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Everything posted by jackparker

  1. Hellooo! :supersad: Aww you miss it?

    Ah lucky you! If BA went on strike it wouldn't have gone all to well would it? I was worried actually because I knew you were in the U.S where the tornado was going to be. I'm so glad your alive! :D:dance:

    Did you see any of the Royal Wedding?

    I've been alright :) I'm going to a Football match tomorrow of a local team, ADO Den Haag. They're in the dutch top division and they're 4th. They're playing the club in 5th place on the last game of the season :awesome:

    I'm actually a Chelsea fan but it's nice to see another team who you usually only hear from your bedroom window! :LOL:

    When do you go back to school?? :)

    Love you too!


  2. Hey, I just saw that your signature features a link to a picture which comes from my website! I'm the creator of http://www.jacksmusic.wordpress.com just so you know! I don't mind you using the picture either so go ahead :)

    Do you ever visit the website?


  3. :happy:

    :eek: Thats not good! Stupid british airways! ):

    aww how do yoir feet feel now? Too much walking does eventually hurt :supersad:

    haha obama in a helicopter :LOL: awesome that you saw his helicopyer anyway!

    Ah stupid security guards....

    Wha? A tornado??? When will that be? Better not fly with a tornado about! Be careful!!

    :awesome::D i got German too, 6/8 and 7/8!

    Love you lotts too!! :D


  4. I swear I took you very seriously....until I saw that avatar of yours :LOL:

    Hows it going?

  5. :LOL: Ah no, no birthdays till July for me ;)
  6. Hey (: Cool. Is sardinia nice?

    Ah ok....

    Im fine thanks :)

    What have you been up to?

  7. :happy: Yeah i forgive you (:

    Cool :):supersad: Oh no, you must not be looking forward to that! :LOL: Washington :happy: Is it fun in Washington?


    I just had school, got a 7 (which is great!) on my History Test from test week!

    Love you more!


  8. Hows america going jade?? Having fun?? I missed talking with last few days :(

    love you!


  9. Hi :)

    did I now?? I better go take a look which one then :)

  10. :supersad:

    :( You should, it's awesome! Argh I can try but I'm not tall nor small :(



    :dance: Yep no more tests!

    Cool. Look forward to seeing them :awesome:

    :awesome: I love that place too! Haha seems like you had a lot of fun!

    I saw that movie today, you seriously need to see it! It's fantastic!

    Love you too!


  11. :yesey:


    I would be so angry if that happened!

    I'll try! But we're already going to South of Spain and Ireland this summer! So not much hope of Florida at christmas :( Unless of course I hold on to my dad's leg and he drags me! :chuckle:

    I really want to see Teignmouth! Any chance I get into your suitcase? :LOL:

    I saw the finale in the end! It was very good! :D

    :eek: Cancer apparently. :supersad: R.I.P


    Oh cool. I have my last 2 tests today, just had Maths! So easy for the once!

    I like those pictures :awesome: Are there more to come?

    Love you too!


  12. Cool :) I have 3 favourites - Wheels, The Pretender and Rope! :awesome: In fact i'm listening to wasting light right now :awesome:

    Oh thats alright. I reckon 64GB would then be probably double that... sadly bit too much for me right now...

    ut oh,That's not good. Better stay away from him then :chuckle:


    :eek: 7 Hours?!?! Imagine being stuck in the middle of the line and then being told it's the end of the day already and you have to leave! That would be terrible :eek:

    :happy: I really wanna go again! How about your summer holiday, what's the plan?

    Ha same! Apart from when I was at Muse and I was missing part one of last years finale :supersad:


    I love it too! :dance: The lady who plays sarah jane from sarah jane adventures died today :(

    It was okay, couple of hard questions :$

    It seems to be awesome! I will have fun! :happy:

    What's todays plan?

    Love you too!


  13. Thanks :) I'll delete it later :)

    Ok, will it come out on DVD?

  14. I tried again and it worked! I uploaded the video via movie maker itself! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSCCxtmnW_M you can download it if you like. let me know when you have so i can take it off again

    if i need to add anything or change anything let me know. i might send a few merch pics to you via email so that you could overlay them. i just dont think my semi monotone voiced video will do the cut for me, but i hope you like it!


  15. :D Oh Yes :yesey:

    Cool! Yeah im starting to get into them now :)

    i dont know actually :$ more than an 8GB for sure :/

    :noey: Bad writer.... Does he mind when you borrow it? :)



    haha ok :LOL:

    Cool! I dont think that was there in 2005 :chuckle: I'd love to try the Harry Potter ride! Thats a long wait! No fastpasses? they're great to use!

    Stupid bloke! :phu: he deserved it completely! Overall are you enjoying america? You will miss dr.who saturday :supersad: do you like dr.who? :)

    I've had my test week this week! 2 tests left :awesome:

    Im seeing a movie called battle los angeles friday with 2 friends!

    Love you too!


  16. its been trying to send now for 10 minutes (loading...)

    Last ditch is MegaVideo or I burn it to a DVD and send it to you via post, and it will arrive saturday/sunday if i send it tomorrow/thursday.

    id be so unhappy if i missed out on this :(

  17. I'll have a go tomorrow or I could just mail you?

  18. It isn't that big yeah, but we are on broadband :)

    I've tried everything, even dailymotion!

  19. Not sure off the top of my head. If i upload the video alone then it was i think 4.3MB when it showed up and then when youtube was processing it said 144MB for some reason.

    When i do it with movie maker i think it was just 500K. Big difference but both didn't upload :/

    what should i do?

  20. None work :( It always fails, however it does work by email, can I send it to you like that? It does open on Movie Maker with me, but can you try see if that works?


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