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Lord MFC

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Everything posted by Lord MFC

  1. Basically, the tone - 2 channels: one of them is bass to big muff DI'd into a guitar rig bass amp. the other is the clean signal (i say clean but it's through the big muff) DI'd into a plain channel together... it sounded completely different with both channels isolated though! The Wall's still Floyd's worst album
  2. Only had a bass/have properly been playing for 5 days though, before that I was really just playing guitar on a bass if you get me. With a pick and all.
  3. Rusty Hysteria Bass Cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EACPS8wmFXo Been playing for 5 days so be nice! It was really a tone test and to ask Matthijs for technique advice. And I know I fucked up the end WITH ADDED BEWBS
  4. It wouldn't have been the file at all, maybe the camera mic, but it's more likely to be the amp settings!
  5. That playing's fairly spot on. Try using all 4 fingers in the riff though. The solo was a little rusty, and when you put vibrato on those high notes at the end of the solo, try not to shake your whole hand, just the one finger (or however many if you're anchoring the notes) also I find using my third finger is best for slides and high sustained notes usually. Honestly though... The tone is really crap... sorry! And I find your singing and dancing unbelievably annoying I think overall the previous cover was a little better!
  6. Cheers Liam! :) You too! :D

  7. It's a shame all the paint peeled off, it looked like it had potential.
  8. How come you cant see the bocky thing at the bottom on the delorean then? And ok, i'll take it! I'm sure it'll come in handy one day
  9. Wait... is there a way of installing it so you cant see it on the bottom of the guitar? And is the MIDI out compatible with anything or just the VG8 thing?
  10. Oh you're right, that feedback was from my squier. Complete timewaster, got the guitar and claimed he thought it was new (even though I listed it as used) and so wanted his money back. I refused for a long time until i gave up and did a second chance offer, in the end only lost a fiver.
  11. Offtopic, but why do you always sign your posts? I dont have a problem with it, it just seems like an unnecessary job... Jamie
  12. Fuck, I cant sell it for that little. Ebay just contacted my saying I've gotta pay £40 for seller fees (how the fuck?!) or else they'll send me to a debt collection agency, and I have no money! This also means I cant list any items so I can sell and pay it off So PLEASE can someone buy my DL4? £125! (practically new) Also, Behringer DD400, £20. Tascam CD-GT2 Guitar Phrase Trainer/CD player, £60!
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