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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Ah right we're the same then, i'm in y10 too but i turn 15 in July :D

    :eek: So am I!


  2. :eek: Really? How old are you then? My high school is until 18!

    I suppose, if you say so :p

  3. Nah Not Cool :noey:

    Haha isn't it too early for us to have work experience like, now?? :LOL:

    Haha your optimistic about having a suckish life :chuckle:

  4. :LOL: why?

    :LOL: Cool what kind of work?

    Yep I am :awesome:

    What are you doin' now? :)

  5. :LOL: Cool.

    I went to school :( Only 2,5 weeks left! *can't wait!*

    when do you finish school?

  6. Ah ok :)


    What have you done today?

  7. :LOL: Yeah you do...

    I just had a 4 day weekend :awesome: and i'm going on some school camp to Belgium from Weds to Friday :awesome:


    Nothing interesting apart from that really, BBQ was fun :) Thanks for asking :p

  8. Im fine thanks :) What have you been up to?

  9. :supersad: It's ok :) Did you have fun?


    :D Yep!

    Yeah I wanted him to win too! But I also hoped Les Gibson, Steven Hall and Jean Martyn would do well, but the first 2 came 9th and 10th :supersad:


    My dad has his own business in recruitment :D Ah is your dad a plumber?


    :awesome: It was great!


    Yeah they're quite good! I like a lot of their stuff and you'll probably recognize a lot of it from the tellie, James on BGT yesterday danced to Fix You by Coldplay actually (:

    What do you think of Kasabian by the way? I can't wait for them to release their new album and tour, my mum says we'll go :D Here's their new song (:


    That's nice for you! Did you enjoy being with Liam? :D


    I have 2 days of school this week and then I have a 3 day trip from Weds to Friday in South of Belgium (: As long as i'm back for Friday Night i'm happy (: Apart from that I have no week plans unless Kasabian announce a tour, in that case i'll buy tickets!


    You have any plans?


    Love you too!

    xxxx <3

  10. They got rid of her because they didn't understand her


    Yeah I agree. Steven looks like someone with a midlife crisis! So do I! Jai was really cool

    Yeah that fly is lucky to still be alive

    My favourite is Jai! and steven hall :L

    Michael was cool, but so was the judge michael, he's fantastic!




    Don't like them ):

    My mum doesn't have a job but my dad does What about your dad?


    So am I! We're having a lot of family friends over for a barbecue too!


    Do you like coldplay by the way?


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  11. How's it going?

    Whats the deleted message there? :wtf:

    Anyway, what have you been up to today/yesterday/the future? :LOL:

  12. Haha really? :LOL::)

    ah yeah of course you're in Australia! What's the time there now?

    Cool :LOL:

  13. How are you? :D


  14. Haha yeah I am, but you can call me Jack :)


    ah nothing. Having a barbecue today :), you?


    Thanks :) same for you! Saw your last.fm page

  15. :LOL:





    She's not that pretty though, quite average :/ Yes they should! :yesey: Matt would be the crazy one, Dom the one who focuses on everything apart from the act itself and Chris the slightly serious one :LOL:

    It iiissss :yesey: Both are good impressions!


    :awesome: Nice :) Are you going to Teignmouth this summer?? ;)


    What you revising for? Cool :) What does your mum do?? :D


    What are you doing today?? :D


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  16. :chuckle:

    :LOL: me neither! :yesey: oh yes

    :LOL: Yeah she was! :D They were




    :supersad: oh that sucks! You should be allowed to get days off!

    :awesome: Isn't that from that mr men show? :D did you go to him?

    McDonalds is quite awesome, what did you have? :awesome:


    It was! Yeah I wanna know too! If it's cheryl cole then she is just a sad attention grabber :noey: I really dont like her. Do you?

    He was awesome! "I chose to be Boss because boss rhymes with...Ross!" :chuckle:


    I'm in Rotterdam now at my grandparents house! Apart from that i'll just chill! At least I have tomorrow off too :awesome: When is your holiday?


    What are you doing today?


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

  17. :D

    :chuckle: You do!

    :awesome: Cookie Dough is awesome :yesey:

    The piano playing woman was great! I really enjoyed it! Her face was just :awesome: when she was playing! I think she could win! I did think that Two and a Half Men were cool though!


    Sounds like you had a lot of fun! :D:yesey:


    My day was fine thanks :D Now I have a 4 day weekend for Dutch Rememberance day which is tomorrow, and they're giving us an extra day off! :awesome:

    What have you done today? Did you have a good day?


    Love you too!

    xxxx <3

  18. Hi.

    How are you?

  19. :happy:


    :D Thanks! I'll take a look :)

    :D Cool! :supersad: Ill check that one out too! :) Wow you could be a piano playing dom in disguise! :chuckle:



    My day was fine thanks :D Just had an icecream in town ;)

    Yesss I did! Who was the best you think? I'm looking forward to BGT tonight a lot too! :D


    How was your day today? :)


    Love you too!

    xxxx <3

  20. :happy:


    I only have 2 muse :( saving up for Kasabian,Arcade Fire,MCR,Radiohead and Gorillaz ones! :D

    it will be! Get green! :D






    I chilled again! And I made some homework and i'll watch Britains Got Talent tonight!

    What have you done today?


    Love you too!

    xxxx <3

  21. :awesome:





    Aww :noey: Maybe you'll see them someway or another :)


    Nice! Enjoy that! I want some new music shirts myself! I found some cool MCR ones, just find a good new muse & arcade fire one and i'll be sorted for shirts! :D

    Dom Skinnies :awesome: If you can't decide, get them all!


    Haha yeah! :awesome::D


    Nope, just chill, and watch the champions league final tonight! :D


    Love you too!

    xxx <3

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