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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Helloooo :happy:

    Long time no speak! How have you been?? :D

  2. :D :D

    I have woke up every night this week... And I'm really tired :( It's awful isn't it??

    So are they eay ones? :)

    I'll admit, I did want to watch it when it first came out... but then when I saw how bad it was - I HATED it :LOL:

    Gooooood! :happy: I'm okay thanks!

    Have you been up to much?? :)

  3. It's fine :LOL:

    Doris is fail.. It's all Matt's fault :shifty:

    I know, I found it really strange. I seriously can't think of any that are depressing :wtf: Maybe Hyper Music - kinda :rolleyes:

    Galaxy hot chocloate is better than Cadburys.. and melting Cadburys is better than melting Galaxy :yesey: Well, imo anyway!

    Awwh, how did it go??

    I think it's just a cold :indiff: But I have achy muscles so I dunno..

    Ooooh! I have never been, but I really wanna shop there! Have fun!!


    How are you today?? :)

  4. Goood :happy: Why was drama weird?? :)

    It was fine thanks. I had 4 hours of science though.. but my teacher let me listen to my iPod! Muse + Science = WIN! :awesome:

    How are you??

  5. :)

    It;s okay, Im sure Bijou is amazingly cute :yesey: What sort of dog is she?? :happy:

    Thanks :D I suck at things like this..


    Yeah, it does :p It's weird though.. The singing reminds me of Keane though :wtf: Don't ask!


    How are you today Maddy?? :p

  6. Thanks! :) Sorry about largeness..

    No.. it didn't :(

    Errr, dumb moment.. how did you get it to say BIJOU instead of HIDDEN CONTENT?? :$


    Yeah :D Omg :facepalm: I've started litening to radion head :LOL: And I see what people mean with the comparisons... They are quite alike!


    You're welcome :happy:

    I have to go now.. good bye :)

  7. I can't see :( Can you try another?? :)

    ^ There's mine :happy:


    They obviously wouldn't.. If people hated them, how would they sell out concerts? Or sell albums? Or be famous at all? :D


    Thankyou! :)

    Is she?? YAYYYYYY :awesome: Have fun! :p

  8. Awwwwwwhh :)

    I couldn't.. I was about to but then I only had 10 minutes to finish, so I just left it out :( I wish I did!


    Yes! They swapped it.. so all of us that voted "Stick" have now voted "Split" :mad: I hate Olly for doing this! But still the ones that hate muse and want them to split is only tiny compared to the rest of the board :D


    Goooood :happy: I'm okay I guess... A bit ill though :(

    Have you been up to much?? :p

  9. Ok, now you've made it sound interesting! *must watch* :D THE RESISTANCE :dance:


    Errm, Art :) We had to pick 4 lessons (Triple Science, and BTEC lessons count as 2) and you could choose from all the lessons. I chose Triple Science, German and Art.. but then you have to do ICT, P.E., R.E., English, Maths (and if you don't pick Triple Science) Science :) You couldn't choose History or Geography then? :wtf: What did you choose??


    Oh, I did put it in the wrong place of the message though, so it's my fault :facepalm:


    Awwwh, you have 2 tests tomorrow :( Poor you! I had an English one, today and yesterday... Good luck! :D And was that last Friday? When you were at church? :happy:


    It made me :LOL: too! At first I was like :wtf: and then I just laughed! My school is sooo weird... today at break I was standing with my friends and someone went "Ailish, catch!" So I turned arund and they threw me some sweets :) I was like :awesome:


    I'm okay I guesss, a bit ill but okay :happy: and you??

    I'm sorry I replied late, dinner... But I will deffinately go on tomorrow :D

  10. The latest I've done is 7.30am :D I have a friend who gets insomnia during the summer holiday :LOL: She doesn't sleep for a week :eek: But still, 4am is good :yesey:

    Goooood!! :) I'm glad to hear it! Oh noes! What do you have to do?? :(

    Meh, I'm okay.. a tad ill but I'll live :D


    Have you een up to much?? :happy:

  11. :yesey:

    They really need to learn how to pronunce it! It's a word in the English Dictionary, not just a band! MUSE!! :dance:

    I'll try, I just keep waking up randomly.. usually I have a really good night!!

    Awwh, what exams have you been doing?? :(

    othing really, feeling a bit ill and had to do a "controlled assesment" today :'( It was about Twilight!! :mad:

    How are you??

  12. It's fine :) I don't mind at all!

    Goooood! I'm glad to hear it :D Oooh sounds fun! I hope you have a good time :happy:

    I'm okay thanks... feeling a bit ill, but meh. Whatever.


    Have you been up to much??

