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Everything posted by Morinphen

  1. Ironically enough,it seems that I have a bunch of different friends (or friends-of-friends)coming with me to see Muse,and it´s almost as terrible as not going.Not only because of their ages but of their different "origins".One of the groups is based off teenagerswho know them because of Twilight and Guitar Hero III will come from afar,and the other one,a bunch of people in their early twenties,will come with a friend who lives near me.The worst thing will come as soon as I tell them I want to be seated.

    The problem with my city is that it doesn´t have medium sized venues,and the few ones around have a terrible acoustic because they´re intended for other stuff (sports,etc.)


    I´ve never been able to fight fire with fire,musically speaking.But "Hoist The Colours"can be a quite annoying/spooky song :p

    I´d also like to meet some of my online friends,especially the ones I get along the most.But I´m afraid I won´t be able to do that as it´s an impossible dream.Why can´t I find people like this around me?!

  2. You can´t imagine how angry I felt when I knew they´d play relatively near home in a festival.I don´t even know how the Hell I managed to stay at home.Something similar happened with Radiohead.They haven´t visited my city for six years.And all because they don´t like the venues in here.I still have in front of me the post-it in which I wrote the date of the single concert they did here for "In Rainbows".They can be so indie-by-numbers...and yet I almost fainted when I read for how many money they played there.


    I´m 90%sure that the Top 40 music wouldn´t be there if it wasn´t for all the promotion.If I were a big boss in one of these radios I´d ask my employees to air not well known/considered indie pop stuff which was still catchy AND had a good quality.All right,it´d be as "brainwashing" as what we have nowadays,but at least we´d have interesting stuff out there.I regret to say I have some guilty pleasures,but I can also say that I successfully avoided "Umbrella"because of my radio listening habits.


    I can relate to the "I guess it makes me feel a little bit more special"statement.I still think of Muse as my mall secret,even though they are not anymore.As with RATM,Muse attract some kind of special audience,and I´m glad to have found some of them all over the world.Sadly,I have nothing like that near me.

  3. Soundtracks are a good way to know bands and new sounds.For example,right now I´m listening to "Bloody Tears"from the soundtrack of Castlevania.Just because it reminds me of "In Your World",in a more spooky version.But if you want a space version,look for "Debriefing"from X-COM:UFO Defense.

    DJing for my schoolpartners was one of my dreams,partially because I hated the music used in there and partially because I felt "they had to listen to something more than the top 40".Now that I´m thinking,it seems that I´ve missed too much for not having the average taste in music.But I´ve also found a lot of things too,such as...Matt´s eyes! :p

    I agree with you,but I also like his natural hair.Especially when he had it longer (South American leg of the BHAR/HAARP tour).

    "Hyper Music"is a good example of their RATM fondness.It reminds me of "Sleep Now In The Fire","Testify"and a bit of "Snakecharmer".If RATM asked Muse to be their special guests,Matt would melt in that very moment.And I would too.

  4. Now that´s what I call bad luck.Now I use Spotify and RadioBlogClub,and,to a less extent,YouTube,Goear and The Hype Machine.As you might have noticed,I´d die without music.

    I was also saddened by the lack of RATM/Muse/music I like at school parties.If they only had allowed me to DJ...The closest thing I got was Linkin Park.

    Hey,don´t consider yourself a stupid for loving ZdlR´s hairIf I have to be honest...I loved Matt´s eyes and hands (and I still love them,in a way).Maybe it´s because I barely evolve at all.Or maybe it´s that I already had a good taste.Or maybe not.When I first listened to TBoLA I considered the first part as quite Musey because of the basslines and the riffs,except for "Mic Check".I couldn´t help thinking it sounded a lot like Limp Bizkit! Along with Linkin Park,Limp Bizkit was my favourite band when I was eleven/twelve.

    Enjoy the soundtrack.I recently downloaded the one from that videogame I told you about (Dragon Ball Ultimate Battle)and I still have to listen to it in full.So far I´ve only listened to the songs I liked,such as Darbura´s Theme and its Baroque feel.

    Since you´re not the only one who needs to head for the bed,I´ll leave this by now.

