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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. We're not standing :facepalm: She says I'm too young, when I JUST went to a standing concert. :noey: Just because when she was my age she went to concerts and met people and moshed and stuff, doesn't mean she has to spoil my fun by saying she's "moshed-out" and doesn't want to stand.


    She introduced me to them, actually :chuckle:

  2. Oh they liked Muse, not like ME, but...


    Yeah they weren't as interested. Who cares? My mom loves them! And if we do happen to end up in the same room, my mom will be the one who goes up to them like, "Hey boys! I love you guys, so does my daughter, she's been obsessing over this concert for months!" Me: ":facepalm: Oh hey. Hi Matt. Dom. Chris. :eek:..."

  3. *WHAM WHAM* *head shakes* *WHAM WHAM* *arm flail* *dwumming skillz*


    Me: WOOO DOMMEH! GO BABE! *cheers at computer screen*


    Want. To see leopard seat!

  4. "OMG MOMOMOM!!! HE REFFERED TO ME!!!11!!1!!!one" I'm going with my mom and thats it lol


    The other 2 concerts I went with friend+my mom, now its just my mom since it was hard to get tickets and other people couldn't confirm qiuck enough whether they were going or not :hmph:

  5. Leopard print stool?!?!?! I totally missed that! D:<


    I luved Dom in SS and Map. He was on FIAH, BB! (fire, baby :rolleyes:) I'm so pwoud of Dommeh :yesey:

  6. :chuckle: Then when they DO play it, Matt'll be like, "This is for someone special ;)"


    And I'll freak out.


    /fantasies :rolleyes:

  7. I would be exactly the same. But since I'm betting on meeting them before my show(I have my means :ninja:), I'd ask them to play Map of the Problematique. "For me?! A raging fangirl?"

  8. Dommeh was in my Art Museum and they took funny pictures. :chuckle:


    Ur profile picture too :awesome:

  9. I love revisiting that. I really do. I could rant all day :yesey:


    And I wasn't even that obsessed with them. Think of how I would be with Muse.





    ":awesome: (omg he's talking to me)"


    "I love your music! :awesome:"


  10. I just used :awesome: 5 times :chuckle:

  11. :eek: Such a pretty name :awesome:


    Our convo: "Its your birthday today?! :awesome:"

    "...uh, yeah!"

    "How old are you turning?"


    "Your name is Hannah? I've always liked that name :)"

    ":awesome: :awesome: THANKS! :awesome:"


    We also learned that she had the same kind of glasses as my friend who went with me :yesey:

  12. Hannah :awesome:


    I was like, "Twe- um..twel..uhh...13."

  13. I saw them supporting Three Days Grace too! On Feb 6, which is my birthday, btw. And I met them on the same day. Needless to say it was the best birthday I've ever had.


    I met the bassist first, and he held out his hand and was like, "Hey I'm Pat" I couldn't say anything. I took a deep breath and I was like, "Sorry, I'm just so excited..:$" He was like, "Haha its okay." And then we shook hands :ninja: And Lacey said happy birthday to me and said she liked my name. I forgot how old I was turning when she asked :chuckle:

  14. PURPLE PYJAMA PANTS! I remember Hannah's obsession with those


    :chuckle: just read this.

  15. Omg 100 degrees F today. Uuughh...

  16. Omg I know.



  17. I had to pee right during PiB and I forgot it was on a laptop, then during Chris with the Harmonica I remembered and took it up to the bathroom with me :chuckle: Then I tried washing my hands and turning up the volume with my toe at the same time, something flipped out, and it went to Gmail. I freaked out, but luckily, the link for the site was on Gmail. Needledd to say I was relieved and only missed like, 4 seconds of harmonica playing.

  18. My mom would be like, "Ohay, look its them! HAY GAIZ! HAI MATT!" Me:*runs*


    She's a lot more social than I am :chuckle: Especially with famous people. You should have seen her when we met Flyleaf...:LOL:

  19. "zOMG I love ur MUSE-ic! lol get it?!"


    I couldn't compose myself in front of him. Or Chris. Or Dom, for that matter.

  20. Yeah it'll work eventually. Actually, I started crying because I was missing it. I made my dad take me home to watch...:chuckle:

  21. You weren't and I was afriad I said something. D:


    So yeah I missed CE and New Born, AND Map. But I got TiRO and Hysteria :awesome:

  22. No rly, why aren't you talking to me? :supersad:

  23. Kool jaimee dont talk to me! :'(

  24. New Born, Map, CE in Glasto. And I got a live streaming! :awesome:

  25. Yeah, my family's tall. Its in me blood. And summer is when I usually sprout up, ya know?


    How funny would that be if I happened to meet Muse, was less than half their age, and was taller than Matt :chuckle:

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