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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. They never do studio sessions anyway, so why bother dreaming? :'(



  2. ok why did you need to know that?

  3. Omg it was so bright outside at 5 am, but I fell back to sleep. lol


    I need some curtains, man.

  4. Cos mornings there are like afternoon here. Darn school...

  5. Um yeah, 9 oclock at night there is 7 in the morning here. It'll probably be easier to talk on Fridays/weekends, since you can stay up later or something. It doesn't matter much here, since its SUMMAH BREAK :awesome:

  6. ZOMG we're so alike :awesome:;)


    Pfoooo I never get to talk to you. Or any other Aussie Muser for that matter...D:

  7. Like, 5-6-ish? Except I can't really do that or else I'll wake everyone up and they'd be like, "Wut r u doinn!?!?!??!one11!.!?" And yeah, if I said "Talking to my Australian friends on the Muse boards" I'd get shot lol


    So at around 9-ish pm your time, I'd be on. Or in the morning.

  8. lol I don't have twitter. I think lol I might have made one a long time ago, but I never went on or anything

  9. xD well, like, none of my school friends have it...:rolleyes: Oh well, I got Muser friends ;D

  10. :yesey: The only reason I know that is because of FB...xD
  11. It really is! Its worth the 11 year wait, really.


    Really. lol

  12. :LOL: Well, don't think of me too crazy if you don't find him that hot/cute/attractive/whatever.
  13. Oh good. I was scared. Cos I went with my friend and I was like, "OMG he's hawt ;)" And she was like, "Err...:noey:"

  14. But wut if they did Hyper Cond. Music? Then it would be the same lol

  15. Lol I don't knoooww...D<


    Hyper Music would be pretty funny, too. The chances of them playing that, with a three song(I don't wanna say setlist...:/)something, is pretty slim.

  16. They would be so...pretty? Nice? Interesting?


    And, I don't know, a nice small stage, and all this simplicity. KoC would be pretty funny to watch :chuckle:

  17. I knoww. It would be epic though lol


    Studio sessions are a bit tuned down, though. Less people, less instruments. Dom would probably just be sitting on one of those boxes with like, beads or something in it...:LOL:

  18. ONLY!!! Keepin it positive! :awesome:


    And I entered to see if I could see the opening band, Metric, in a studio session. If only Muse did a studio session when they had a concert here, but they're too big for that...

  19. I feel like such an idiot, cos I thot he was sex-ay!



  20. ~~~~


    I've decided to stay up till like, 4 in the morning just so I can talk to my Aussie frands :ninja:

  21. Aww I luffed it...and they managed to make an animation character really hot :facepalm:

  22. YAAAY!!! LAPTOP BACK!!!!! =DDD


    Omg Is that what yew look like Jaimee, in SP form? lol

  23. My00ze ftw! I'm so excited, only 121 moar days left!! :awesome: lol

  24. Its SO stupid, but I got my laptop backk!!!!! w00t!


    I just say Toy Story 3. Omg it was so cute/sweet! :')

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