  5. Would you mind if I add you? No,I´m not what I call a "MySpace teenager",don´t worry.Actually,I keep the account just for the charts and the groups.Even though I loved the radios,I´m not a fan of using proxys.I miss Pandora:I found out about tons of groups there.I had two radios.The first one was based on "Knights Of Cydonia",and I named it "Kaoss-E Radio" (hope you get the pun).The other was was based on "Aerodynamic"by Daft Punk,and its name was "Aerodynamic FM",if I´m not wrong.


    That´s why I was so angry.I dislike Twilight overall,but it´s not The Great Satan (no,it has nothing to be with the DBZ charater,except for its emptiness...but then again,it´s just my opinion.As with Satan,both are amusing too!)and I don´t think that every single fan is a yelling little girl.I am not complaining they used a Muse song for the film,I´m just complaining they didn´t use the right song for the right scene.For example,they could have used SMBH for the prom.And Perry Farrell has better stuff,believe me...

    Take a look at your case:you first heard of RATM with The Matrix! And it´s not a bad thing at all.Moreover,you got in touch with an incredible band.

    In mine it was "worse".I selfproclaimed myself (oxymoron!) as a Muse fan after having listened to two songs.It is also true that back in those days I had no chance of getting the albums,and I was eleven by then,but heck,it´s the same thing.


    I might not be the biggest FF fan around (actually,I wanted to see Mando Diao more than FF),but if I wanted to reach the first row for a while,whichever my reasons are,she should have let me reached it,or at least have asked me or said something in the lines of "I´ve been here for hours,you have no right!"And then I would have explained it wasn´t for the music,etc.It´s not my fault if I´m smaller than the average people who attends to concerts.

    Feel free to steal any concept you like. ;)

    By the way,have you dared to venture into "that"universe?

  6. I don´t want to sound like a cranky old woman,but it seems that the world is going downhill and perople is okay with it! Here´s an example.The other day I was on Last FM checking the thread of the Muse concert I´m going,and I was pretty shocked to read how almost everyone said that they were ready to squash people because "it´s what makes a concert a good thing".Even worse,they wanted to do that to the "silly Twatlighters".And if I wasn´t infuriated enough because I hate that kind of generalizations,I read a message of someone who complained that "a young girl who was so small who couldn´t see anything even she was in the third row tried to made her way onto the first row"in a certain Franz Ferdinand concert.When I saw the avatar of the one complaining,I couldn´t do anything but groaning:I was that young,small girl.And all I wanted was reaching the barrier because I had a chewing gum in my trousers and I needed to pull it out.


    Obviously,you´re supposed to have fun in a concert,but my idea of fun is not that.Plus I hate that people don´t think twice about each other.There´s no empathy whatsoever.I often feel like a freak because of acting the right way.

  7. As I see it,they think that the customer is always right no matter what.Plus few people stop thinking about themselves when they´re buying.Common sense does not exist anymore!

  8. First of all,thanks for your wishes.

    The shop thing...I somehow know what´s it like,not directly,but I know it.My mother used to work at a video shop with my aunt and she has told me lots of stuff like that.That´s why I´ve learnt to respect the closing times and when the counters are about to be closed down.We have supermarkets near our house,and I often have to buy there in case of emergency.And guess what?I feel bad for the people working there as they have to deal with one more customer.

  9. I´m afraid to say I find this system a bit unfair,but on the other hand it prepares you better.Thanks for the explanation.

    Actually,if I´m worrying about this now was because of the subject homework.Okay,iy was the only subject in which I had homework,but it was,let´s say..."special".So I often found myself inventing stories (thank goodness I´m skilled at this :p )late at night,or going to places I wasn´t interested in.I´d be lying if I told you I didn´t enjoy it,but there was a big problem:we had to do ALL the exercises.No excuses were allowed.Out of terror (because the teacher already told me that I´d fail if I didn´t have the exercises next time)I had to play truant against my will.And God knows how painful it was for me.

    To make things worse,I might have failed the last exam,thus having to do that homework.But...it might be easier than the expected.Most of the exercises are the ones we´ve already did this year,and I might...recycle them.

