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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Hey! hows everything going? remember the festival I told you about? I refurbished the website and added a place to buy tickets! http://ismfestival.wordpress.com/pre-sale/ - thats the page with the ticket thing. You should come to the event! i think you might be on holiday in england then?

  2. It's ok :$ you're busy too sometimes, no need to be sorry :)

    ah good (: hopefully you'll feel 100% today :)

    at least it was easy :D hopefully you can get an A on this one ;) hope you do (:

    i went to school (boring today) and for music homework i had to write a review of a rock album so i did OoS! 2,500 words and it was only meant to be 700 :chuckle:

    and i watched eurovision semi finals, you?


    Love you!


  3. Hey :)

    Are you feeling any better today? How was your maths test today?

    Hope it's fine :)

    Love you!


  4. :noey::supersad: oh no! Aww I feel sorry for you :( how are you feeling now? :) hope you feel ok :)

    :supersad: another maths? Good luck :)


    ah i just had a normal schoolday :) listened to some A7X for the first time and I quite liked it! Nightmare is good!


    Love you!!


  5. How were your tests today wifey??

    Hope it was ok :)

    love you!


  6. :)

    Yeah I think that was it! I might download it actually :)





    :) You should :yesey:

    That sounds quite interesting! I got about 50% of that!

    You've already started GCSE's? I do something called IB which is basically the european version of GCSE :) Although when I was 12 at the british school I got an A in Dutch, so I have a GCSE already :awesome:


    :D I will. I wonder if that monster might've been the sink python you had from my first dream?? :LOL: /random


    No actually :chuckle: I'm determined to find something! If I don't find something i'll have to google "Random Questions" :LOL:


    Love you too!


  7. I'd recommend most of the album Plastic Beach and maybe Demon Days too :)

    I can't remember :/ it was white on the front i think....

    :D Wasting Light


    I won't :)




    It was called Thailand Tom! It's delicious! I like Thai food actually :) You?

    Blood Brothers? :):LOL: Lucky you (:

    Argh 3 maths tests? Why so many?? Good luck with your tests! :D


    :LOL: I thought it was so weird! I wonder if you'll turn up in my dream tonight? :chuckle:

    ;) I used to forget most of my dreams but somehow they seem to get clearer each time! :LOL:




    Love you too!


  8. Hey, how are you?

  9. Yep :L


    yeah but my dad said 20 quid was enough ): so I got Wasting Light in CD and The Fall by Gorillaz :D I was looking for the new Metronomy record but i couldn't find it either :( I saw some Avenged Sevenfold, I was tempted, but I didn't get one ): I will download it on itunes later, it looked alright (:


    aww thanks thats sweet of you :) i will find one someday :yesey:It'll just be very hard to find someone nice enough :$


    oh yes! The whole floor! :awesome: It's been like that for a couple of years now and I still don't ever use the shower there :LOL: I always use the main one downstairs :L



    i go home tomorrow too :( i have to make the most of today so I went out to dinner with some friends! Just got back :) how was your day todayz? Anything interesting happen?


    By the way, I was going to mention this, but twice this week you have turned up in one of my dreams! It's really random and quite funny too. First i'm in a water park and you turn up with a Python! (which you dropped in the swimming pool and then somehow it ended up in someones sink) :chuckle: You had a friend with you too but I forgot their name :chuckle:

    And then last night it was like something out of dr.who! (did you see it last night?). I was in England and there was some code red alert on some monsters who were rampaging all houses in england. I ran for safety and ended up in some apartment block with all these other "refugees hiding from the monsters" and you were there!

    i'm not sure how you're turning up in random dreams. In the dreams i'm sure it was you at least...I didn't exactly recognize you but you said you were Jade from the messageboards...

    Freaky, i wonder if it will happen again? :LOL:

    Have you ever had any random dreams?



    :LOL: i'll think of a question...sometime soon :chuckle: (tomorrow :) )


    Love you too!


  10. :happy:


    Haha Matt in a cupboard with slash :L He probably does it for show, like Dom. All so confusing :/


    :) I might just buy some more when I raid HMV on Friday! I'll get my pics from NME when I get one usually! (:


    Nope. I gave up ages ago. Safe to say I am not liking anyone right now :(




    :LOL: Massive Stitch is cool :yesey:


    Cool house (:

    My house- When you go through the front door there is the hallway. The the first left are the stairs and the second left the basement! On the first right there is a door leading to the main front room. There is a dining room, front room and kitchen all in that one big room.

