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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. I joined just for the introduction.Hatred is not what I feel towards Twilight,but I feel something like that when it comes to talk about the books´writing style and some of the fans (not all of them,of course)´behaviour.
  2. Let it snow,let it snow (or maybe not)... :rudolph:

  3. There are loads of mash-ups around there.Maybe you can find them interesting.
  4. If I´m not wrong,there are three Sumburn remixes (at the end of Random 1-8):two of them were done by Timo Maas (Sunstroke Remix &Breakz Again Remix)and the third was done by Steven McCreery. You are right.The last remixes Muse have released as b sides are rather crap.You can even find better ones in Muselive.What happened to the good old songs like Con-Science,Spiral Static....? And my favourite is the remix of Muscle Museum (Soulwax).It isn´t here,though.
  5. Classical POTO or a cover of the Iron Maiden song?Well...Both would be great.Seriously. A Klaxons cover is ace,too (but done in a couple of years:the original was done a few timw ago).
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