  10. I am still confused...so you go straight from Secondary to Uni? That´s not fair! :p

    Speaking of lists of grades,I am worried because I have no clue if I´ll get them.It´s my first year and I don´t know how this thing works at all.To be honest,I haven´t had any life there,except for attending the lectures and going to the library...to get horror and anime movies. Go me.

    What makes me more nervous is the fact that I still don´t know the mark of the most difficult/important subject.As I´ve told you,in case of failing itI would have to do tons of homework and that´s not what I´d like to do this Summer.

  11. Sounds so odd and difficult to me...

    Here´s way easier.After finishing Secondary (which has up to five branches,even though there were only three in my school)you have two years to prepare yourself for the Pre Uni exams.If you don´t want to take them,you can study Professional Formation,which prepares you for practice-oriented jobs.Still,if you have studied that and you wish to take a career ,you have to do the Pre Uni exams,but you need a higher mark to choose a career.

    In my case,I chose Social Studies,but I still had to study Maths and Economics because of what I told you about my school.Since I oot fairly good grades at both school and the exams,I could apply for the career I wanted.

  12. Actually,it´s not so crazy as it might sound.If I´m not wrong,"they"decided to create the pre uni exams because back in those days there were a lot of people wanting to go to Uni,so it was "needed"that some people couldn´t make it.The mark you get rhere is important too.I got enough to take the career I wanted,but I couldn´t get the second option I kept in mind.It was rather funny,because when you´re applying you have to fill in a certain document in which you have to write (or "type",as I did it on the Uni website)ten careers in case you can´t get the one you want because of having to many perople applying for it.So I typed names of careers in which I had little or no interest,but I thought that could be useful.

    I don´t know if we´re lucky or just some people who had to work more than usual.yes,I mean that European plan which is about to be "our common law"...

  13. I don´t know what´s going to happen in that sense.I have technically finished my classes,and I know the marks...except for one.and that "one"requires doing tons of homework in case I fail it.And all because I didn´t read one book out of six.To make things worse,it´s my first uni year and I don´t know how things work.I mean,I don´t know if I have to do some red tape or what.

    Good luck,that´s all I can say.I was the same a year ago.We had to do the pre-uni exams and I thought I´d fail all of them.I succeded,but I still can´t figure why.

  14. I suppose that´s the same on most of animes involving kids.They are not supposed to act like "normal"kids.Especially those whcih are involved in "sobrenatural"events,so to say.You´ll see what I mean if you finish the third season.

    So she´s called Reika there?I like that name more than the original one.If I´m not wrong,Reika was the name of an anime/manga which was more like a soap opera,Marmalade Boy.Reika was a good example:one of the subplots involving her having an affair with a teacher of her school.

  15. I disliked Guilmon because of bhis childish behaviour.It there has been a Digimon character I´ve been identified with,that was Rika.But I might have chosen IceDevimon instead of Renamon when she had the chance,hehe...

    By the way,if there was something that surprised me for the series was the complete freedom the children have to leave their homes when it was time to fight against enemies,in a "Mum,Dad,I´m off to save the world!"way.

  16. Discussing about non-existant characters?Fanfics exist for a reason,you know :p

    I haven´t played DBZ games for a long time,but I resurrected a fighting one I had forgotten because of its nonsense (mostly because it was in French,but the game wasn´t good either).Looking for cheats I discovered that it ACTUALLY had a story mode,but you had to know the order of choosing characters to make it work.

    Kari didn´t say a word.The translators tried to imply it :p

    You might find this link useful: http://www.duckfeather.net/digimon/02/episode13.htm

    Check the whole site if you are interested in the matter.Anyway,it talk about the American version,which was EVEN more slaughtered than the European ones.For example,when I downloaded the Digimon Adventure soundtrack,there was a missing song:that one which was like a Western version of the Concierto of aranjuez from Joaquín Rodrigo.Imagine my face when I looked for the English dubbed episodes and I realised that NONE OF THEM had the original soundtrack.