    When you're upstairs on you're right is the bathroom. On the left the office my dad has and my sisters room. There is also one more staircase (to the attic), which is where I "live" :). I have a whole floor to myself! I have my own shower, spare room and bathroom!

    That's my house! Oh wait, also a garden too, with a guesthouse and some grass! :)

    Hope you get that! :chuckle:


    Next random question....can't think of one! :LOL: Can you?


    Love you too!



    EDIT: Just realized that we not only have the same calendar for Muse, but that your desk thingy which your piano is on is also the exact same as one in my room! I'll show a pic when I get back home!

  11. Thanks (:


    i thought dom only smoked on/off? :$


    yeah it's fun (: nah thats on Friday :) i'll let you know what I bought ;)


    (: welcome ;)

    ah thats ok. A time'll come when you know :)


    its cool :) thanks :)

    your room is :awesome: so many posters! I have that EXACT same calendar! It's on Chris for me too now :)

    compared to my room, i need more posters! :LOL:

    haha massive Stitch :LOL:


    Ok! Next random question! What does your house look like? (:


    love you too!


  12. (:

    :yesey: Yes you are awesome! :)




    Yeah i love it here! I've been to this place a lot before so im pretty much used to it! :D I completly agree on your smoking opinion there!

    It has been hot yes! :) I love england a lot!


    Aw that's nice of Liam :) You are pretty to be honest :) I suppose you are quite kind (: You sound quite kind actually (: Do you love liam? :$


    I went to the shopping center today and saw cricket (Kent v Northampton) and swam in the pool downstairs!


    My bedroom is blue and has lots of posters of bands and football! And your room?


    Love you too!


  13. cool..


    :wtf: okay I suppose...

    and for you as a 19 year old?

  14. hey

    hows it goin?

  15. Oh yes it does! aMUSEing! :L

    :LOL: the tree needs a hug :chuckle: you're good :p



    ok deal! :LOL: nah i wont be needing to play anything (:


    i came to england! Im here now! Upon arrival in hythe greeted by people smoking :(

    smoking is bad, dont you agree? /endminirant

    The weather is very good now too :) That is one good thing about england, aside from the great bands!


    What have you done tooday?? How was your first day back?


    Love you too!


  16. I know :D chris is awesome :awesome:

    so would I! Id overcome my rollercoaster hatred for that one ride! Imagine if it was a whole theme park for muse?? That would be so :awesome:

    if it moved then it was a croc! :chuckle: a walking log (:

    :LOL: pff security cameras these days :L

    :dance: time for a party maybe?? (:


    :chuckle: they better not! Can I just call you over to play piano for them instead?? :LOL:


    haha sitch is pretty awesome :awesome:


    Love you too!



  17. :)

    Your welcome ;):kiss:

    :stunned: I know. I'll check him out, although the picture looks cool (:

    :chuckle: Im not a fan of rollercoasters either, just thunder mountain (:

    ! Ut oh, at least it didn't come anywhere nearer! :chuckle:

    I suppose there are camera's! It's a very important building! :stunned: Why would a camera be interested in shoelaces? (:

    Did you hear about Osama bin Laden?


    Awesome, yeah (:


    :yesey: I love it there! Err I think just visit and take a look....i'm not exactly sure :$



    Your welcome, again :D:chuckle:

    Stitch?? Aaaahh yeaah! He's pretty cool!

    Ummm i don't know :L


    Love you too!


  18. Cool!

    :/ In that m&m picture you are really pretty :awesome: (seriously, I'm not joking :) )

    Beetlejuice? Don't think i've heard of him :$

    That rip ride rockit looks terrifying! I wouldn't go on it either! :chuckle:

    Nice pool :) No sign of crocodiles? Usually there are a few :/

    Like that you got so close to the White House :awesome: I really want to go to Washington!





    Thanks! I'll enjoy it! I think i'm going to raid the first HMV I see and buy as many albums as possible, seeing as the Dutch stores don't have much good on offer any more! :chuckle:

    I'm also visiting a school in Kent :) That might be quite fun actually (:


    Enjoy going back to school!


    Love you too!



    EDIT: Oh wow, that cover is amazing! (: You're really good Jade! Haha puffy shirt :chuckle:

    :LOL: You new avatar too, what movie was that?

  19. :supersad:

    sounds like there was so much cool stuff! Are you gonna post any more holiday pictures? :)

    oh so bad :( i hate being stuck anywhere for too long!

    :happy: good :happy:


    yeah I watched it. :awesome:


    it was a fun match, although ADO did lose 2-4 at home! :chuckle:

    i go back next week monday. When you go back Tuesday I am going to Kent! :)

    love you too!


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