  13. It is :awesome:

    It's sooo good! And I wish I could have it! :(

    You have a Muser friend? Awesome! I have a friend who likes Muse, but not excessively :indiff: She's amazing though.. And I have a friend who likes all of Muse's songs, but he thinks Unintended is depressing :LOL:


    The song :D Aero hot chocolate/ Maltesers hot chocolate is :awesome: I don't like any other :$


    Cool! I wish I had half a day off :( Ahh, I was gonna take part in ours.. but then I knew I couldn't be bothered :LOL:

    Nothing much, school, music and just lying in bed :indiff: I'm getting a cold and achy muscles :( Why me! :mad: I have hardly slept this week!


    How are you?? :D

  14. My parents never let me have a day off :( Only if it's supposed to be a day off...

    Is V for Vendetta an action film?? I don't like action films unless they're comedies :)


    If I go to Birmingham, I get the train which is only £2.50 for a return ticket aswell.. so it's not bad! But I have to pay myself, and I hardly go.


    No, I didn't pick it as an option, I prefered other lessons more.. Well, I don't like German but you have to know a language to get into some universities :indiff:


    Gooood :)

    Muse - a new way to annoy your brothers :LOL: << That's a good way of putting it.


    Oooh yes please!! I would love to virtually "nom" your food :chuckle:


    :LOL: That sounds like a really weird day! But kind of fun at the same time :)

    My day was average.. But Maths was funny because someone threw someone else's pen out of the window (which is about 1 metre tall) so she went outside to get it but someone from outside through it in, and when she got there she realised she had walked all the way around for no reaseon :chuckle: So when the teacher wasn't looking she climbed through the window and everyone was like "Wow! That's what spies do!" And then someone put another persons ruler outside, so they sat down and then ran to the window, lent out and someone pushed him and he nearly fell out :LOL: But the teacher caught them!

    The long message is fine! :awesome: Mine is pretty long too! :D

    Have you been up to much, appart from your "path of a displaced person"

  15. They've gone down a bit now :rolleyes: Thank God! Have yours cleared up now? :happy:


    That's what I meant, because he's older you never know what he's thinking! It's just the thought of it.. but it wouldn't be as bad if there were other people there.. like when you learn it in science :)

    Really? I hope it's good advice then! :happy: You're welcome!! :D


    How are you feeling today?? :)

  16. I love mine too :) She's sooooo cute! What's yours called? :happy:

    I didn't get to put my paragraph about Muse in my test :( I didn't have enough time!


    I agree! They absolutely attack you for no reason sometimes :mad: I disagree with half of the things they say.. infact, I disagree with them altogether!


    How are you today?? :D

  17. It went fine :happy: Thankyou for asking!

    How was your day at school?? :D

  18. I just couldn't help but take my dog for a huge walk and give her a biscuit after watching it.. I ove her sooooo much and I'd breakdown if she.. I'm not even gonna say it :(


    :D Good! Yeah, one's that love all of Muse's stuff and actually care about them :)

  19. :yesey: And I will be smiling to myself when I write it :p


    I've watched it once, and I have a dog so it made me really upset :( Do you have any pets?? :)


    They have, but whatever. I'm entitled to my opinion and I will just let them get on with it. If I argue other people will join in :indiff: I just love my little group of friends :happy:

  20. I have now :happy: But the last few days I just didn't feel like eating :indiff:


    Me too! The really hurt :(


    Muse :awesome: I would never know what to say.. I'd be embarassed - especially because he's a man! And he mentions sex? I don't like him already. I really wish I could help you, but I really don't know what good I'll do.. I think you should see him for as little time possible, you know, then the teachers will still be nice and you wont have to sit and be uncomfortable around him for too long. I hope this helped! :) And don't hate yourself Rosy, you are a lovely person! :happy:

  21. I will :yesey::D I can't wait for my mark, that paragraph will be the best :LOL:


    It scared me :LOL: Awwwh! I never cry at films.. well, Marley & Me but that's it :$


    I'm in a really bad mood.. there are sooo many bitchy people on the board :mad: I'm suprised they haven't been kicked off! I'm real angry.. I think I have anger issues :(

  22. :yesey: And I'll decribe in great deal how the "guitar represents thunder" and the "singing sends chills down my spine" :D


    I screamed sooooooo loud :$ And then I was shouting at the man :chuckle: I have never watched ET.. Hocus Pocus used to scare me! And Titanic :facepalm:


    Have you seen the "Petition for Muse to split up" thread?? :( It's awful!

  23. Goood! :happy:

    Meh, could've been better :)

    Ahh, me too! :D :D

  24. :LOL:

    Goooood! :happy:

    How's your day been?? :D

  25. :D I'm not to sure what to believe :LOL: But oh well.. I'll put: "the music (Supermassive Black Hole - Muse) makes the scene much better" :awesome:


    The ride I went on.. someone touched my shoulder, and I thought it was my brother so I said "Aidan, get off me" and he was like "I'm not touching you" so I looked round and there as a man in a mask :LOL: I was about 6, it was scary! Really? :eek: My friend has asked her mum for about 20 horror films and we're gonna have a movie marathon! :D


    Goood! :) I'm fine thanks!


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