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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey are you a big cricket fan?? Btw what's your fav muse track right now??

  2. Same here went into P'boro to go to the Met lounge but they wouldnt let anybody in who wasnt in fancy dress lol! :( Yeah dont really know where the shop is though lol! x

  3. Was well gutted coz I missed the Uni open day in Exeter! So what you been up to since?? Have a good Halloween?? x

  4. Did you have a cool Halloween in Russia?? I might have some more Russian t-shirts btw! xx

  5. Well I dont know if this helps but I might be popping into St Neots for a costume for a fancy dress party! Did you have a cool halloween?? xx

  6. Ha it depends what mood I'm in really lol! Er a good one at the moment coz I found the sort of tattoos I want and they arent too expensive lol! I'm kinda pissed at the min coz people think Invincible is shit! x

  7. Hey don't worry Muse never make a bad song imo! Invinsible is a massive track that is sooo underrated (but then alot of their songs are by mainstream listeners, which really pissess me off)! If people really like Muse so much why hate it??

  8. Huh you have met Pete... PETE WENTZ?? I envy you! x My friends saw them play at Wembley Arena a while back and I was gutted that I missed FOB!!! :( xx

  9. Yeah I've always found inspiration in their songs when I'm writing, drawing or thinking up new film concepts! :musesign: I wish I could write song like Matt does... I'd love to make my own Muse band lol! x

  10. Hey I've got that on my Hullabaloo album! Hyper Chondriac Music is my fav off that! :D Erm I think Falling away is my fav track at the moment because it reminds me of someone special in my life! x

  11. Where did you design the cd it is seriously cool?? I think Muse have some pretty cool atrwork for their songs... perhaps you could design their next albu cover lol ;) thanks for the freind add btw xx

  12. :eek: Wow you have a seriously cool profile!!! I love some of your pictures btw they are awesome! What sort of other stuff do you do as a designer (do you have any cool examples of some of your other stuff??) Whats your fav Muse track right now?? x
  13. Yes I've been listening to Muse for a long time! Sice 2001 I think New Born was the first track I heard!!! ;) x

  14. The guitar... Вы получите большое удовольствие от этого?? xx

  15. Ha Thanks for the comment I am a safron milk cap lol?? Mushroom x

  16. Hey how you been since we last chat?? xx

  17. Hey! Happy Halloween x :p

  18. Hey I added uploaded some pics of me in russian tops! See what you think!!! x

  19. Halloween sucks if you go out drinking and don't wear a costume lol!

  20. Yeah definatley! Hey thanks for the picture comments! :p;) Cool tops eh?? If you don't hear from me tonight its because I will be out partying(Я люблю водку!) Happy Halloween xx

  21. Hey Happy Halloween as well! You doing anything special... I'm going out to enjoy a few drinks lol! Any excuse I suppose! x

  22. Thanks but I'd love a manson guitar... if only they were affordable lol! Still they would make one hell of a christmas present :D

  23. K I'm gonna head off now so I'll speak to you soon/1 ;) xx

  24. K I got to head off now early start 2mo! :) goodnight... or good day whatever the time is over there! Speak to you soon! ;) xx

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