


    Awwwwh, sound's nice :happy:

    Cool, I'm glad you enjoyed it :D Was the food nice?? :)


    Errmm I went to Wales on Saturday and thats about it.. :p

    How are you today?? :awesome:

  2. Yeah, me too.. and my skin looks bad :mad: She hardly ever has spots.. :LOL:

    You're welcome :happy: Gooood! And have fun with the other two :rolleyes: I had to write about TB for biology... it was boring :(

    Thank you! :)

    It was, I just played football with some friends :D Cool, I hope you have fun! :)

    Gooood! And yes! 9 DAYS!! :dance: I'm good thanks :p

    Have you been up to much? :D

  3. I've never been on a horse.. but I love feeding them :D Awwh, I hope you do get one! It would be awesome!! :)

    I realllyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna see that! It looks hilarious :p

    Gooooood! Ooooh, what did you make? :happy:

    Mmmmm yes.. but me thinks it's a 2 year wait :( I WANT IT NOOOOOOW!!! :D

    Have you been up to much?? :)

  4. :D :D


    It does.. How was your day off?? :happy:

    Goood! And YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! :dance: *is the pwoud number 1 fan* :p

  5. Awwwh, I only have 9 DAYS! :dance: Really?? :awesome: I hope you find a good way to celebrate! :D Errrm, well.. this is kinda hard because I had TiRO and Knights of Cydonia (HAARP version) on my phone about 3 years ago :D But I didn't start to reallyyyyyyyy like them till about january ast year :indiff: I'm not sure of the exact date.. I'd heard of Muse in 2003.. TiRO and Hysteria were my favourite songs for a few weeks :LOL:

    Awwwwwh thanks! :D


    How are you?? :happy:

  6. Yeah.. it is! :yesey: It has sad lyrics and is slow :chuckle:

    That's because they are true! And hot chocolate is :awesome: GO GET SOME!! :stongue:

    Three and a half?! She skidded infront of the teachers? :LOL: Sounds reallyyyyyyyyyy fun!! And I like how he is dubbed as "The Boy" with capitals and all :chuckle: WOW! YOU NOW HAVE GLOWY WALLS! :dance: You must see if it's still there! What did you write?

    :awesome: MUSE! Was it good?? :happy:

    Tantrums ftw! You went off and left your mum? :eek: Oh noes! How far from London are you?


    ... << That is :awesome:


    Goooood! I'm glad you had fun :happy:

    You did't did you? :eek: Ohhh, that was baaaaaaaaaaaaad! I'd die if that happened to me..

    I'm fine thanks... just got back from wales a couple of hours ago :p

    Did yu have a good weekend?? :D

  7. I know! They don't have a "time of the month" or have to give birth and stuff like that :noey:



    Lucky you! I hate waking up because it takes me about an hour t gt back to sleep! :(


    Gooood! :p Awwwh, that was nice of her! What's it like?? :)

    I'm fine thanks! :)

    Have you been up to much?? :happy:

  8. tripple science is just science, but you have more lessons a week and get an extra GCSE :) r.e is religious education... it's completely different over there :LOL: I'M CONFUSED!!


    Gooood! I hope you do well! :happy: I went to church last sunday and the sunday before :)


    Yeah, it's strange though... :chuckle: At break time, people clap and then the whole chool claps :facepalm: RE-TARDS!


    Gooood :) I'm fine thanks!

    Have you had a good weekend?? ;)

  9. Oh noes! I hope it stops soon!! :( It's awful..

    Thank you :D You are very welcome! ;) M.U.S.E!!!!!!!! :dance:

    :chuckle: I prefer the bad people.. it's more exciting!!! :p


    I saw that last week!!!! :awesome: It's amazing!! I ove the bit where they jump off the building and say "Aim for the bushes" :LOL:

    Goooood! :happy: I'm fine thanks!!

    Thanks :) And I'm gonna get my mum to buy it when it's out :p


    have you been up to much?? :)


  10. Goooood! :) I'm sure you'll do fine :happy:

    I'm fine thanks! and you?? :D

  11. Ohhh! Is it fun there?? :)

    We saw "The Other Guys" It was really funny :D

    Life seems to be on a go slow recently, nothing to do.. ever.


    How are you?? :happy:

  12. Okay.. I'll change it now :awesome:


    :LOL: OMG! lucky you.. I don't have a day off for two weeks :(

    How are you??

  13. You're very welcome :happy:

    Are you starting your GCSE's or did you do that last year?? :) I started mine last year, and I have 3 exams coming up next month :indiff:

    How are you?? :D

  14. :D I have a springer spaniel :happy:



    Lucky you! I have to go in on monday.. and every other day :(

    How have you been?? :p

  15. You're welcome ;) If I was up for a week it'd show and I'd look awful! :LOL: Thank you :)

    Sounds pretty boring to be fair.. but then again, all homework is! And gooood! I hope you get it done soon, so it's over and done with :happy:

    I am feeling better now :) I think the fresh air helped, thanks though!!

    Awwwwh, sounds nice :happy: I went to Wales for the weekend :p


    How are you?? :D

  16. Boy's have it easy.. :(


    You're welcome! :happy: And thanks :)

    I will look for one tomorrow :yesey: I have to go get a second hand hardback book anyway, so I'll look then :)


    I actually did last night! I never woke up :) I have every night this week and it's really annoying :indiff: Do you do that? Just randomly wake up for no reason? :erm:


    How are you today?? :)

  17. I hope you did well! Was it hard?? :happy:

    Have you been up to much?? :)

  18. :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG!!!! That's amazing! :awesome: *is jealous*

    Awwwh, you have a horse?? :happy:

    Last week I went out with a load of friends and we went to the cinema :p But that's about it :indiff:

  19. Goooood!! :happy: Uhhh, school :indiff:

    I've been fine thanks :)

    Have you been up to much?? :D

  20. Goooood! :D Oh, no not yet :( I will now! I promise!! :happy: I'll put "Keeper of the amazing Tyler (amuseme543)" In any colour you want :p

    Have you been up to much??

  21. Awwwwwwh!! :happy: They're really cute!

    Oh, at least there are other people too :$ We can both suck together! :D


    Gooooood!! :) I'm fine thanks!

    Have you been up to much?? :happy:

  22. I actually had a full nights sleep last night.. Didn't wake up once! :D

    Ahhh, I have Biology, Chemistry and Physics exams next month :erm: But I reckon they'll be easy :) good luck with yours!!!

    The only bit I enjoy is when they play baseball - no need to explain why!! ;) And I think Edward should have died in the second one!! :chuckle:

    You're welcome!! :)

    Cooool!! Oooh what are you going to see?? :happy:

    Errrrmm, not really :indiff: I was supposed to go ice-skating today but I really can't be bothered! :LOL: I might go and see my friend and watch Paranormal Activity.. again!! It's not that good though, but the second one looks amazing!!!! :p

    How are you today?? ;)

  23. Good, for the time being! Uhhh, it's so hard being a girl.. once one set clears up the other decides to come along :mad: Boys don't have this problem :noey:


    I feel sorry for you.. I really do hope he stops talking about it with you!


    Awwh, that's really nice :happy: But you should be positive towards yourself! Don't say all of them things are about you.. it's not true! :noey: Rosy, you are one of the nicest down-to-earth people I've met on here :)

    I really, really want a mood ring.. but I can't find one anywhere :(


    I'm fine thanks :) I'm super tired though :LOL: I just can't be arsed to turn the laptop off and walk across the room to turn the light off. I am L.A.Z.Y! :rolleyes:

    Have you got any plans this weekend :happy:

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