    By the way,I didn´t get that song. It´s the one which starts at 0:12 and ends at 2:20 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqiqK296yE0

  17. Oddly enough,I´m listening to a soundtrack while typing this (Return Of The Jedi, because I feel like it).

    the name thing...that´s why I said it could be quite understandable,especially if there are 6475345645 Japanese charaters involved.

    I also liked Toriyama´s sense of humour.Doctor Briefs,Bibidi,Babidi and Buu,Videl (Devil) &Satan.But I hated how cocky and overprotective Matt was.Quite funny,since I always loved the "lone wolfs" from Digimon (Ken,Rika,Koji&Koichi...).Then he became the "oh look at me I´m so cool I am a rockstar and then I become an astronaut!"type of character.Not that I wouldn´t like to do that...

    I was never fond of the relationship between T.K &Kari,but one of my favorite chapters was focused on that:The Call Of Dragomon.I loved it because of the refernces to the Chtulhu Mythos right from its title,an obvious reference to The Call Of Chtulhu.It was that chapter in which Kari found herself in the Dark Dimension,surrounded by Divermon/Deep Ones who worshipped Dragomon/Dagon.

    I sometimes play Digimon 3 in my old Play Station.If you want to get the 100%,it becomes really difficult.A childish game?My arse.

    According to what I read and what I got,that Koromon wasn´t Tai´s Koromon/Agumon,but a different one.That´s why Kari wasn´t scared when she saw his brother´s partner for the first time:she reminded what happened,but her brother forgot it.

  18. Yes,they´re famous in Japan,along with pop singers like Utada Hikaru and the like.My favourite Japanese band is not one of those,though.I´m talking about Envy.But I also like Mono.Both bands share a post rock feel.I´m not into the Visual Kei scene,but I´ve listened to some of those bands and I´ve liked them.I suppose that the closest musicians to the average "opening band"I listen to are B´z (the guitarist´s awesome!).What I mean is that "J-something"is a ridiculous tag because their music could have been written anywhere.Take Dragon´s Ash case,for example.


    Changing Japanese names into English ones is one of the usual changes "they"do to make it more appalling to Western audiences.It´s one of the (often silly)changes I was talking you about.By the way...do you know Death Note?Well,when I first heard about it I laughed for a long time,because the main character´s Light Yagami.What is the Japanese word for "light?"It´s "hikari".And Hikari Yagami was the name of Kari,Tai´s sister.When they translated their names,"Yagami"was changed by "Kamiya".I used both surnames,as for some odd reason,they translated it by both ways.

    I also liked Angemon,but the one I liked the most from the Chosen Digimon was WarGreymon.Unless you count SkullGreymon,that´s it.I liked WereGarurumon too.

    Regarding Gatomon,I liked his friendship towards Wizardmon,another of my favourite characters.You´re not the only one who thought of Digimon while listening to Ravel´s Bolero.I remember we once had to listen to some classical pieces for Music class,and write in a piece of paper what we thought while listening to them.I still remember what I wrote down :"Parrotmon and Greymon fight in Odaiba".

    I like electronic music,but I don´t listen to it most of the time.

  19. Again,I didn´t get that opening,but a dubbed version of Chala-Head-Chala.("Fly awaaaaay" :p ) I miss those times too.Of course it´s real music! Actually,some of the most famous bands record openings and endings.Or work in both things (take Megumi Hayashibara as an example).I often search and get openings and endings (or the whole soundtrack...)from anime I like.By the way,I was in a shock when I found out that "Paranoid Android" was the ending theme for "Ergo Proxy"!

    And quite angry/sad/something when I found out that Kraftwerk were the supporter band for Radiohead in their last South American tour.Without them,electronic music wouldn´t have existed as we know it nowadays.

  20. I take you don´t know who Kraftwerk are...? :eek:

    Continuing with my rant about 4Kids ruin anime...When I saw the movie I liked the soundtrack,which I got years after.Imagine my face when I looked for the Japanese OVAs and I realised that THERE WAS NO SOUNDTRACK.I´m not a big fan of dubbed openings/endings,but I liked what they did with "Butterfly" (Digimon Adventure´s opening)here.They kept the tune,but the lyrics were about the series.

