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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Omg so I'm going to the beach tomorrow so I decided to paint my nails OoS!






    YAAY! They turned out better than I thought they would. I was so shaky lol :awesome:


  2. When? I needz to see it!!


    Or could you take a screenie for me? :awesome:? Cos you nice? btw, wanna be friends?

  3. Its really cool! Why wouldn't we want to make one?


    But srsly, how'd you make it?

  4. Your Abso shirt is epic win! :awesome:! How'd you make that?!?!

  5. Stupid where-I-live. Such extremities. Ne'er a day I go with out feeling exotic heat or frosty cold.


    ^ That was me trying to be poetic. :facepalm:

  6. Well you have the best gift-buyers or whatever...


    Census workers :noey: THERES 5 OF US, OK? GET OUTTA MY HOUSE NAO!

  7. Umm I actually don't knoww





  8. I only have like, hearts and stipes and stuff.


    I want purple plaid jammies. NAOO!!!!

  9. That part was so posh, dahling.


    Imma go watch it right nao!

  10. Ikr?!


    "You can't push it underneath the gwound!"

  11. Muse wins anyway. Ok, all I'm sayig is that Muse are epic win and after that, they are even more win.


    And yes I loove your purple pyjama pants :stongue: Its a good thing! :awesome:

  12. Ugh. So I'm a big fan of afternoon naps, and it was around 100 degrees again today, and when I woke up, I was covered in sweat. Eww I wiped my forearm and my hand was soaked. And my shirt was all wet and...bleehh...


    Jaimee, you cannot complain of cold down there. It was below 20 degrees at least 5 days this winter and we got snowed in from school for 3 days.

  13. And Matt's voice in Uprising is ACE! :awesome:

  14. Nd I love how in CE he's like, "For one moment, I wish you'd haaalaaablaaa with no feeling at alllll. Open-minded im sureaahuussaaabeee so frooooo!!"

  15. Ur mah Guiding LAAAAGHT ...


    I'z watching that right nao.

  16. :noey: is just so...



  17. :) its so unemotional :noey: and :yesey: are my favorites lol
  18. Same. I was like, "Well, I'm not watching again until the last gmae because I could really care less."


    Sucks that my dad made me go to the idiot party where I could not watch Glasto, begged to go home, then watched it there. I missed the first hour T_T

  19. I literally saw the last 4 second of it when they lost lol My dad was watching, I walked in, was like, "Aww too bad for South Korea", and walked out.


    I'm such a good soccer fan :rolleyes: and I fell asleep during the US game/waiting for Muse in Glasto.

  20. AKA "The Losers who lost to the same people as they did last year, America"?


    South Korea lost too. :ninja::shifty:

  21. OMGEEZ! Those are so annoying!


    Omg US and England(ithink) lost :supersad:


    losers :$

  22. That just got me more distracted :chuckle:



  23. Whenever he says "don't kid yourself" I interpret it as kill yourself!! Cos I can!


    but. um. I forgot what i was going to say :|

  24. OMG! I always do that. Someone was like, "Going to see Grown Ups tonight!" on facebook and I was like, "BUT ITS A SCHOOL-ohwait. Nvm! :D"


    My dad and brothers hate everything I like just because I like it. Its a good thing I have my mom or else I would have killed myself by now :chuckle: Not really, but...

  25. Your parents=the opposite of mine. My dad hates all music I like and, quoting him here, he says, "There is no good music made after 1981" "But, dad, MUSE formed after that!"


    He hates Muse for some reason :noey:

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