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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Nothing in July, probly chillin w/ friends all month lol. NY for a week, then summer/sleep away camp, then showing my rabbit at a local fair(I have to show up there every day D:), then I go to the beach for a week, then back in school for about 2 months, then a MUSE CONCERT!! :awesome:


    I got my laptop back today :dance: thank God!!

  2. It got a virus, then my computer got a virus too. Now I'm stuck with the wii internet channel. Which sucks, btw...

  3. I knooow. Finally, its over.


    I just wish I had my laptop back...D:

  4. OMG you put wtf dog in your sig!! Win lol


    Idiot computer people are idiots...

  5. SCOOLS OUT YO!!! Yessssss!!! :dance:

  6. And im only going to 1...D: oh well i'll make it count, ya know?

  7. so ur going to 9 concerts this year? Thats gotta be a record or something...

  8. SCHOOLS OUT!!! :dance: Finally! Summer '10 here I come!

  9. Hey sorry I haven't been able to talk to you lately. Both my computers are broken and I can only go on the wii...

  10. All summer is about 3 months, maybe less, about 2 weeks off for Christmas and 1 for spring break. I don't know exactly how many days off, but there has to be at least 180 days of school.

  11. We finish school and i finish my 7th grade year on Monday, then get off the whole summer. Winter for you. We start another school year in Fall, spring for you. Then repeat lol

  12. YAAAAYYY!!!! All my finals are over and I only have 1 more day left in school! Thank God!! :LOL:

  13. mmm so i wuz wondering if u wanted to be friends since we're going to the same gig? :awesome:

  14. Lol well I hope you had a good one ;)

  15. Only one day now, and I'm done with all my finals! :awesome:

  16. OSSUM!! Dude thats still really awesome.



  17. Omg. I live right next to NJ. Where are you, if you don't mind me asking.

  18. 2 days too many...we're the last ones to get off. All the others in my district are out :fear:


    I'm done with school. now.

  19. JAIMEE!!!!! I knew it was "a Starlight" But a long time ago in your sig in ACC it said "your Starlight" so I thought I was wrong because you obviously knew more about Muse than I did at the time, but I wasn't wrong!


    Darn yeww! :fear:

  20. No problem. Have a Muse-tacular birthday! :D:awesome:

  21. Do they really? I was doubting that ole' wives tale.


    I love it when Ninja Assassins are on the radio. I feel so special even though no one around here hears it :ninja:


    Only 2 more days of school! I can make it! ...I think...

  22. YEAH!!! Go rock out and bang ur head against a wall or something! Make people stare at you! Your a Muse fan and you're PWOUD!!!

  23. Evil teacher is gay. At least I don't have her anymore! 2 finals down, 2 more to go...2 days left of school. Is it over yet?

  24. Its from when Muse came to my museum. If you recall the twitpics of Matt next to that toilet and trying to steal the Van Gogh painting :awesome:





  25. She didn't tell me how to use my frikkin calculator so I was lost, then she made me rush at the end, then told me I had more time tomorrow. She that last 20 problems are probably all wrong :facepalm:

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