    The most annoying opening in the whole world has to be the American opening of Naruto.I haven´t watched a single chapter,but right now I´m hooked on the first soundtrack.I just like its Japanese feel mixed with powerful guitars.

  21. I have some old DBZ mangas as well as some Digimon comics which came with my VHS tapes.I clearly remember that one of them had a "hidden message".If you saw one of the stripes in which Izzy was trying to solve the codes from the machine factory by flipping the comic,you could read "Kraftwerk"and "Depeche Mode".

    I was talking about "Digimon:The Movie"which was made up of several OVAs from the first and second seasons.Which were my favourite ones.The following ones were completely odd.Or maybe not.I just hated how the Digiworld changed on every season.


    The ticket grants me the impressive power of being where i please.I´d rather go seated,but it must be that more people will come with me,and they´ll want standing for sure.

    Yes,I know the code:I wrote it down along with the rest of handy-internet-related-codes I have/need.

  22. I...must confess...I still have a Digimon poster in my room.Worse still:it´s a poster from the movie,which was just another 4Kids travesty.Years after I got to see every chapter on YouTube and I was amazed.I don´t know why,since I used to watch Yu-Gi-Oh!,probably the most censored anime in the history.

    But I´m glad to say I managed to buya ticket! Out of desperation I introduced a code which turned out to be the correct one.Soon after I went with my father (as the ticket was bought with his card,and I didn´t want to waste my time doing photocopies)to get it.

  23. Ha,as if Digimon were the only anime in the world...I liked it because of the design of the bad characters.

    I also loved The Matrix soundtracks.Reloaded had "Calm Like A Bomb",one of my fave RATM songs ever.SOAD (yes,Tom works with Serj Tankian for Axis Of Justice)might not be for everyone,but they´re worth a try.

    Returning to Muse,I´m on the verge of turning into Hulk because of not being able to get the tickets because I have to introduce a bank code.After having visited the bank with my father a couple of times,it still says that the code is wrong :(

  24. Funny you said that.My old video player was broken for years,so I couldn´t either record music videos or play mine:that was the time in which I got half of the first Digimon Adventure season.We eventually got one,but DVD was the new trend.I still use the VHS player to record random stuff.

    I´ll be waiting for the story about how did you use the keys.Don´t rush.It has taken me ages to appreciate the whole universe :p

    I love links (maybe that´s why I also like The Legend Of Zelda!),and I´ve reached a point in which I could link almost everything.That´s how my brain works nowadays and I´m happy about that.Maybe that Tokio Hotel thing proves it.I also thought of Mr.Leto because of the name,but I realised you couldn´t be so obvious (could you? :p )

    Apart from RATM and Muse,one of my favourite bands is System Of A Down (there are lots of links between them as well!).When I bought "Toxicity"I spent almost a year translating the lyrics and looking for their meanings.But I gave it up.Not because of boredom-but it is also true that I bought "Absolution"in the same dates-but of realising that the lyrics were open to interpretation because that´s what they wanted.And do you know what?It was better that way.

    A final note: Dom´s not gay,he´s just in touch with his feminine side :p

    I hate that type of set phrases,by the way.

    But I like the line of thought you took from his attitudes.


    p.s. I don´t know why I use " :p "so much.

  25. You can play it here: http://www.dailyfreegames.com/flash/dress-up-games/dragon-ball-dress-up.html

    Actually,all the I Am Legend movies (such as "Omega Man")were based upon the book of the same name.Look for it if you´re interested in knowing how it really ends,as it´s quite easy to find.

    My favourite galaxy?Difficult to say,it is.I really like The Bends because of its Museness (until 2002,Matt used to namecheck it as one of his favourite albums along with Nirvana´s "Nevermind"),but I also love "Amnesiac".I couldn´t tell which one´s my favourite planet,though.

    I like the way you´ve linked everything.It makes me think of Tokio Hotel,though.:p

    Not in a bad way.I,for one,dislike them,but there are worse things out there.I often think about Bill must feel after having read 47864675345 comments questioning his sexuality.

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