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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Ha really you would... Why don't you just come and live over here?? The weather is a bit shit (god how british does that sound moaning about weather lol!) I would like to visit Australia tho just to see what its like! Why Britain tho?? xx

  2. Ha no but I plan to visit teignmouth one day lol! Is it nice where you live?? Cambridge is quite nice... very picturesque but I might be moving away soon! x

  3. Well to be honest I love all their songs really but my fav at the min is either deadstar or bliss! Have you got the Hullabaloo live DVD?? Thats got like the best version of Citizen Erased in my opinion :D xx

  4. I just met up with some mates who went to see FOB at Wembley Arena the other week (lucky gits) I might actually get to see MUSE play live soon!!!

  5. :happy:Hey! How you been since we last chat?? My University thing has really been bugging me lately! xx

  6. Cool name!"... and forces us into self destruction" lol! What's you fav Muse track right now?? x

  7. Hey if your successful hunting down some Muse tickets could I have one?? I've never seen them live :( x

  8. Ha cool perhaps I should visit your country and stock up on some nice little gems lol! Hows things btw?? Have any more cool pics of yourself?? xx

  9. I good thanks, just sort of preparing for uni (y'know all the boring student stuff) lol. Well at least I should be but I'm on the message board alot! I'm looking to go somewhere like Exeter! :) x

  10. Hey thanks for the add!!! :) Ur in 6th Form... What you planning to do after that?? Go Uni maybe?? x

  11. Hey havent spoken to you in ages!!! How have you been??

  12. Hey are those numbers next to the albums to signify how many you own?? MUSE rock! x

  13. Erm well I just went to albums, created one, clicked upload then clicked browse. I got the pics from my documents on my PC... er hope that explains it lol! Do you have pics of urself?? x

  14. All I want is to actually see Muse live... its not fair some people have seen them loads :( x

  15. From a little place called Cambridge (where Matt Bellamy was born!!!) Where abouts do you reside in Italy??

  16. Yes I would love to visit Italy some day... prob on my GAP year before I go off to Uni! x

  17. What time is it over in Australia btw?? x

  18. Lame... I was nearly an Australian coz my grand parents nearly moved over in the 70's lol! Don't you use dollars but they arent worth the same as US dollars. Yeah I could have been living somewhere in Victoria! xx

  19. Hey I added you to my friends!!! Are you like a mega Muse fan as well?? I feel for you when you said you haven't seen them live (its not fair)... What's you fave muse song at the mo?? xx

  20. Deffo! I'm gonna take up with several shops to see if I can work out an average price! Yeah cheap isn't always cheerful! Your tattoo looks amazing tho!!! I'm heading off so I'll speak to ya laters... bye:kiss: x x x

  21. Ignore optomax what I really meant was Kacjaw or wait was it boojum...

  22. Hey do you have any cool pics of yourself at all?? xx

  23. Hey thanks for the RAH link, nice treat for the fans who could be there that night! Do you have anymore little gems like this??

  24. Im getting 7 red & black stars on my right arm! Er I would show you some pics on the web but I don't know how to send them to you! Some nautical stars and other cool patterns not sure how much it will cost tho! :p;) xx

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