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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. I've tried YouTube and it wouldn't work. Mediafire is very slow as is speedyshare

    What should I do, dailymotion?


  2. Do you mind if I upload my submission to YouTube? It's taking a very long time though for a 17 second video.

    Or should I mail it to you?



  3. :eek: But that is a lot of Muse :yesey: I didn't even think they would have that much to fill 9 hours! What do you think of Foo Fighters by the way?


    :awesome: Hopefully I can get myself a 64GB soon! :awesome:

    :noey: That's not good. Bad CD Writer I suppose. Can you survive 2 weeks without those great songs?

    :awesome: Yeah had a fun time with both of them!

    :chuckle: Enjoy it though, pretend you're posh for a while :chuckle: Ooh cool look forward to seeing them! ;)

    I see a deleted message under yours, when was that one from? ;)

    Love you too


  4. :awesome:;)

    :eek: That's long! How did you survive that long??

    I've got something similair to that, I think a bit more though, about 750. I have 234 MB left :supersad:

    I need a 64GB so badly! I could fit at least 4,000 songs on there! :awesome:

    Oh no! What a disaster! Does it not work with your laptop or something? Or did you try to upload CD's to it? Absolution is such a good album! :supersad: Poor you :(


    :awesome: I went to Rotterdam again today to my grandparents :) And I just came back myself from my neighbours who had guests over too, so i've been pretty social today :) I also studied History too :)

    What are you doing today? How's the Villa? It's almost my dinner time and you're almost in lunchtime :chuckle: What a difference!

    Love you too!


  5. :/ that's an okay finish...

    That's quite cool! My sister was quite good at horse riding. I think I did it too when I was 11, but I don't think it was for that long, not my thing :chuckle:

    It is semi-promising, should work out to some extent :)

    Ahh, that makes 2 without facebook then, that's alright :) I cant be asked either! :chuckle:

    Thanks :) One hint - it's under one of the pages (textwise) ;)

    My day was good thanks, what are you doing today?

  6. :dance:


    :awesome: Lucky you! Weather is average now but it'll hopefully improve ;)

    800 miles? :eek:

    Oh cool, the one with the camera right? Mine is only 8GB and I think I have only got space left for about 15 more songs (I have 900! 200 muse songs!) and then it's empty. I had about 9 pages of apps but now i only have 6 apps too :supersad:

    I should get a new ipod too, preferably 64GB :)


    It was alright :/ An overture in classical music is the intro to a whole piece while an overture in prog rock is the intro to a song, which is what I wrote. I thought of Exo Pt. 1 when I answered that :awesome:

    :awesome: Yep :yesey:

    Love you too


  7. YOU HAS INTERNET! :dance: :dance:

    Hi Jade!

    :D That's supercool! How is America at the moment? Have you done anything fun? :awesome:

    I missed you too! :supersad:

    I've had 2 boring days of school, and a music test! In the test I had to know what an overture was, and Muse helped me remember the answer! I also had to write a composition, I called it "The Muse"

    Love you too!


  8. It's ok, we're even :LOL: My reply is late too! :chuckle:

    Aww, I wanted What A Friend to win! Dunno where it came though :$

    I've been fine thanks :)

    I managed to keep in contact with the My Chemical Romance agent and i'm in discussions :awesome:

    If you have Facebook (I don't :chuckle:), can you post a link to the festival website? http://www.ismfestival.wordpress.com :) Please?

    I made a Who could Play page and you have to find out where on the website the rumoured 2 big bands are, good luck finding them!


  9. Good :)

    you okay today?

  10. :awesome:



    :LOL: Yes, good words :)

    :supersad: :supersad:


    Nooooooooo :( :( :( Ok I'll speak to you soon!

    :kiss: :kiss: *Big Hug*

    Love you lots too!!!!

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  11. :awesome:


    Ah ok :) Looks/sounds cool though, apart from the 132 people! :chuckle:



    :supersad: I know! Really don't like them! At all :fear:

    That's a busy day! Please let there be internet, if not an internet cafe somewhere! :supersad: I'll miss talking

    Just school which was alright today :)


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  12. :awesome:


    Wait, but it's a whole park isn't it?


    :chuckle: 2 Days? Lucky! :dance:

    :happy: I tried, but it wasn't a good result :supersad: Man Utd cheated their way to the next round, again!

    Cool :) How about today? All ready set for America? :awesome: Hopefully there's internet there! *fingers crossed* How long you there for?


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  13. :awesome:

    oh that sounds great!

    The Harry Potter park looks quite good actually :) harry potter is awesome anyway:D


    :chuckle: ah ok! So when did you plan to go to America then? I thought you said Thursday, right? :$

    nah i have 2 more weeks :(

    just school, and the guests from sunday are back to watch Chelsea v Man Utd with us :D

    how was your day? :)


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  14. :awesome:

    :awesome: Yes it is! :yesey::D Not heard of that one yet :$ Next time i'll go on it! :D


    Oh I thought you had holiday already! :chuckle: silly me! When do you break up?

    Anything fun happen at school today? ;)


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  15. Kent is really cool!

    Thunder Mountain is the best! :awesome: Although all pars are cool!


    What are you doing today?


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  16. :wtf:

    Dont be annoyed just curios but was it a sex change? How do you cope? Is it alright?

  17. :awesome: Yeah but that's for one day only. Also Kent :awesome:

    Yeah I did! Disneyland is pretty awesome to be honest :) Thanks ;)

    :supersad: Thanks jade! I'll do my very best!


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  18. I'm still confused. I've seen one picture of you where you say you're a guy (you have short blonde hair and you posted a pic on here comparing yourself to matt) and then in your unintended you say you're female? Are you male or female?

    No offence intended i'm just quite confused

  19. :)



    Yes it is :yesey:



    I'm going to England (:awesome:) Florida? Wow you're lucky! Last time I went was almost 6 years ago, really want to go again! Hopefully this christmas *fingers crossed*

    :supersad: A whole range of them :(


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  20. :)



    it has! Its really nice like this! :yesey:

    i will :)

    cool :)

    so when are you going? Where are you going? I have to wait till May for my next big holiday :noey: i even have a test week next week to get through :supersad:

    pff homework...


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  21. Hey ;)

    oh thats ok :)


    cool :awesome: what did you buy?

    I made the most of the sun. :) i got new clothes in a place called jack jones :)

    today we have friends over from england who we havent seen in a while!

    What are you doing today?


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ


  22. Hey :)

    did you have a good day today wifey?

    Anything fun happen?

    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ



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