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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. yep. "OMG TEH TEDDY BARES R GANA GIVE ME NIGHTMARES OHNOEZZ!!!" I laugh at the teddy bears, actually. They are just so hilarious and I don't even know why.

  2. Its so...ugh! And most of the stuff peopel know is like, not Muse's actual rock-y stuff and they're like, "I CANT HANDLE TEH HARD COAR-NESS OF UPRISING!!!11!1!!one"

  3. DO IT! You know you can!


    Actually I want to shove some Bring Me the Horizon or Devil Wears Prada in their ears. NOW YOU KNOW WHAT REAL SCREAMO IZ GURLZ.

  4. Well, ones from school and ones from my youth-group-thing. COMBINED THEY MAKE...9 WHOLE MUSERS! *gasp* OHWAIT I forgot that other girl I see at rabbit club. That makes 10. And everyone in my school knows Uprising. All of them. Not even kidding. Its just whether they like it or not. Its too "rock/screamo" for some of their ears. I will chuck CE at them then see what they think. Hmph!



  5. I live in that world. Sort of. I've got about 9 friends who like Muse and not because of Twilight. Most;y because of me actually xD


    But all the other idiots in the world with bad music tastes completely overpower my Muse-ish friends.

  6. I know. I'll slowly convert her...(:<

  7. Kanye :fear: I don't even like Taylor Swift, but after that...:noey:


    My one friend is SO annoyed at my obsession but a couple days ago she came up to me and told me she got Uprising, Resistance, and UD on her iPod. I was so proud *sniffle*

  8. Actually my friend is the one person "X_OCookiesSing" or something like that. I made her get one and she only went on twice :'( And because I practically begged her to get on lol


    Poor me.

  9. lol most of the time she's joking. I'm actually :LOL:-ing thinking about it. I purposefully get on her nerves by talking about Muse and Matt and how Matt's birthday is 2 days after hers. And she's Asian so...lol. Normally I get a, "F*ck you" a day outta her :awesome:

  10. Actually my best friend curses me off all the time :p


    One time she did in front of my mom and my mom was like :pope: I was like xD :facepalm: *awkward silence*


    I don't care becos we're best friends.

  11. Oh definitly I can have sexy time with Muse an awesome time with my Australian friends and we can go to fun Muse concerts together.

  12. Pffff...um. Yes? lol I'm in 7th grade xD so um. yes? idk really

  13. REJOICE. lol


    I don't swear though xD I hear enough of it in school. I probably get called "f**king B*tch" 5x+ a day and its everywhere. All these little immature kids who think they're so cool cursing off at teachers/peers/etc. Its stupid.


    I don't care as much on here, cause I know that people are mature and aren't cursing to be cool and they all like Muse so its cool. :awesome:

  14. :kiss: Oh defs. I never go on there anymore either. Not like I was banned (well, for 5 days, but after that I just quit cos it was so gay lol), but I just don't care anymore lol
  15. I'm so used to it by now. lol its been like 4 months since I did my first post on the Muse thread on ACC :tear:

  16. xDD Lol


    Yeah they're having a studio session and concert in my city June 28th but I couldn't get tickets! :'(


    It was terrible. My radio station hates me. ):

  17. Metric is the opening act and I'm pretty sure they don't suck. :awesome:

  18. But I'll think of you while I'm waiting in line.


    Then when I get inside all thoughts of everything else are outta my mind lol

  19. Agh I'm so jealus of you Jaimee xD


    But mine concert is closer.

  20. Lol my birthday's in Ferbruary xD so yeah.


    But I've got quite a few 14 year old friends *cool* lol

  21. Thats SO awesome! I'm so happy for you. Its your fist concert, right? Muse+First concert+GA=:eek::awesome: best thing evar!

  22. A "right-band-age" for me is like, 20+. Well, okay only 1 of the 4 guys in the band are 20+, but...whatever.


    I'm 13 btw. I feel so young on here D:

  23. YOU BAD...girl? erm..yeah, girl.


    lol. My cousin is in a band and I think he won BotB around here actually...And my other friend is in a band(they actually got a record contract with the same guys who recorded for Bon Jovi) is going to a BotB and I think I might go watch him. He's 14 lol but there's 3 other guys in the band who are a good band-age.

  24. Thats so cool! :awesome:


    I should really go to more Battle of the Bands type-things because this one band from around here(in my town, actually) made it big and Muse made it big after Battle of the Bands, so I could be one of those people who sees a really popular band in the future from a small-gig-thing when they were just started.

  25. Oh good.


    Actually, I have been trying to make my dad let me go. I'm like, "It'll be PERFECT. Its during winter here and summer there, so it'll be a nice break. AND I can go to a Muse concert! There's plenty of places to stay too :awesome:" But to no avail. Cos the economy right now=sunk and Australia's too far away and who will I go with and it won't be fair if its just me. D:<

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