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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. G'day Mate. :facepalm:


    Do the toilets flush backwards down there? :awesome: lol

  2. My teacher didn't see so I'm kinda worried she's gonna come and get me next year...D:


    FRIICCKKK!!!!!!!! Math finals suck. I didn't finish it and I have to make it up tomorrow. Its all my stupid teacher's fault. :noey: I hate her :fear:

  3. we can try out if we want. If we don't...oh well, ya know?



    FUUUUUUUUUU- I frikkin didn't finish the math final today because of my idiot teacher that wouldn't tell me how to use the calculater. So gay, now I have to make it up tomorrow.


    I hate finals with my whole being. Must..escape...to Muse!

  4. Well, there was an axis of symmetry part in our book and everytime it said that phrase I crossed it out and wrote "Origin"


    The next kid who gets my book is gonna be soooo confused. :LOL:

  5. Dude, I wish I could be down unda with you all. Its so boring up here.


    I watched Finding Nemo today in school and the whole time I was like, "Sydney. I wants to be there."

  6. Dude, I will own the axis of symmetry part on the test. I paid so much attention to that chapter lol

  7. Yeah, luckily today I had A period finals, and my A period class is Tech Ed. So we watched Finding Nemo and stuffed around for 2 hours. No tests or anything. I have my math final tomorrow though. /nervous



    My school end on the 21st. We're doing finals now...:facepalm: But at least we don't have any more full days of school :awesome:

  9. HOLY FRICK YESS!!!!!!


    Mine are in that lovely profile pic you see of me, but just in case, (sorry its so big. I'm sort of a cyber-boffin if you know what I mean...)





    It says "The Bowery Presents MUSE" Whatever the crap that means I don't know.


  10. D:! Meanie.


    Well, I'm going to a Muse concert and your not so...There!

  11. lol yet another difference between us. Except I didn't make any sports teams this year :facepalm:

  12. No, I just slapped a random gig in my sig cos I felt like it.


    Yes I'm waiting! :awesome:

  13. :fear: Yeah well...well...


    I have no argument.

  14. LOL SO DOES USA :awesome:


    I actually like watching the World Cup. Its interesting.

  15. Yeah I gets it...:shifty:


    So...waiting for Muse concerts, eh?

  16. Whut? Its not spelled like that?


    I'm pretty sure I thought it was lol. I guess we both fail at spelling.

  17. Ohhh! I saw that before. Lol its so funny. I love how Matt's like, got a straight face and is like, "It's not a joke." And Dom's smiling and all, trying not to laugh and he's like, "Straight from NASA. LOLJK Matt's an idiot."

  18. Have fun at your friends house.




    Lol Aussie soccer team sucks.

  19. Lol its okay if you spell things wrong. I don't spell very well, either. Okay thats a lie, but my friends all suck at spelling lol


    My friend spelled "Korean" "Corien" :facepalm: It was funny, but so wrong

  20. Oh D: Nvm then lol


    Ok Good day Jaimee, I'm off to bed ;D

  21. Lucky you.


    But you don't end school soon, right? I end in like, 6 days.

  22. Yeah I thought I had more but I don't.


    Thank goodness.

  23. Ok-ish. I just went to my friend's brother's grad party. And I got a tummy ache D:

  24. Lol maybe I'll watch it later.


    I don't feel like it right now lol

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