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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Lol yeah some opera singer. It was so weird. I just heard Endlessly coming from my TV with some lady singing it. I couldn't believe it at first. I doubted my hearing. Then I turned around and it was like, "Endlessly, Muse"


    OMG!!!! Our winter this year was the coldest since like...1996.

  2. Oh thats SO cool. I don't even live anywhere remotley near Europe, but I'm closer than most people in my country, seeing as I'm on the East Coast.


    Lol you should have gone to Matt's school. And talked to people there. And his old house. And the Den. Lol


    I would have, being a stalker as myself.

  3. Thanks :awesome: I just combined 2 of my favorite songs lol

  4. Same. I want to go to Japan, England, and Australia.


    England mostly because...well...:facepalm: ya know.

  5. Yeah, he's home now.


    Ugh, I've never been out of my country. It sucks, the farthest I've been is California, but that doesn't count because I was 2 and I don't remember a thing.

  6. That sucks. I still have 1 and a half weeks of school left and ALL my finals still...</3

  7. FRANCE?! *iz jealuzz*


    My dad had something wrong with his knee, but he's recovering fast, so its good :D

  8. Lol yes.


    Omg today for Maffoo's birthday I'm having banana pancakes, PB and banana sandwich, and pasta for dinner! :awesome:

  9. Oh stop it. I think you are.


    Omg some lady does this cover of Endlessly and I just saw it on TV it was crazy!

  10. :D you changed your profile pic!


    You're really pretty, ya know (;

  11. I guess theres no complaining there. lol


    So whats up?

  12. Lol its okay. Its not like I have anything interest- oh wait. My dad's having surgery today and yesterday I had 71 bobby pins in my hair because I had a dance rehersal and wow my hair hurt. A lot. lol So I do have some things going on...xD

  13. I was like, "WTH IS THIS? LOLOL" Than I listened to popcorn and I was like :awesome: It was cute. Or something lol

  14. You're lucky you saw them before.


    I missed them and they were 30 minutes away from me. Now I have to go 2 hours by train and I have to wait for October </3

  15. Lol yas. This is quite confusing.


    Meh. Whatever.


    Lol so how are you on this...erm, lovely day?

  16. Like, people shoot eachother and get raped and shanked and all that scary stuff.


    LOL I listened to Prague.

  17. Well, Muse saw them so...


    Agh. Darn you October.

  18. Rage played right before that right? Or something along those lines.


    No wonder it was so awesome if that was the case.

  19. What the pants?


    That made me want to die. October can not come fast enough.

  20. Lol. Um. Yeah. So hi. How are you? Um yeah so hi.


    I was just in a dangerous part of Philadelphia all day.

  21. Why hello there...:awesome:

  22. No, the second year we go to school is 1st grade.


    so I'm in 7th grade, 8th year of school.

  23. :LOL: We're such geeks. Talking about stuffed animals, xD


    Ok I gotta go to bed now. Good Midday Jaimee!

  24. WHOA THERE JAIMEE. To much info ther :LOL:

    jk, jk.


    And yeah I have like, 40+ stuffed cows placed in random spots/window sills/ on top of dressers/etc. Lol now I can sleep safley at night knowing I have the cows there to protect me.

  25. I love teddy bears :awesome: I have this one named Teddy whom I've had ever since I was born and I can't go to sleep without him D: </3 Its sad really but I have trouble sleeping(you should have seen me last year, I COULD NOT sleep unless someone else was in the room with me). My teddy bear seriously helped me get to sleep, and I normally end up hugging him the whole night. :facepalm: Its sad, I know.

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