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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Omg! I got measured yesterday and I'm 5"4' or 5'4" or whatever lol


    I think I'll be taller than Matt by the time of my concert :chuckle: He's 5'7" right?

  2. Poop.


    I KNOW. I wanted at least Overture :supersad: No orchestra either...

  3. Dom during SS= my favorite thing in the whole universe. I'm blown away. Is it October yet?

  4. i missed the first hour due to technical frikkin dificulties

  5. FUFUFUFFUUUUUU I MISSED CE AND MAP. im gonna go kill myself! DD<

  6. :LOL:


    Watching shakira! AI AI AI!! OLAY~ lolno i want My00ze.

  7. justintv.


    It all works out. I'm going to see Muse in Glasto!!

  8. Must. Watch. Glasto.

  9. wait so its gonna stream muse when they come on in glasto?

  10. I'm so scared I'm not gonna be able to watch it. Omg dkhsudflkjhuabepitioxQPOEMBYTFGkhsiudffh ahiawuy!!1!11!!1one


  11. IKR?!?!?!


    On BBC. I'm pretty sure us USA people can watch it, I think?

  12. OMG. My parents are making me go to a grad party at 3 and I don't know if I'll be able to watch Glasto! :eek: I'm practically begging them to let me stay home...:fear:

  13. I know I was really surprised. Lucky me :awesome:


    I also learned that my cousin likes Muse by wearing a shirt. She likes Radiohead better though :noey:

  14. Metric= I'm so glad I'm seeing them with Muse.


    Ok, I gotta go eat breakfast now. :chuckle: Good night.

  15. OMG. I need moar Muse merch, but I need to save up for my concert, for a camera and to get Muse merch there, possibly a Metric shirt.


    I got Fantasies from the library, and I am in love :awesome:

  16. The only parodie-type-thing I like is Flight of the Conchords. They are epic win.


    And yeah my obsession rubs off on a couple of my other friends too. :chuckle: They think they're all great and stuff and are like, to me, "Have you heard Map of the Problematique yet? Awesome song...:yesey:" I'm like, "Yes, that is my favorite song, and it always will be." "Oh..."


    Its funny, really :LOL:

  17. Poor Emmy is at the bottom end of my obsession...


    But she rants on to me about her Japanese rock bands, sooo...it evens out...:chuckle:

  18. I was with Emily, idk if you remember me talking about her...I was flipping out after that whole incedent.


    "LIEK OMG OMG EMMY!!! OMG that never happens!! OMG emmy wow that was so kewl!! OMG EMMY!!!1!!1!!one"

  19. I wasn't near my school/district...:chuckle: But yeah my school people need to learn to listen to some better music...or get out.


    It was a bonding moment for her and I...I'll never see her again, though...D:

  20. IKR? Boys watching me while I sleep.


    This happened and made me really happy:


    Yesterday, I went to see fireworks with my friend, but they didn't start yet so we were walking around, and I was wearing that Muse sweatshirt I made, and this girl was in a car with her friends in really slow traffic, and she yelled out to me, "YOU LISTEN TO MUSE?!" "YEAH!!!" "I F**KING LOVE THEM!!!111!!!1!!one" "THEY ARE MY FAVORITE EVER!!!" we were both like :awesome: the whole time. Then, when we kept walking i heard her yelling at her friends in the car, but the only thing I heard was "MUSE!"

  21. I'm done school, yo. NO MOAR SCHOOL FOR THE WHOLE SUMMAH!!! :dance:


    Yesterday, I went to see fireworks with my friend, but they didn't start yet so we were walking around, and I was wearing that Muse sweatshirt I made, and this girl was in a car with her friends in really slow traffic, and she yelled out to me, "YOU LISTEN TO MUSE?!" "YEAH!!!" "I F**KING LOVE THEM!!!111!!!1!!one" "THEY ARE MY FAVORITE EVER!!!" we were both like :awesome: the whole time. Then, when we kept walking i heard her yelling at her friends in the car, but the only thing I heard was "MUSE!"

  22. No its just an all-around place where gays like to come. There's so many rainbow flags that say "friendly" Its not even funny, except it is...:chuckle: And we were walking past these two gay gingers, and they said, "Yeah and she was at that gay party last night" while we were walking by...:LOL:


    The best part was, I was wearing this Muse sweatshirt I made, and this girl was in a car with her friends in really slow traffic, and she yelled out to me, "YOU LISTEN TO MUSE?!" "YEAH!!!" "I F**KING LOVE THEM!!!111!!!1!!one" "THEY ARE MY FAVORITE EVER!!!" we were both like :awesome: the whole time. Then, when we kept walking i heard her yelling at her friends in the car, but the only thing I heard was "MUSE!"

  23. OMG! thats so cute :awesome: lol


    I want some MUSE curtains...but they'll probably just be brown D:

  24. :awesome::dance:


    I'm going to see fireworks today in this place with a lot of gay people! I think Dom might be there! :chuckle:

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