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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Lol I hope so, but we have to wait. Poo.

  2. I know I'm so glad. I don't have 2 whole finals in one day until Friday, the last day of testing, I just learned, so...yeah finals should be a breeze. Hopefully

  3. lol yeah.


    The bright side is bright ;D

  4. Its sucks so much. The whole day was crap for me.


    But at least I have something to look forward to in October. Its so far away though :fear:

  5. D:! That sucks!


    Dude, they were not 30 mins away from me in March and I couldn't go to the concert! :'(

  6. Thats what she tells me. She's always like, "Korean music SUCKS. That's the only part I'll hate about going there this summer." She's missing the Warped Tour because of Korea.


    So goin to any Muse concerts anytime soon?

  7. Koreans are everywhere? lol


    Yeah, she's my best friend. She likes Muse too, but not like me :noey: Actually, she's into a lot of Japanese rock bands now xD

  8. Hai. :awesome: I seen you on the boards and stuff so I just wanted to say hi.


    And my friend is from Korea too and is going there again this summer.


    So yeah xD

  9. Omg me and my mom just entered to win to see Muse in LA all for free, but we don't know if we win until September.


    It would be so cool if me and my mom went to another show, in LA no less ;D

  10. I think mine was on a Wednesday too lol


    Stupid school is stupid.

  11. Lolwut?


    I don't get it but okay. :awesome:

  12. I take tap! it was so much fun and awesome ;D

  13. They are so sexy ;D


    I have my dance recital tonight! I'm soooo nervous D: I'll tell you how I did.

  14. Yeah I know. We have to have a certain amount of days in school, and the last day is on Monday.


    Its so gay, and my mom's making me go. :facepalm:

  15. My mom got me some blue high tops yesserday! :awesome:


    But now I have school so...IM SORRY JAIMEE I HAVE TO GET OFF :'(

  16. I know. It sucks so much. And its on a Monday. Like, wth?

  17. Assassin?! You've gotta learn how to play that on Air Drums before Decemeber.


    And the real drums too. That song is so epic on drums.

  18. No I finish the 21st. :facepalm:

  19. lol


    So much studying for finals. I'm so stressed out. Gosh, I can't wait till schools over.

  20. how are you on this lovely afternoon/night? :D

  21. Its not that bad since we got snow and stuff. Actually, we had a lot of snow and I got sick of it. ):< I love summer the most, I wish I could live in a place where its summer all the time.


    Lol what song CAN'T you play?

  22. :awesome: I told everyone at school. They were like, "coool". Actually, it was this one girl's birthday too!


    :chuckle: His birthday is 6/9 I just noticed. I wrote it on our calendar at home too lol

  23. Lol thats not THAT cold...xD The coldest this winter was like...20F or somewhere around that.


    Lucky Australians, you get it so warm down there D:<

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